/** * The reserved type of the "Create Item" option in item lists. This is intended * not to conflict with any custom item type `T` that might be used in item * list. */ export interface CreateNewItem { __blueprintCreateNewItemBrand: "blueprint-create-new-item"; } /** Returns an instance of a "Create Item" object. */ export declare function getCreateNewItem(): CreateNewItem; /** * Type guard returning `true` if the provided item (e.g. the current * `activeItem`) is a "Create Item" option. */ export declare function isCreateNewItem(item: T | CreateNewItem | null | undefined): item is CreateNewItem; /** * Returns the type of the the current active item. This will be a no-op unless * the `activeItem` is `undefined` or a "Create Item" option, in which case * `null` will be returned instead. */ export declare function getActiveItem(activeItem: T | CreateNewItem | null | undefined): T | null;