import * as zlib from 'zlib'; import * as stream from 'stream'; import { extract } from 'tar'; import { promisify } from 'util'; import * as fsExtra from 'fs-extra'; import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import * as inquirer from 'inquirer'; import { BaseConfig, baseConfig } from './assets/base-config'; import configDependencyPackageMap from './assets/pkg-map'; import * as questions from './questions'; import { newLineSuffix } from './lib/formatters'; import { callout } from './lib/colors'; const TEMPLATE_URL = ''; const pipeline = promisify(stream.pipeline); type Answers = questions.AssociatedDomainsAnswers & questions.BundleIdsAnswers & questions.CodePushAnswers & questions.DoExtendedConfigAnswers & questions.ExceptionDomainsAnswers & questions.NamesAnswers & questions.UsageDescriptionsAnswers & questions.ZendeskChatAnswers; type UserConfig = Answers['config']; type Config = UserConfig & BaseConfig; const clearDirectory = async () => { const contents = await fsExtra.readdir('./'); // If the current directory is not empty or only contains git files, // ask the user if it's ok to delete them all. if (contents.length !== 0 && !(contents.length === 1 && contents[0] === '.git')) { const { clearContents, clearContentsConfirm } = await inquirer.prompt(questions.clearContents); if (!clearContents || !clearContentsConfirm) { console.error('Aborting...'); process.exit(1); } else { await fsExtra.emptyDir(process.cwd()); } } }; const populateRepo = async () => { // Fetch the gzipped tarball of the template repo from github const response = await fetch(TEMPLATE_URL); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('bad response'); } // Unzip, extract, and write the archive's contents // Will extract the root folder's contents into the current directory await pipeline(response.body, zlib.createUnzip(), extract({ strip: 1 })); }; const populateConfigs = async (): Promise => { const { associatedDomains, bundleIds, codepush, doExtendedConfig, exceptionDomains, names, usageDescriptions, zendeskChat, onlyWhenExtendedConfig } = questions; // Questions will be asked in the order that they are defined in this array const orderedQuestions = [ ...names, ...bundleIds, ...exceptionDomains, ...usageDescriptions, ...doExtendedConfig,,, ]; const answers = await inquirer.prompt(; return answers; }; const formatConfig = (config: Config) => { // Alter the config options to be in the format expected by the env file if (config.usageDescriptionIOS) { return { ...config, usageDescriptionIOS: Object .keys(config.usageDescriptionIOS) .filter((key): key is keyof typeof config.usageDescriptionIOS => ( config.usageDescriptionIOS.hasOwnProperty(key) )) .map(key => ({ key, string: config.usageDescriptionIOS[key] })) }; } return config; }; const replaceConfig = async (config: Config) => { const formattedConfig = formatConfig(config); await fsExtra.writeJson('./env/common.json', formattedConfig, { spaces: 2 }); await fsExtra.remove('./env/common.js'); }; const getLatestDependency = async (pkg: string): Promise<{[key: string]: string}> => { // Finds the latest release version of a given packages const res = await fetch(`${pkg}`); const json = await res.json(); const { latest } = json['dist-tags']; return { [pkg]: `^${latest}` }; }; const getPackageJson = async (config: Config) => { const packageJsonStr = await fsExtra.readFile('./package.json', 'UTF-8'); const packageJson = JSON.parse(packageJsonStr); =; delete; delete packageJson.repository; // Alter the compile command to include the bundle id for android // The project id and application id need to be the same // for RN to launch the main activity correctly if (config.bundleIds && { const compileCmd = `react-native run-android --no-packager --appId ${}`; packageJson.scripts['compile-android'] = compileCmd; } // Add packages based on config options // ie. if the user configures code-push, react-native-code-push // should be added to package.json so they don't have to const promises = Object .keys(configDependencyPackageMap) .filter((key): key is keyof typeof configDependencyPackageMap => { return config.hasOwnProperty(key) && configDependencyPackageMap.hasOwnProperty(key); }) .map(key => getLatestDependency(configDependencyPackageMap[key])); const newDeps = await Promise.all(promises); packageJson.dependencies = { ...packageJson.dependencies, ...newDeps.reduce((deps, dep) => ({...deps, ...dep}), {}) }; return packageJson; }; const showPostInstallMsg = () => { // Show some post-install instructions/hints // tslint:disable: ter-max-len max-line-length console.log(` You're almost done! There's a couple more steps you may want to complete. To add an icon for your app, follow the instructions at ${callout('')}. To add splash/launch screens, follow the instructions at ${callout('')}. You'll need to sign your apps in order to publish to an app store or a distribution service such as Hockeyapp. For more info on how to do that, see ${callout('')}. Once you've finished making another other changes to your configs, you need to install dependencies and initialize the project by running: "${callout('yarn install && yarn run init')}" Once those complete, you'll be able to run your project by doing: "${callout('yarn android')}" or "${callout('yarn ios')}" `); }; const main = async () => { // Check that dir is empty or only .git await clearDirectory(); // Populate the directory with the repo's contents await populateRepo(); // generate common config const answers = await populateConfigs(); // merge user configs into the base const config: Config = { ...baseConfig, ...answers.config }; // write common config await replaceConfig(config); // Update package.json with new config (ie. name) const packageJson = await getPackageJson(config); // write package.json await fsExtra.writeJSON('./package.json', packageJson, { spaces: 2 }); // show post install instructions showPostInstallMsg(); }; main().catch(e => console.error(e));