/* * Copyright 2015 Palantir Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the BSD-3 License as modified (the “License”); you may obtain a copy * of the license at https://github.com/palantir/blueprint/blob/master/LICENSE * and https://github.com/palantir/blueprint/blob/master/PATENTS */ import * as classNames from "classnames"; import * as React from "react"; import { Button, Classes, IBackdropProps, Intent, IOverlayableProps, Overlay, Switch, } from "@blueprintjs/core"; import BaseExample, { handleBooleanChange } from "./common/baseExample"; const OVERLAY_EXAMPLE_CLASS = "docs-overlay-example-transition"; export interface IOverlayExampleState extends IOverlayableProps, IBackdropProps { isOpen?: boolean; } export class OverlayExample extends BaseExample { public state: IOverlayExampleState = { autoFocus: true, canEscapeKeyClose: true, canOutsideClickClose: true, enforceFocus: true, hasBackdrop: true, inline: false, isOpen: false, }; private button: HTMLButtonElement; private refHandlers = { button: (ref: HTMLButtonElement) => this.button = ref, }; private handleAutoFocusChange = handleBooleanChange((autoFocus) => this.setState({ autoFocus })); private handleBackdropChange = handleBooleanChange((hasBackdrop) => this.setState({ hasBackdrop })); private handleEnforceFocusChange = handleBooleanChange((enforceFocus) => this.setState({ enforceFocus })); private handleEscapeKeyChange = handleBooleanChange((canEscapeKeyClose) => this.setState({ canEscapeKeyClose })); private handleInlineChange = handleBooleanChange((inline) => this.setState({ inline })); private handleOutsideClickChange = handleBooleanChange((val) => this.setState({ canOutsideClickClose: val })); protected renderExample() { const classes = classNames( Classes.CARD, Classes.ELEVATION_4, OVERLAY_EXAMPLE_CLASS, this.props.getTheme(), ); return (

I'm an Overlay!

This is a simple container with some inline styles to position it on the screen. Its CSS transitions are customized for this example only to demonstrate how easily custom transitions can be implemented.

Click the right button below to transfer focus to the "Show Overlay" trigger button outside of this overlay. If persistent focus is enabled, focus will be constrained to the overlay. Use the tab key to move to the next focusable element to illustrate this effect.

); } protected renderOptions() { const { hasBackdrop, inline } = this.state; return [ [ , , , ], [ , , , ], ]; } protected handleOpen = () => this.setState({ isOpen: true }); protected handleClose = () => this.setState({ isOpen: false }); private focusButton = () => this.button.focus(); }