declare const isLight: (color: string) => boolean; declare const getLightVariant: (color: string) => string; declare const getDarkVariant: (color: string) => string; /** * Finds the closest [accessible color]( * * @param color - in [#-hexadecimal notation]( (like `#RRGGBB` or `#RGB`) * @returns contrast color in [#-hexadecimal notation]( */ declare const getContrastVariant: (color: string) => string; /** * Changes the lightness of `color` by the given `amount`. * * @param color - to shade in [#-hexadecimal notation]( (like `#RRGGBB` or `#RGB`) * @param amount - value between `0` and `1` * @returns shaded color in [#-hexadecimal notation]( */ declare const shade: (color: string, amount: number) => string; /** * Creates a {@link shade} color using `ifLight` if `color` [is light]{@link isLight} * otherwise `ifDark`. * * @param color - to shade in [#-hexadecimal notation]( (like `#RRGGBB` or `#RGB`) * @param ifLight - amount between `0` and `1` if `color` [is light]{@link isLight} * @param ifDark - amount between `0` and `1` if `color` is dark (eg [not light]{@link isLight}) * @returns shaded color in [#-hexadecimal notation]( */ declare const getShadeVariant: (color: string, ifLight: number, ifDark?: number) => string; declare type ThemeColors = Record; interface Shades extends Record { hover?: number | [darker: number, lighter: number]; active?: number | [darker: number, lighter: number]; disabled?: number | [darker: number, lighter: number]; selected?: number | [darker: number, lighter: number]; } declare const createOnColor: (colors: ThemeColors, key: string, color?: string | undefined) => ThemeColors; declare const generateOnColors: (base: ThemeColors) => ThemeColors; declare const createShadeVariants: (colors: ThemeColors, key: string, shades?: Shades, color?: string | undefined) => ThemeColors; declare const generateColors: (base: ThemeColors, shades?: Shades | undefined) => ThemeColors; export { Shades, ThemeColors, createOnColor, createShadeVariants, generateColors, generateOnColors, getContrastVariant, getDarkVariant, getLightVariant, getShadeVariant, isLight, shade }; //#