import * as React from "react"; import { AbstractPureComponent, Boundary, type InputGroupProps, type Props } from "@blueprintjs/core"; import { type DateFormatProps, type DatePickerBaseProps, type DateRange } from "../../common"; import type { DatetimePopoverProps } from "../../common/datetimePopoverProps"; import type { DateRangeShortcut } from "../shortcuts/shortcuts"; export interface DateRangeInputProps extends DatePickerBaseProps, DateFormatProps, DatetimePopoverProps, Props { /** * Whether the start and end dates of the range can be the same day. * If `true`, clicking a selected date will create a one-day range. * If `false`, clicking a selected date will clear the selection. * * @default false */ allowSingleDayRange?: boolean; /** * Whether the calendar popover should close when a date range is fully selected. * * @default true */ closeOnSelection?: boolean; /** * Whether displayed months in the calendar are contiguous. * If false, each side of the calendar can move independently to non-contiguous months. * * @default true */ contiguousCalendarMonths?: boolean; /** * The default date range to be used in the component when uncontrolled. * This will be ignored if `value` is set. */ defaultValue?: DateRange; /** * Whether the text inputs are non-interactive. * * @default false */ disabled?: boolean; /** * Whether the component should take up the full width of its container. */ fill?: boolean; /** * Props to pass to the end-date [input group](#core/components/input-group). * `disabled` and `value` will be ignored in favor of the top-level props on this component. * `ref` is not supported; use `inputRef` instead. */ endInputProps?: InputGroupProps; /** * Called when the user selects a day. * If no days are selected, it will pass `[null, null]`. * If a start date is selected but not an end date, it will pass `[selectedDate, null]`. * If both a start and end date are selected, it will pass `[startDate, endDate]`. */ onChange?: (selectedRange: DateRange) => void; /** * Called when the user finishes typing in a new date and the date causes an error state. * If the date is invalid, `new Date(undefined)` will be returned for the corresponding * boundary of the date range. * If the date is out of range, the out-of-range date will be returned for the corresponding * boundary of the date range (`onChange` is not called in this case). */ onError?: (errorRange: DateRange) => void; /** * The error message to display when the selected dates overlap. * This can only happen when typing dates in the input field. * * @default "Overlapping dates" */ overlappingDatesMessage?: string; /** * Whether the entire text field should be selected on focus. * * @default false */ selectAllOnFocus?: boolean; /** * Whether shortcuts to quickly select a range of dates are displayed or not. * If `true`, preset shortcuts will be displayed. * If `false`, no shortcuts will be displayed. * If an array is provided, the custom shortcuts will be displayed. * * @default true */ shortcuts?: boolean | DateRangeShortcut[]; /** * Whether to show only a single month calendar. * * @default false */ singleMonthOnly?: boolean; /** * Props to pass to the start-date [input group](#core/components/input-group). * `disabled` and `value` will be ignored in favor of the top-level props on this component. * `ref` is not supported; use `inputRef` instead. */ startInputProps?: InputGroupProps; /** * The currently selected date range. * If the prop is strictly `undefined`, the component acts in an uncontrolled manner. * If this prop is anything else, the component acts in a controlled manner. * To display an empty value in the input fields in a controlled manner, pass `[null, null]`. * To display an invalid date error in either input field, pass `new Date(undefined)` * for the appropriate date in the value prop. */ value?: DateRange; } export interface DateRangeInputState { isOpen?: boolean; boundaryToModify?: Boundary; lastFocusedField?: Boundary; formattedMinDateString?: string; formattedMaxDateString?: string; isStartInputFocused: boolean; isEndInputFocused: boolean; startInputString?: string; endInputString?: string; startHoverString?: string | null; endHoverString?: string | null; selectedEnd: Date | null; selectedStart: Date | null; shouldSelectAfterUpdate?: boolean; wasLastFocusChangeDueToHover?: boolean; selectedShortcutIndex?: number; } /** * Date range input component. * * @see * @deprecated use `{ DateRangeInput3 } from "@blueprintjs/datetime2"` instead */ export declare class DateRangeInput extends AbstractPureComponent { static defaultProps: Partial; static displayName: string; startInputElement: HTMLInputElement | null; endInputElement: HTMLInputElement | null; private handleStartInputRef; private handleEndInputRef; constructor(props: DateRangeInputProps); /** * Public method intended for unit testing only. Do not use in feature work! */ reset(props?: DateRangeInputProps): void; componentDidUpdate(prevProps: DateRangeInputProps, prevState: DateRangeInputState): void; render(): React.JSX.Element; protected validateProps(props: DateRangeInputProps): void; private renderTarget; private renderInputGroup; private handleDateRangePickerChange; private handleShortcutChange; private handleDateRangePickerHoverChange; private handleStartInputEvent; private handleEndInputEvent; private handleInputEvent; private handleInputKeyDown; private handleInputMouseDown; private handleInputClick; private handleInputFocus; private handleInputBlur; private handleInputChange; private handlePopoverClose; private shouldFocusInputRef; private getIsOpenValueWhenDateChanges; private getInitialRange; private getSelectedRange; private getInputDisplayString; private getInputPlaceholderString; private getInputProps; private getInputRef; private getStateKeysAndValuesForBoundary; private getDateRangeForCallback; private getOtherBoundary; private doBoundaryDatesOverlap; /** * Returns true if the provided boundary is an END boundary overlapping the * selected start date. (If the boundaries overlap, we consider the END * boundary to be erroneous.) */ private doesEndBoundaryOverlapStartBoundary; private isControlled; private isInputEmpty; private isInputInErrorState; private isDateValidAndInRange; private isNextDateRangeValid; private getFormattedMinMaxDateString; private parseDate; private formatDate; }