import * as React from "react"; import { AbstractPureComponent2, Elevation } from "../../common"; import { HTMLDivProps, Props } from "../../common/props"; export declare type CardProps = ICardProps; /** @deprecated use CardProps */ export interface ICardProps extends Props, HTMLDivProps { /** * Controls the intensity of the drop shadow beneath the card: the higher * the elevation, the higher the drop shadow. At elevation `0`, no drop * shadow is applied. * * @default 0 */ elevation?: Elevation; /** * Whether the card should respond to user interactions. If set to `true`, * hovering over the card will increase the card's elevation * and change the mouse cursor to a pointer. * * Recommended when `onClick` is also defined. * * @default false */ interactive?: boolean; /** * Callback invoked when the card is clicked. * Recommended when `interactive` is `true`. */ onClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent) => void; } export declare class Card extends AbstractPureComponent2 { static displayName: string; static defaultProps: CardProps; render(): JSX.Element; }