import Console from './Console'; import Output, { StringRenderer } from './Output'; import ProgressOutput, { ProgressRenderer } from './outputs/ProgressOutput'; import Plugin from './Plugin'; import Routine from './Routine'; import Task from './Task'; import { ColorType, ColorPalette, OutputLevel } from './types'; export declare const SLOW_THRESHOLD = 10000; export default abstract class Reporter extends Plugin { static BUFFER: number; static OUTPUT_COMPACT: number; static OUTPUT_NORMAL: number; static OUTPUT_VERBOSE: number; console: Console; startTime: number; stopTime: number; /** * Register console listeners. */ bootstrap(): void; /** * Calculate the current number of tasks that have completed. */ calculateTaskCompletion(tasks: Task[]): number; /** * Create a new output to be rendered with the defined renderer function. * Concurrent outputs will be rendered in parallel with other concurrent * outputs and the top of the queue output. */ createConcurrentOutput(renderer: StringRenderer): Output; /** * Create a new output to be rendered with the defined renderer function. */ createOutput(renderer: StringRenderer): Output; /** * Create a new output to continuously render a progress bar. */ createProgressOutput(renderer: ProgressRenderer): ProgressOutput; /** * Display an error and it's stack. */ displayError(error: Error): void; /** * Return specific colors based on chosen theme. */ getColorPalette(): ColorPalette; /** * Return a specific color for each task status. */ getColorType(task: Task): ColorType; /** * Calculate the elapsed time and highlight as red if over the threshold. */ getElapsedTime(start: number, stop?: number, highlight?: boolean): string; /** * Return the output level: 1 (compact), 2 (normal), 3 (verbose). */ getOutputLevel(): OutputLevel; /** * Return the root parent (depth of 0) in the current routine tree. */ getRootParent(routine: Routine): Routine; /** * Set start time. */ handleBaseStart: () => void; /** * Set stop time and render. */ handleBaseStop: () => void; /** * Return true if the user's terminal supports color. */ hasColorSupport(level?: number): boolean; /** * Hide the console cursor. */ hideCursor(): this; /** * Create an indentation based on the defined length. */ indent(length?: number): string; /** * Return true if the final render. */ isFinalRender(): boolean; /** * Return true if the there should be no output. */ isSilent(): boolean; /** * Reset the cursor back to the bottom of the console. */ resetCursor(): this; /** * Show the console cursor. */ showCursor(): this; /** * Return size information about the terminal window. */ size(): { columns: number; rows: number; }; /** * Sort all tasks by start time and filter to remove pending tasks. */ sortTasksByStartTime>(tasks: T[]): T[]; /** * Strip ANSI escape characters from a string. */ strip(message: string): string; /** * Create a chalk formatted string with accessible colors and modifiers applied. */ style(message: string, type?: ColorType, modifiers?: ('reset' | 'bold' | 'dim' | 'italic' | 'underline' | 'inverse' | 'hidden')[]): string; /** * Truncate a string that contains ANSI escape characters to a specific column width. */ truncate(message: string, columns?: number, options?: { position?: 'start' | 'middle' | 'end'; }): string; /** * Wrap a string that contains ANSI escape characters to a specific column width. */ wrap(message: string, columns?: number, options?: { hard?: boolean; trim?: boolean; wordWrap?: boolean; }): string; } export declare function testOnlyResetRestoreCursor(): void; //#