import { expect } from 'chai'; import 'mocha'; import { metrics } from '../src'; describe('MetricsGatherer', () => { beforeEach(() => { metrics.clear(); }); const expectToErr = (f: () => void) => { const errsBefore = metrics.internalErrorCount; f(); expect(metrics.internalErrorCount - errsBefore).to.equal(1); }; describe('Client Passthrough', () => { it('method on client should be accessible (check exponentialBuckets)`', () => { expect(metrics.client.exponentialBuckets(1, 2, 3)).to.eql([1, 2, 4]); }); }); describe('Error', () => { it('should fail if same name used for different kinds', () => { expectToErr(() => { metrics.counter('a_name', 1); metrics.histogram('a_name', 1); }); }); }); describe('Gauge', () => { it('should create a gauge on inc() for undescribed metric', () => {'undescribed_gauge', 10); const output = metrics.output(); expect(/TYPE undescribed_gauge gauge/.test(output)); }); it('should not create a gauge, but a counter, if _total suffix found', () => {'build_error_total', 1); const output = metrics.output(); expect(/TYPE build_error_total counter/.test(output)); }); it('should inc and dec by 1 by default', () => { let output: string;'undescribed_gauge'); output = metrics.output(); expect(/undescribed_gauge 1/.test(output));'undescribed_gauge'); output = metrics.output(); expect(/undescribed_gauge 2/.test(output)); metrics.dec('undescribed_gauge'); output = metrics.output(); expect(/undescribed_gauge 1/.test(output)); }); }); describe('Counter', () => { it('should create a counter', () => { metrics.describe.counter( 'existent_counter', 'a counter that should exist', ); metrics.counter('existent_counter'); const output = metrics.output(); expect(/TYPE existent_counter counter/.test(output)); }); it('should reset a counter', () => { metrics.describe.counter( 'resetting_counter', 'a counter that should be reset', ); metrics.counter('resetting_counter'); metrics.reset('resetting_counter'); const output = metrics.output(); expect(/resetting_counter 0/.test(output)); }); it('should increment by 1 if not specified', () => { metrics.describe.counter('simple_counter', 'a simple counter'); metrics.counter('simple_counter'); const output = metrics.output(); expect(/simple_counter 1/.test(output)); }); it('should increment by a variable amount', () => { metrics.describe.counter( 'variable_counter', 'a counter that should increment by variable amounts', ); metrics.counter('variable_counter', 1);'variable_counter', 3); const output = metrics.output(); expect(/variable_counter 4/.test(output)); }); it('should throw an error on dec() to counter', () => { expectToErr(() => { metrics.counter('counter_metric', 1); metrics.dec('counter_metric'); }); }); }); describe('Summary', () => { it('should throw an error on inc() to summary', () => { expectToErr(() => { metrics.summary('summary_metric', 1);'summary_metric'); }); }); it('should throw an error on dec() to summary', () => { expectToErr(() => { metrics.summary('summary_metric', 1); metrics.dec('summary_metric'); }); }); it('should allow single-line CustomParams', () => { const percentiles = [0.1, 0.5, 0.9]; metrics.summary('summary_metric', 1, {}, { percentiles }); expect(metrics.meta['summary_metric'].customParams.percentiles).to.eql( percentiles, ); }); }); describe('Histogram', () => { it('should throw an error on inc() to histogram', () => { expectToErr(() => { metrics.histogram('histogram_metric', 1);'histogram_metric'); }); }); it('should throw an error on dec() to histogram', () => { expectToErr(() => { metrics.histogram('histogram_metric', 1); metrics.dec('histogram_metric'); }); }); it('should allow single-line CustomParams', () => { const buckets = [1, 9, 99, 999]; metrics.histogram('histogram_metric', 1, {}, { buckets }); expect(metrics.meta['histogram_metric'].customParams.buckets).to.eql( buckets, ); }); }); });