import * as React from "react"; import { HotkeysDialog2Props } from "../../components/hotkeys/hotkeysDialog2"; import { HotkeyConfig } from "../../hooks"; interface HotkeysContextState { /** List of hotkeys accessible in the current scope, registered by currently mounted components, can be global or local. */ hotkeys: HotkeyConfig[]; /** Whether the global hotkeys dialog is open. */ isDialogOpen: boolean; } declare type HotkeysAction = { type: "ADD_HOTKEYS" | "REMOVE_HOTKEYS"; payload: HotkeyConfig[]; } | { type: "CLOSE_DIALOG" | "OPEN_DIALOG"; }; export declare const HotkeysContext: React.Context<[HotkeysContextState, React.Dispatch]>; export interface HotkeysProviderProps { /** The component subtree which will have access to this hotkeys context. */ children: React.ReactChild; /** Optional props to customize the rendered hotkeys dialog. */ dialogProps?: Partial>; /** If provided, this dialog render function will be used in place of the default implementation. */ renderDialog?: (state: HotkeysContextState, contextActions: { handleDialogClose: () => void; }) => JSX.Element; } /** * Hotkeys context provider, necessary for the `useHotkeys` hook. */ export declare const HotkeysProvider: ({ children, dialogProps, renderDialog }: HotkeysProviderProps) => JSX.Element; export {};