import type { CSSProperties, HTMLProps } from "react";
import type { Intent, Props } from "../../common";
export declare const HandleType: {
/** A full handle appears as a small square. */
FULL: "full";
/** A start handle appears as the left or top half of a square. */
START: "start";
/** An end handle appears as the right or bottom half of a square. */
END: "end";
export type HandleType = (typeof HandleType)[keyof typeof HandleType];
export declare const HandleInteractionKind: {
/** Locked handles prevent other handles from being dragged past then. */
LOCK: "lock";
/** Push handles move overlapping handles with them as they are dragged. */
PUSH: "push";
* Handles marked "none" are not interactive and do not appear in the UI.
* They serve only to break the track into subsections that can be colored separately.
NONE: "none";
export type HandleInteractionKind = (typeof HandleInteractionKind)[keyof typeof HandleInteractionKind];
export type HandleHtmlProps = Pick, "aria-label" | "aria-labelledby">;
export interface HandleProps extends Props {
/** Numeric value of this handle. */
value: number;
/** Intent for the track segment immediately after this handle, taking priority over `intentBefore`. */
intentAfter?: Intent;
/** Intent for the track segment immediately before this handle. */
intentBefore?: Intent;
/** Style to use for the track segment immediately after this handle, taking priority over `trackStyleBefore`. */
trackStyleAfter?: CSSProperties;
/** Style to use for the track segment immediately before this handle */
trackStyleBefore?: CSSProperties;
* How this handle interacts with other handles.
* @default "lock"
interactionKind?: HandleInteractionKind;
* Callback invoked when this handle's value is changed due to a drag
* interaction. Note that "push" interactions can cause multiple handles to
* update at the same time.
onChange?: (newValue: number) => void;
/** Callback invoked when this handle is released (the end of a drag interaction). */
onRelease?: (newValue: number) => void;
* Handle appearance type.
* @default "full"
type?: HandleType;
* A limited subset of HTML props to apply to the rendered `` element.
htmlProps?: HandleHtmlProps;