/// import { AbstractPureComponent2 } from "../../common"; import { HTMLDivProps, Props } from "../../common/props"; import { NavbarDivider } from "./navbarDivider"; import { NavbarGroup } from "./navbarGroup"; import { NavbarHeading } from "./navbarHeading"; export { INavbarDividerProps, NavbarDividerProps } from "./navbarDivider"; export declare type NavbarProps = INavbarProps; /** @deprecated use NavbarProps */ export interface INavbarProps extends Props, HTMLDivProps { /** * Whether this navbar should be fixed to the top of the viewport (using CSS `position: fixed`). */ fixedToTop?: boolean; } export declare class Navbar extends AbstractPureComponent2 { static displayName: string; static Divider: typeof NavbarDivider; static Group: typeof NavbarGroup; static Heading: typeof NavbarHeading; render(): JSX.Element; }