import { getContributorsFromRepoContributorData, Fellow, } from '@bevry/github-contributors' import { readJSON, writeJSON } from '@bevry/json' import { getGitHubRepoSlug, SluggablePackage } from './util.js' interface Package extends SluggablePackage { name?: string author?: string authors?: string | Array contributors?: Array maintainers?: Array } export default async function updateContributors(path: string) { let localCount = 0, remoteCount = 0 // read const pkg: Package = await readJSON(path) // slug const githubRepoSlug = getGitHubRepoSlug(pkg) const slug = githubRepoSlug || if (!slug) { console.error(path, pkg) throw new Error('package needs at least a name to identify it uniquely') } // Add local people to the singleton with their appropriate permissions Fellow.add(, pkg.authors).forEach((person) => { person.authoredRepositories.add(slug) }) Fellow.add(pkg.contributors).forEach((person) => { person.contributedRepositories.add(slug) }) Fellow.add(pkg.maintainers).forEach((person) => { person.maintainedRepositories.add(slug) }) localCount = Fellow.fellows.length // Enhance authors, contributors and maintainers with latest remote data if (githubRepoSlug) { try { const added = await getContributorsFromRepoContributorData(githubRepoSlug) remoteCount = added.size } catch (err) { console.warn(err) console.warn( `FAILED to fetch the remote contributors for the repository: ${githubRepoSlug}`, ) } } // update the data with the converged data delete pkg.authors = Fellow.authorsRepository(slug) .map((fellow) => fellow.toString({ displayYears: true, displayEmail: true }), ) .join(', ') pkg.contributors = Fellow.contributesRepository(slug) .map((fellow) => fellow.toString({ displayEmail: true, urlFields: ['githubUrl', 'url'] }), ) .filter((entry) => entry.includes('[bot]') === false) .sort() pkg.maintainers = Fellow.maintainsRepository(slug) .map((fellow) => fellow.toString({ displayEmail: true, urlFields: ['githubUrl', 'url'] }), ) .sort() // clean up in case empty if (! delete if (pkg.contributors.length === 0) delete pkg.contributors if (pkg.maintainers.length === 0) delete pkg.maintainers // write it await writeJSON(path, pkg) // done console.log( `Updated contributors (${localCount} local, ${remoteCount} remote) on [${path}]`, ) }