import execa from 'execa'; import mergeWith from 'lodash/mergeWith'; import { PrimitiveType } from '@boost/args'; import { Blueprint, isObject, optimal, Path, Predicates, predicates, toArray } from '@boost/common'; import { ConcurrentEvent, Event } from '@boost/event'; import { Plugin } from '@boost/plugin'; import { STRATEGY_BUFFER, STRATEGY_COPY, STRATEGY_CREATE, STRATEGY_NATIVE, STRATEGY_NONE, STRATEGY_PIPE, STRATEGY_REFERENCE, STRATEGY_STREAM, STRATEGY_TEMPLATE, } from './constants'; import { ConfigContext } from './contexts/ConfigContext'; import { DriverContext } from './contexts/DriverContext'; import { isClassInstance } from './helpers/isClassInstance'; import { Argv, BeemoTool, ConfigObject, Driverable, DriverCommandConfig, DriverCommandRegistration, DriverCommandRunner, DriverConfigStrategy, DriverMetadata, DriverOptions, DriverOutput, DriverOutputStrategy, Execution, } from './types'; export abstract class Driver< Config extends object = {}, Options extends DriverOptions = DriverOptions, > extends Plugin implements Driverable { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any commands: DriverCommandRegistration[] = []; // Set after instantiation config!: Config; // Set after instantiation metadata!: DriverMetadata; // Set within a life-cycle tool!: BeemoTool; output: DriverOutput = { stderr: '', stdout: '', }; readonly onLoadProviderConfig = new Event<[ConfigContext, Path, Config]>('load-provider-config'); readonly onLoadConsumerConfig = new Event<[ConfigContext, Config]>('load-consumer-config'); readonly onMergeConfig = new Event<[ConfigContext, Config]>('merge-config'); readonly onCreateConfigFile = new Event<[ConfigContext, Path, Config]>('create-config-file'); readonly onCopyConfigFile = new Event<[ConfigContext, Path, Config]>('copy-config-file'); readonly onReferenceConfigFile = new Event<[ConfigContext, Path, Config]>( 'reference-config-file', ); readonly onTemplateConfigFile = new Event<[ConfigContext, Path, ConfigObject | string]>( 'template-config-file', ); readonly onDeleteConfigFile = new Event<[ConfigContext, Path]>('delete-config-file'); readonly onBeforeExecute = new ConcurrentEvent<[DriverContext, Argv]>('before-execute'); readonly onAfterExecute = new ConcurrentEvent<[DriverContext, unknown]>('after-execute'); readonly onFailedExecute = new ConcurrentEvent<[DriverContext, Error]>('failed-execute'); static validate(driver: Driver) { const name = (isClassInstance(driver) && || 'Driver'; if (!isObject(driver.options)) { throw new Error(`\`${name}\` requires an options object.`); } } blueprint({ array, object, string, bool }: Predicates): Blueprint { return { args: array(string()), configStrategy: string(STRATEGY_NATIVE).oneOf([ STRATEGY_NATIVE, STRATEGY_CREATE, STRATEGY_REFERENCE, STRATEGY_TEMPLATE, STRATEGY_COPY, STRATEGY_NONE, ]), dependencies: array(string()), env: object(string()), expandGlobs: bool(true), outputStrategy: string(STRATEGY_BUFFER).oneOf([ STRATEGY_BUFFER, STRATEGY_PIPE, STRATEGY_STREAM, STRATEGY_NONE, ]), template: string(), }; } bootstrap() {} override startup(tool: BeemoTool) { this.tool = tool; this.bootstrap(); } /** * Special case for merging arrays. */ doMerge(prevValue: unknown, nextValue: unknown): unknown { if (Array.isArray(prevValue) && Array.isArray(nextValue)) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment return [ Set([...prevValue, ...nextValue])] as unknown; } return undefined; } /** * Extract the error message when the driver fails to execute. */ extractErrorMessage(error: { message: string }): string { return error.message.split('\n', 1)[0] || ''; } /** * Format the configuration file before it's written. */ formatConfig(data: Config): string { const content = JSON.stringify(data, null, 2); if (this.metadata.configName.endsWith('.js')) { return `module.exports = ${content};`; } return content; } /** * Return the module name without the Beemo namespace. */ getName(): string { return'-').pop()!; } /** * Return a list of user defined arguments. */ getArgs(): Argv { return toArray(this.options.args); } /** * Return a list of dependent drivers. */ getDependencies(): string[] { return [ // Always required; configured by the driver ...this.metadata.dependencies, // Custom; configured by the consumer ...toArray(this.options.dependencies), ]; } /** * Either return the tool override strategy, or the per-driver strategy. */ getOutputStrategy(): DriverOutputStrategy { return (this.tool.config.execute.output || this.options.outputStrategy) ?? STRATEGY_BUFFER; } /** * Return a list of supported CLI options. */ getSupportedOptions(): string[] { return []; } /** * Extract the current version of the installed driver via its binary. */ getVersion(): string { const { bin, versionOption } = this.metadata; const version = (execa.sync(bin, [versionOption], { preferLocal: true })?.stdout || '').trim(); const match = version.match(/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/u); return match ? match[0] : '0.0.0'; } /** * Merge multiple configuration objects. */ mergeConfig(prev: Config, next: Config): Config { return mergeWith(prev, next, this.doMerge); } /** * Handle command failures according to this driver. */ processFailure(error: Execution) { const { stderr = '', stdout = '' } = error; const out = (stderr || stdout).trim(); if (out) { this.setOutput('stderr', out); } } /** * Handle successful commands according to this driver. */ processSuccess(response: Execution) { const { stderr = '', stdout = '' } = response; this.setOutput('stderr', stderr.trim()); this.setOutput('stdout', stdout.trim()); } /** * Register a sub-command within the CLI. */ registerCommand( path: string, config: DriverCommandConfig, runner: DriverCommandRunner, ) { this.commands.push({ config, path, runner }); return this; } /** * Set metadata about the binary/executable in which this driver wraps. */ setMetadata(metadata: Partial): this { const { array, bool, string, object, shape } = predicates; this.metadata = optimal( metadata, { bin: string() .match(/^[a-z]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$/u) .required(), commandOptions: object( shape({ description: string().required(), type: string().oneOf<'boolean' | 'number' | 'string'>(['string', 'number', 'boolean']), }), ), configName: string().required(), configOption: string('--config'), configStrategy: string(STRATEGY_CREATE).oneOf([ STRATEGY_CREATE, STRATEGY_REFERENCE, STRATEGY_COPY, ]), dependencies: array(string()), description: string(), filterOptions: bool(true), helpOption: string('--help'), title: string().required(), useConfigOption: bool(), versionOption: string('--version'), watchOptions: array(string()), workspaceStrategy: string(STRATEGY_REFERENCE).oneOf([STRATEGY_REFERENCE, STRATEGY_COPY]), }, { name:, }, ); return this; } /** * Store the raw output of the driver's execution. */ setOutput(type: keyof DriverOutput, value: string): this { this.output[type] = value.trim(); return this; } }