import { Blueprint } from 'optimal'; import { Arguments, Options as ArgOptions } from 'yargs-parser'; import { AbstractConstructor, Path, FilePath, PortablePath } from '@boost/common'; import { Event } from '@boost/event'; import { Debugger } from '@boost/debug'; import { Logger } from '@boost/log'; import { Translator } from '@boost/translate'; import Console from './Console'; import Emitter from './Emitter'; import Reporter from './Reporter'; import { PackageConfig, PluginType, PluginSetting, WorkspaceMetadata, WorkspacePackageConfig, WorkspaceOptions, OutputLevel } from './types'; export interface ToolOptions { appName: string; appPath: string; argOptions?: ArgOptions; configBlueprint?: Blueprint; configName?: string; footer?: string; header?: string; root?: string; scoped?: boolean; settingsBlueprint?: Blueprint; workspaceRoot?: string; } export interface ToolConfig { debug: boolean; extends: string[]; locale: string; output: OutputLevel; reporters: PluginSetting; settings: { [key: string]: any; }; silent: boolean; theme: string; } export interface ToolPluginRegistry { reporter: Reporter; } export default class Tool extends Emitter { appPath: Path; args?: Arguments; argv: string[]; config: Config; console: Console; debug: Debugger; log: Logger; msg: Translator; onExit: Event<[number], string>; onInit: Event<[], string>; onLoadPlugin: Event<[PluginRegistry[keyof PluginRegistry]], Extract>; options: Required; package: PackageConfig; rootPath: Path; private configLoader; private initialized; private plugins; private pluginTypes; constructor(options: ToolOptions, argv?: string[]); /** * Add a plugin for a specific contract type and bootstrap with the tool. */ addPlugin(typeName: K, plugin: PluginRegistry[K]): this; /** * Create a workspace metadata object composed of absolute file paths. */ createWorkspaceMetadata(jsonPath: PortablePath): WorkspaceMetadata; /** * Force exit the application. */ exit(message?: string | Error | null, code?: number): this; /** * Return a plugin by name and type. */ getPlugin(typeName: K, name: string): PluginRegistry[K]; /** * Return all plugins by type. */ getPlugins(typeName: K): PluginRegistry[K][]; /** * Return a registered plugin type by name. */ getRegisteredPlugin(typeName: K): PluginType; /** * Return the registered plugin types. */ getRegisteredPlugins(): { [K in keyof PluginRegistry]?: PluginType | undefined; }; /** * Return all `package.json`s across all workspaces and their packages. * Once loaded, append workspace path metadata. */ getWorkspacePackages(options?: WorkspaceOptions): (WorkspacePackageConfig & CustomConfig)[]; /** * Return a list of absolute package folder paths, across all workspaces, * for the defined root. */ getWorkspacePackagePaths(options?: WorkspaceOptions): FilePath[]; /** * Return a list of workspace folder paths, with wildstar glob in tact, * for the defined root. */ getWorkspacePaths(options?: WorkspaceOptions): FilePath[]; /** * Initialize the tool by loading config and plugins. */ initialize(): this; /** * Return true if running in a CI environment. */ isCI(): boolean; /** * Return true if a plugin by type has been enabled in the configuration file * by property name of the same type. The following variants are supported: * * - As a string using the plugins name: "foo" * - As an object with a property by plugin type: { plugin: "foo" } * - As an instance of the plugin class: new Plugin() */ isPluginEnabled(typeName: K, name: string): boolean; /** * Load all `package.json`s across all workspaces and their packages. * Once loaded, append workspace path metadata. * * @deprecated */ loadWorkspacePackages(options?: WorkspaceOptions): (WorkspacePackageConfig & CustomConfig)[]; /** * Log a live message to the console to display while a process is running. * * @deprecated */ logLive(message: string, ...args: any[]): this; /** * Log an error to the console to display on failure. * * @deprecated */ logError(message: string, ...args: any[]): this; /** * Register a custom type of plugin, with a defined contract that all instances should extend. * The type name should be in singular form, as plural variants are generated automatically. */ registerPlugin(typeName: K, contract: AbstractConstructor, options?: Partial, 'afterBootstrap' | 'beforeBootstrap' | 'scopes'>>): this; /** * Load the package.json and local configuration files. * * Must be called first in the lifecycle. */ protected loadConfig(): this; /** * Register plugins from the loaded configuration. * * Must be called after config has been loaded. */ protected loadPlugins(): this; /** * Register reporters from the loaded configuration. * * Must be called after config has been loaded. */ protected loadReporters(): this; } //#