import * as React from "react"; import { AbstractPureComponent2, Intent } from "../../common"; import { IntentProps, Props } from "../../common/props"; export interface ISliderBaseProps extends Props, IntentProps { children?: React.ReactNode; /** * Whether the slider is non-interactive. * * @default false */ disabled?: boolean; /** * Increment between successive labels. Must be greater than zero. * * @default inferred (if labelStepSize is undefined) */ labelStepSize?: number; /** * Array of specific values for the label placement. This prop is mutually exclusive with * `labelStepSize`. */ labelValues?: readonly number[]; /** * Number of decimal places to use when rendering label value. Default value is the number of * decimals used in the `stepSize` prop. This prop has _no effect_ if you supply a custom * `labelRenderer` callback. * * @default inferred from stepSize */ labelPrecision?: number; /** * Maximum value of the slider. * * @default 10 */ max?: number; /** * Minimum value of the slider. * * @default 0 */ min?: number; /** * Whether a solid bar should be rendered on the track between current and initial values, * or between handles for `RangeSlider`. * * @default true */ showTrackFill?: boolean; /** * Increment between successive values; amount by which the handle moves. Must be greater than zero. * * @default 1 */ stepSize?: number; /** * Callback to render a single label. Useful for formatting numbers as currency or percentages. * If `true`, labels will use number value formatted to `labelPrecision` decimal places. * If `false`, labels will not be shown. * * The callback is provided a numeric value and optional rendering options, which include: * - isHandleTooltip: whether this label is being rendered within a handle tooltip * * @default true */ labelRenderer?: boolean | ((value: number, opts?: { isHandleTooltip: boolean; }) => string | JSX.Element); /** * Whether to show the slider in a vertical orientation. * * @default false */ vertical?: boolean; } export declare type MultiSliderProps = IMultiSliderProps; /** @deprecated use MultiSliderProps */ export interface IMultiSliderProps extends ISliderBaseProps { /** Default intent of a track segment, used only if no handle specifies `intentBefore/After`. */ defaultTrackIntent?: Intent; /** Callback invoked when a handle value changes. Receives handle values in sorted order. */ onChange?(values: number[]): void; /** Callback invoked when a handle is released. Receives handle values in sorted order. */ onRelease?(values: number[]): void; } export interface ISliderState { labelPrecision: number; /** the client size, in pixels, of one tick */ tickSize: number; /** the size of one tick as a ratio of the component's client size */ tickSizeRatio: number; } /** * Multi slider component. * * @see */ export declare class MultiSlider extends AbstractPureComponent2 { static defaultSliderProps: ISliderBaseProps; static defaultProps: MultiSliderProps; static displayName: string; static Handle: React.FC; static getDerivedStateFromProps(props: MultiSliderProps): { labelPrecision: number; }; private static getLabelPrecision; state: ISliderState; private handleElements; private trackElement; getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(prevProps: MultiSliderProps): null; render(): JSX.Element; componentDidMount(): void; componentDidUpdate(prevProps: MultiSliderProps, prevState: ISliderState): void; protected validateProps(props: React.PropsWithChildren): void; private formatLabel; private renderLabels; private renderTracks; private renderTrackFill; private renderHandles; private addHandleRef; private maybeHandleTrackClick; private maybeHandleTrackTouch; private canHandleTrackEvent; private nearestHandleForValue; private getHandlerForIndex; private getNewHandleValues; private findFirstLockedHandleIndex; private handleChange; private handleRelease; private getLabelValues; private getOffsetRatio; private getTrackIntent; private updateTickSize; }