import { Boundary, Modifier, Placement, placements, RootBoundary, StrictModifiers } from "@popperjs/core"; import * as React from "react"; import { StrictModifier } from "react-popper"; import { Props } from "../../common"; import { OverlayableProps } from "../overlay/overlay"; export declare const PopoverPosition: { AUTO: "auto"; AUTO_END: "auto-end"; AUTO_START: "auto-start"; BOTTOM: "bottom"; BOTTOM_LEFT: "bottom-left"; BOTTOM_RIGHT: "bottom-right"; LEFT: "left"; LEFT_BOTTOM: "left-bottom"; LEFT_TOP: "left-top"; RIGHT: "right"; RIGHT_BOTTOM: "right-bottom"; RIGHT_TOP: "right-top"; TOP: "top"; TOP_LEFT: "top-left"; TOP_RIGHT: "top-right"; }; export type PopoverPosition = (typeof PopoverPosition)[keyof typeof PopoverPosition]; export { Boundary as PopperBoundary, Placement, placements as PopperPlacements }; export type StrictModifierNames = NonNullable; /** * Configuration object for customizing popper.js v2 modifiers in Popover and Tooltip. * * @see */ export type PopperModifierOverrides = Partial<{ [M in StrictModifierNames]: Partial, "name">>; }>; /** * Custom popper.js v2 modifier for Popover and Tooltip. * * @see */ export type PopperCustomModifier = Partial>; /** * Default props interface for the Popover target element. * * These props are applied to the generated target element (whose tag name is customizable via `targetTagName`) * or, when the `renderTarget` API is used, sent as props to that render function. * * This interface is generic enough to be compatible with the various HTML attributes Popover needs in * order to function properly, including things like event handlers and ARIA accessibility attributes. */ export type DefaultPopoverTargetHTMLProps = React.HTMLProps; /** * Properties injected by Popover when rendering custom targets via the `renderTarget` API. * * @see */ export interface PopoverTargetProps extends Pick, "aria-haspopup" | "className" | "tabIndex"> { /** Target ref. */ ref: React.Ref; /** Whether the popover or tooltip is currently open. */ isOpen: boolean; } /** * Event handlers injected by Popover for hover interaction popovers. */ export type PopoverHoverTargetHandlers = Pick; /** * Event handlers injected by Popover for click interaction popovers. */ export type PopoverClickTargetHandlers = Pick; /** * Props shared between `Popover` and `Tooltip`. * * @template TProps HTML props interface for target element, * defaults to props for HTMLElement in IPopoverProps and ITooltipProps */ export interface PopoverSharedProps extends OverlayableProps, Props { /** Interactive element which will trigger the popover. */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** * A boundary element supplied to the "flip" and "preventOverflow" modifiers. * This is a shorthand for overriding Popper.js modifier options with the `modifiers` prop. * * @see */ boundary?: Boundary; /** * When enabled, clicks inside a `Classes.POPOVER_DISMISS` element * will only close the current popover and not outer popovers. * When disabled, the current popover and any ancestor popovers will be closed. * * @see * @default false */ captureDismiss?: boolean; /** * Initial opened state when uncontrolled. * * @default false */ defaultIsOpen?: boolean; /** * Prevents the popover from appearing when `true`. * * @default false */ disabled?: boolean; /** * Whether the wrapper and target should take up the full width of their container. * Note that supplying `true` for this prop will force `targetTagName="div"`. */ fill?: boolean; /** * The amount of time in milliseconds the popover should remain open after * the user hovers off the trigger. The timer is canceled if the user mouses * over the target before it expires. * * @default 300 */ hoverCloseDelay?: number; /** * The amount of time in milliseconds the popover should wait before opening * after the user hovers over the trigger. The timer is canceled if the user * mouses away from the target before it expires. * * @default 150 */ hoverOpenDelay?: number; /** * Whether a popover that uses a `Portal` should automatically inherit the * dark theme from its parent. * * @default true */ inheritDarkTheme?: boolean; /** * Whether the popover is visible. Passing this prop puts the popover in * controlled mode, where the only way to change visibility is by updating * this property. If `disabled={true}`, this prop will be ignored, and the * popover will remain closed. * * @default undefined */ isOpen?: boolean; /** * Whether the popover content should be sized to match the width of the target. * This is sometimes useful for dropdown menus. This prop is implemented using * a Popper.js custom modifier. * * @default false */ matchTargetWidth?: boolean; /** * Whether to apply minimal styling to this popover or tooltip. Minimal popovers * do not have an arrow pointing to their target and use a subtler animation. * * @default false */ minimal?: boolean; /** * Overrides for Popper.js built-in modifiers. * Each override is is a full modifier object (omitting its name), keyed by its modifier name. * * For example, the arrow modifier can be disabled by providing `{ arrow: { enabled: false } }`. * * Some of Popover's default modifiers may get disabled under certain circumstances, but you may * choose to re-enable and customize them. For example, "offset" is disabled when `minimal={true}`, * but you can re-enable it with `{ offset: { enabled: true } }`. * * @see */ modifiers?: PopperModifierOverrides; /** * Custom modifiers to add to the popper instance. * * @see */ modifiersCustom?: readonly PopperCustomModifier[]; /** * Callback invoked in controlled mode when the popover open state *would* * change due to user interaction. */ onInteraction?: (nextOpenState: boolean, e?: React.SyntheticEvent) => void; /** * Whether the popover should open when its target is focused. If `true`, * target will render with `tabindex="0"` to make it focusable via keyboard * navigation. * * Note that this functionality is only enabled for hover interaction * popovers/tooltips. * * @default true */ openOnTargetFocus?: boolean; /** * Ref supplied to the `Classes.POPOVER` element. */ popoverRef?: React.Ref; /** * Target renderer which receives props injected by Popover which should be spread onto * the rendered element. This function should return a single React node. * * Mutually exclusive with `children` and `targetTagName` props. */ renderTarget?: (props: PopoverTargetProps & PopoverHoverTargetHandlers & PopoverClickTargetHandlers) => JSX.Element; /** * A root boundary element supplied to the "flip" and "preventOverflow" modifiers. * This is a shorthand for overriding Popper.js modifier options with the `modifiers` prop. * * @see */ rootBoundary?: RootBoundary; /** * The placement (relative to the target) at which the popover should appear. * Mutually exclusive with `position` prop. Prefer using this over `position`, * as it more closely aligns with Popper.js semantics. * * The default value of `"auto"` will choose the best placement when opened * and will allow the popover to reposition itself to remain onscreen as the * user scrolls around. * * @default "auto" */ placement?: Placement; /** * A space-delimited string of class names applied to the popover element. */ popoverClassName?: string; /** * The position (relative to the target) at which the popover should appear. * Mutually exclusive with `placement` prop. * * The default value of `"auto"` will choose the best position when opened * and will allow the popover to reposition itself to remain onscreen as the * user scrolls around. * * @default "auto" */ position?: PopoverPosition; /** * HTML tag name for the target element. This must be an HTML element to * ensure that it supports the necessary DOM event handlers. * * By default, a `` tag is used so popovers appear as inline-block * elements and can be nested in text. Use `
` tag for a block element. * * If `fill` is set to `true`, this prop's default value will become `"div"` * instead of `"span"`. * * Note that _not all HTML tags are supported_; you will need to make sure * the tag you choose supports the HTML attributes Popover applies to the * target element. * * This prop is mutually exclusive with the `renderTarget` API. * * @default "span" ("div" if `fill={true}`) */ targetTagName?: keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements; /** * HTML props for the target element. This is useful in some cases where you * need to render some simple attributes on the generated target element. * * For more complex use cases, consider using the `renderTarget` API instead. * This prop will be ignored if `renderTarget` is used. */ targetProps?: TProps; /** * Whether the popover should be rendered inside a `Portal` attached to * `portalContainer` prop. * * Rendering content inside a `Portal` allows the popover content to escape * the physical bounds of its parent while still being positioned correctly * relative to its target. Using a `Portal` is necessary if any ancestor of * the target hides overflow or uses very complex positioning. * * Not using a `Portal` can result in smoother performance when scrolling * and allows the popover content to inherit CSS styles from surrounding * elements, but it remains subject to the overflow bounds of its ancestors. * * @default true */ usePortal?: boolean; }