import * as React from "react"; import { AbstractPureComponent2 } from "../../common"; import { HTMLInputProps, IntentProps, Props, MaybeElement } from "../../common/props"; import { IconName } from "../icon/icon"; import { TagProps } from "../tag/tag"; /** * The method in which a `TagInput` value was added. * - `"default"` - indicates that a value was added by manual selection. * - `"blur"` - indicates that a value was added when the `TagInput` lost focus. * This is only possible when `addOnBlur=true`. * - `"paste"` - indicates that a value was added via paste. This is only * possible when `addOnPaste=true`. */ export declare type TagInputAddMethod = "default" | "blur" | "paste"; export declare type TagInputProps = ITagInputProps; /** @deprecated use TagInputProps */ export interface ITagInputProps extends IntentProps, Props { /** * If true, `onAdd` will be invoked when the input loses focus. * Otherwise, `onAdd` is only invoked when `enter` is pressed. * * @default false */ addOnBlur?: boolean; /** * If true, `onAdd` will be invoked when the user pastes text containing the `separator` * into the input. Otherwise, pasted text will remain in the input. * * __Note:__ For example, if `addOnPaste=true` and `separator="\n"` (new line), then: * - Pasting `"hello"` will _not_ invoke `onAdd` * - Pasting `"hello\n"` will invoke `onAdd` with `["hello"]` * - Pasting `"hello\nworld"` will invoke `onAdd` with `["hello", "world"]` * * @default true */ addOnPaste?: boolean; /** * Whether the component is non-interactive. * Note that you'll also need to disable the component's `rightElement`, * if appropriate. * * @default false */ disabled?: boolean; /** Whether the tag input should take up the full width of its container. */ fill?: boolean; /** * React props to pass to the `` element. * Note that `ref` and `key` are not supported here; use `inputRef` below. */ inputProps?: HTMLInputProps; /** Ref handler for the `` element. */ inputRef?: (input: HTMLInputElement | null) => void; /** Controlled value of the `` element. This is shorthand for `inputProps={{ value }}`. */ inputValue?: string; /** Whether the tag input should use a large size. */ large?: boolean; /** Name of a Blueprint UI icon (or an icon element) to render on the left side of the input. */ leftIcon?: IconName | MaybeElement; /** * Callback invoked when new tags are added by the user pressing `enter` on the input. * Receives the current value of the input field split by `separator` into an array. * New tags are expected to be appended to the list. * * The input will be cleared after `onAdd` is invoked _unless_ the callback explicitly * returns `false`. This is useful if the provided `value` is somehow invalid and should * not be added as a tag. */ onAdd?: (values: string[], method: TagInputAddMethod) => boolean | void; /** * Callback invoked when new tags are added or removed. Receives the updated list of `values`: * new tags are appended to the end of the list, removed tags are removed at their index. * * Like `onAdd`, the input will be cleared after this handler is invoked _unless_ the callback * explicitly returns `false`. * * This callback essentially implements basic `onAdd` and `onRemove` functionality and merges * the two handlers into one to simplify controlled usage. * ``` */ onChange?: (values: React.ReactNode[]) => boolean | void; /** * Callback invoked when the value of `` element is changed. * This is shorthand for `inputProps={{ onChange }}`. */ onInputChange?: React.FormEventHandler; /** * Callback invoked when the user depresses a keyboard key. * Receives the event and the index of the active tag (or `undefined` if * focused in the input). */ onKeyDown?: (event: React.KeyboardEvent, index?: number) => void; /** * Callback invoked when the user releases a keyboard key. * Receives the event and the index of the active tag (or `undefined` if * focused in the input). */ onKeyUp?: (event: React.KeyboardEvent, index?: number) => void; /** * Callback invoked when the user clicks the X button on a tag. * Receives value and index of removed tag. */ onRemove?: (value: React.ReactNode, index: number) => void; /** * Input placeholder text which will not appear if `values` contains any items * (consistent with default HTML input behavior). * Use `inputProps.placeholder` if you want the placeholder text to _always_ appear. * * If you define both `placeholder` and `inputProps.placeholder`, then the former will appear * when `values` is empty and the latter at all other times. */ placeholder?: string; /** * Element to render on right side of input. * For best results, use a small spinner or minimal button (button height will adjust if `TagInput` uses large styles). * Other elements will likely require custom styles for correct positioning. */ rightElement?: JSX.Element; /** * Separator pattern used to split input text into multiple values. Default value splits on commas and newlines. * Explicit `false` value disables splitting (note that `onAdd` will still receive an array of length 1). * * @default /[,\n\r]/ */ separator?: string | RegExp | false; /** * React props to pass to each `Tag`. Provide an object to pass the same props to every tag, * or a function to customize props per tag. * * If you define `onRemove` here then you will have to implement your own tag removal * handling as `TagInput`'s own `onRemove` handler will never be invoked. */ tagProps?: TagProps | ((value: React.ReactNode, index: number) => TagProps); /** * Controlled tag values. Each value will be rendered inside a `Tag`, which can be customized * using `tagProps`. Therefore, any valid React node can be used as a `TagInput` value; falsy * values will not be rendered. * * __Note about typed usage:__ If you know your `values` will always be of a certain `ReactNode` * subtype, such as `string` or `ReactChild`, you can use that type on all your handlers * to simplify type logic. */ values: React.ReactNode[]; } export interface ITagInputState { activeIndex: number; inputValue: string; isInputFocused: boolean; prevInputValueProp?: string; } export declare class TagInput extends AbstractPureComponent2 { static displayName: string; static defaultProps: Partial; static getDerivedStateFromProps(props: Readonly, state: Readonly): Partial | null; state: ITagInputState; inputElement: HTMLInputElement | null; private handleRef; render(): JSX.Element; componentDidUpdate(prevProps: TagInputProps): void; private addTags; private maybeRenderTag; private getNextActiveIndex; private findNextIndex; /** * Splits inputValue on separator prop, * trims whitespace from each new value, * and ignores empty values. */ private getValues; private handleContainerClick; private handleContainerBlur; private handleInputFocus; private handleInputChange; private handleInputKeyDown; private handleInputKeyUp; private handleInputPaste; private handleRemoveTag; private handleBackspaceToRemove; private handleDeleteToRemove; /** Remove the item at the given index by invoking `onRemove` and `onChange` accordingly. */ private removeIndexFromValues; private invokeKeyPressCallback; /** Returns whether the given index represents a valid item in `this.props.values`. */ private isValidIndex; }