import type { Props } from "@blueprintjs/core";
import type { TimePrecision } from "./timePrecision";
import type { TimeUnit } from "./timeUnit";
export interface TimePickerProps extends Props {
* Whether to focus the first input when it opens initially.
* @default false
autoFocus?: boolean;
* Initial time the `TimePicker` will display.
* This should not be set if `value` is set.
defaultValue?: Date;
* Whether the time picker is non-interactive.
* @default false
disabled?: boolean;
* Callback invoked on blur event emitted by specific time unit input
onBlur?: (event: React.FocusEvent, unit: TimeUnit) => void;
* Callback invoked when the user changes the time.
onChange?: (newTime: Date) => void;
* Callback invoked on focus event emitted by specific time unit input
onFocus?: (event: React.FocusEvent, unit: TimeUnit) => void;
* Callback invoked on keydown event emitted by specific time unit input
onKeyDown?: (event: React.KeyboardEvent, unit: TimeUnit) => void;
* Callback invoked on keyup event emitted by specific time unit input
onKeyUp?: (event: React.KeyboardEvent, unit: TimeUnit) => void;
* The precision of time the user can set.
* @default TimePrecision.MINUTE
precision?: TimePrecision;
* Whether all the text in each input should be selected on focus.
* @default false
selectAllOnFocus?: boolean;
* Whether to show arrows buttons for changing the time.
* @default false
showArrowButtons?: boolean;
* Whether to use a 12 hour format with an AM/PM dropdown.
* @default false
useAmPm?: boolean;
* The latest time the user can select. The year, month, and day parts of the `Date` object are ignored.
* While the `maxTime` will be later than the `minTime` in the basic case,
* it is also allowed to be earlier than the `minTime`.
* This is useful, for example, to express a time range that extends before and after midnight.
* If the `maxTime` and `minTime` are equal, then the valid time range is constrained to only that one value.
maxTime?: Date;
* The earliest time the user can select. The year, month, and day parts of the `Date` object are ignored.
* While the `minTime` will be earlier than the `maxTime` in the basic case,
* it is also allowed to be later than the `maxTime`.
* This is useful, for example, to express a time range that extends before and after midnight.
* If the `maxTime` and `minTime` are equal, then the valid time range is constrained to only that one value.
minTime?: Date;
* The currently set time.
* If this prop is provided, the component acts in a controlled manner.
value?: Date | null;