// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. import { AgentSettings } from "../serviceClient"; import { BaseRequestPolicy, RequestPolicy, RequestPolicyFactory, RequestPolicyOptionsLike, } from "./requestPolicy"; import { HttpOperationResponse } from "../httpOperationResponse"; import { WebResourceLike } from "../webResource"; const agentNotSupportedInBrowser = new Error("AgentPolicy is not supported in browser environment"); export function agentPolicy(_agentSettings?: AgentSettings): RequestPolicyFactory { return { create: (_nextPolicy: RequestPolicy, _options: RequestPolicyOptionsLike) => { throw agentNotSupportedInBrowser; }, }; } export class AgentPolicy extends BaseRequestPolicy { constructor(nextPolicy: RequestPolicy, options: RequestPolicyOptionsLike) { super(nextPolicy, options); throw agentNotSupportedInBrowser; } public sendRequest(_request: WebResourceLike): Promise { throw agentNotSupportedInBrowser; } }