import * as test from 'tape'; import * as request from 'supertest'; import {response} from './tools'; export interface ITestApi { handler?: any; description?: string; context?: string; route?: string; execute?: any; // promise to execute method?: string; send?: any; expectedCode?: number; contentType?: string; showResults?: boolean; expected?: any; emptyResultExpected?: boolean; failureExpected?: boolean; compared?: any; comparison?: string; } export class TestApi { private app: any; constructor(app) { = app; process.setMaxListeners(Infinity); } test(params: Array) { for (let i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { test(`${i + 1}) ${params[i].description}`, t => { this.__test(t, params[i]); }); } } __test(t: any, params: ITestApi) { const app =; // double Promises to avoid unhandled promises return new Promise((_res, _rej) => { return new Promise((__res, __rej) => { try { // do we have a promise to execute instead of a REST API request? if (params.execute && params.execute.then) { return params.execute .then(success => { if (params.showResults && success.success !== false) { console.log('[showResults: ON]:', success); }else if(params.showResults && success.success === false) { __rej(success); t.error(true, success); t.end(); return; } __res(true); _res(true); t.error(false, 'No error'); t.end(); }) .catch(err => { __rej(err); t.error(true, err); t.end(); }); } const expectedCode = params.expectedCode || 200, send = params.send || null, contentType = params.contentType || /json/, showResults = (params.showResults === undefined) ? true : params.showResults; let route = params.route.toString().trim(), method; if (route.indexOf(' ') > -1) { [method, route] = params.route.split(' '); } else { route = params.route; method = (params.method === undefined) ? 'get' : params.method.toString().toLowerCase(); } const r = request(app)[method](route); if (send) { r.send(send); } r.expect('Content-Type', contentType); r.expect(expectedCode); r.end((err, res) => { if (err) { t.error(true, res.body.error || err); __rej(err.message); } else { if (showResults) { console.log('[showResults: ON]:', res.body); } // compared is null, it means it is expecting if (params.expected && !params.compared) { console.log('comparing with'); params.compared =; } if (params.compared && params.expected && params.expected.length) { const expected = {}; for (let i = 0; i < params.expected.length; i++) { expected[params.expected[i]] =[params.expected[i]]; } t.same(params.compared, expected, `'${params.context}' info matches as expected`); } else { if ((! && !res.body.swagger) || (Array.isArray( && ! { if (!res.body.error && (params.emptyResultExpected || params.failureExpected || send)) { t.error(false, 'No error'); } else { if (!res.body.success && params.emptyResultExpected) { t.error(false, 'No error'); } else { t.error(true, '[114] Empty array returned'); } } } else { if (res.body.swagger || res.body.success || params.failureExpected) { // if ( && && ! if (( && Array.isArray( && ! || ! && !params.emptyResultExpected) { t.error(true, '[120] Empty array/value returned'); } else { t.error(false, 'No error'); } } else { t.error(true, res.body.error); } } } __res(true); _res(res.body); } t.end(); }); } catch (error) { console.log('138 tools.test.__test()', error); __rej(response(false, error.message)); } }) .catch(errorResponse => { console.log('143 tools.test.__test()', errorResponse); _res(errorResponse); }); }); } }