import * as React from "react"; import { type IconName } from "@blueprintjs/icons"; import { AbstractPureComponent, type MaybeElement, type Props } from "../../common"; export declare enum NonIdealStateIconSize { STANDARD = 48, SMALL = 32, EXTRA_SMALL = 20 } export interface NonIdealStateProps extends Props { /** An action to resolve the non-ideal state which appears after `description`. */ action?: React.JSX.Element; /** * Advanced usage: React `children` will appear last (after `action`). * Avoid passing raw strings as they will not receive margins and disrupt the layout flow. */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** * A longer description of the non-ideal state. * A string or number value will be wrapped in a `
` to preserve margins. */ description?: React.ReactNode; /** The name of a Blueprint icon or a JSX element (such as ``) to render above the title. */ icon?: IconName | MaybeElement; /** * How large the icon visual should be. * * @default NonIdealStateIconSize.STANDARD */ iconSize?: NonIdealStateIconSize; /** * Whether the icon should use a muted style. * * @default true */ iconMuted?: boolean; /** * Component layout, either vertical or horizontal. * * @default "vertical" */ layout?: "vertical" | "horizontal"; /** The title of the non-ideal state. */ title?: React.ReactNode; } /** * Non-ideal state component. * * @see */ export declare class NonIdealState extends AbstractPureComponent { static displayName: string; static defaultProps: Partial; render(): React.JSX.Element; private maybeRenderVisual; private maybeRenderText; }