import { isSameDay } from "date-fns"; import { type DateRange } from "./dateRange"; export { isSameDay }; export declare function clone(d: Date): Date; export declare function isDateValid(date: Date | false | null): date is Date; export declare function isEqual(date1: Date, date2: Date): boolean; export declare function areRangesEqual(dateRange1: DateRange, dateRange2: DateRange): boolean; export declare function isSameMonth(date1: Date, date2: Date): boolean; export declare function isSameTime(d1: Date | null, d2: Date | null): boolean; export declare function isDayInRange(date: Date | null, dateRange: DateRange, exclusive?: boolean): boolean; export declare function isDayRangeInRange(innerRange: DateRange, outerRange: DateRange): boolean; export declare function isMonthInRange(date: Date, dateRange: DateRange): boolean; export declare const isTimeEqualOrGreaterThan: (time: Date, timeToCompare: Date) => boolean; export declare const isTimeEqualOrSmallerThan: (time: Date, timeToCompare: Date) => boolean; export declare function isTimeInRange(date: Date, minDate: Date, maxDate: Date): boolean; export declare function getTimeInRange(time: Date, minTime: Date, maxTime: Date): Date; /** * Returns true if the time part of `date` is later than or equal to the time * part of `dateToCompare`. The day, month, and year parts will not be compared. */ export declare function isTimeSameOrAfter(date: Date, dateToCompare: Date): boolean; /** * @returns a Date at the exact time-wise midpoint between startDate and endDate */ export declare function getDateBetween(dateRange: DateRange): Date; export declare function getDateTime(date: Date | null, time?: Date | null): Date; export declare function getDateOnlyWithTime(date: Date): Date; export declare function getDatePreviousMonth(date: Date): Date; export declare function getDateNextMonth(date: Date): Date; export declare function convert24HourMeridiem(hour: number, toPm: boolean): number; export declare function getIsPmFrom24Hour(hour: number): boolean; export declare function get12HourFrom24Hour(hour: number): number; export declare function get24HourFrom12Hour(hour: number, isPm: boolean): number; export declare function isToday(date: Date): boolean; export declare function hasMonthChanged(prevDate: Date | null, nextDate: Date | null): boolean; export declare function hasTimeChanged(prevDate: Date | null, nextDate: Date | null): boolean;