/** * Safely invoke the member function with no arguments, if the object * exists and the given key is indeed a function, and return its value. * Otherwise, return `undefined`. * * @deprecated use TypeScript 3.7+ optional chaining and optional call operator obj?[key]?.() */ export declare function safeInvokeMember R; }, K extends keyof T, R = void>(obj: T | undefined, key: K): R | undefined; /** * Safely invoke the member function with one argument, if the object * exists and the given key is indeed a function, and return its value. * Otherwise, return `undefined`. * * ```js * // example usage * safeInvokeMember(this.props.inputProps, "onChange", evt); * ``` * * @deprecated use TypeScript 3.7+ optional chaining and optional call operator obj?[key]?.() */ export declare function safeInvokeMember R; }, K extends keyof T, A, R = void>(obj: T | undefined, key: K, arg1: A): R | undefined; /** * Safely invoke the member function with two arguments, if the object * exists and the given key is indeed a function, and return its value. * Otherwise, return `undefined`. * * @deprecated use TypeScript 3.7+ optional chaining and optional call operator obj?[key]?.() */ export declare function safeInvokeMember R; }, K extends keyof T, A, B, R = void>(obj: T | undefined, key: K, arg1: A, arg2: B): R | undefined; /** * Safely invoke the member function with three arguments, if the object * exists and the given key is indeed a function, and return its value. * Otherwise, return undefined. * * @deprecated use TypeScript 3.7+ optional chaining and optional call operator obj?[key]?.() */ export declare function safeInvokeMember R; }, K extends keyof T, A, B, C, R = void>(obj: T | undefined, key: K, arg1: A, arg2: B, arg3: C): R | undefined;