/** * @license * @builder.io/qwik * Copyright Builder.io, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://github.com/BuilderIO/qwik/blob/main/LICENSE */ (function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) : (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global.qwikCore = {})); })(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict'; if (typeof globalThis == 'undefined') { const g = 'undefined' != typeof global ? global : 'undefined' != typeof window ? window : 'undefined' != typeof self ? self : {}; g.globalThis = g; } // minification can replace the `globalThis.qDev` with `false` // which will remove all dev code within from the build const qDev = true; const qTest = globalThis.describe !== undefined; const EMPTY_ARRAY = []; const EMPTY_OBJ = {}; if (qDev) { Object.freeze(EMPTY_ARRAY); Object.freeze(EMPTY_OBJ); Error.stackTraceLimit = 9999; } const QError_stringifyClassOrStyle = 0; const QError_cannotSerializeNode = 1; // 'Can not serialize a HTML Node that is not an Element' const QError_runtimeQrlNoElement = 2; // `Q-ERROR: '${qrl}' is runtime but no instance found on element.` const QError_verifySerializable = 3; // 'Only primitive and object literals can be serialized', value, const QError_errorWhileRendering = 4; // Crash while rendering const QError_cannotRenderOverExistingContainer = 5; //'You can render over a existing q:container. Skipping render().' const QError_setProperty = 6; //'Set property' const QError_qrlOrError = 7; const QError_onlyObjectWrapped = 8; const QError_onlyLiteralWrapped = 9; const QError_qrlIsNotFunction = 10; const QError_dynamicImportFailed = 11; const QError_unknownTypeArgument = 12; const QError_notFoundContext = 13; const QError_useMethodOutsideContext = 14; const QError_missingRenderCtx = 15; const QError_missingDoc = 16; const QError_immutableProps = 17; const QError_hostCanOnlyBeAtRoot = 18; const qError = (code, ...parts) => { const text = codeToText(code); const error = text + parts.join(' '); debugger; // eslint-disable-line no-debugger return new Error(error); }; const codeToText = (code) => { if (qDev) { const MAP = [ 'Error while serializing class attribute', 'Can not serialize a HTML Node that is not an Element', 'Rruntime but no instance found on element.', 'Only primitive and object literals can be serialized', 'Crash while rendering', 'You can render over a existing q:container. Skipping render().', 'Set property', "Only function's and 'string's are supported.", "Only objects can be wrapped in 'QObject'", `Only objects literals can be wrapped in 'QObject'`, 'QRL is not a function', 'Dynamic import not found', 'Unknown type argument', 'not found state for useContext', "Invoking 'use*()' method outside of invocation context.", 'Cant access renderCtx for existing context', 'Cant access document for existing context', 'props are inmutable', ' component can only be used at the root of a Qwik component$()', // 18 ]; return `Code(${code}): ${MAP[code] ?? ''}`; } else { return `Code(${code})`; } }; /** * @private */ const isObject = (v) => { return v && typeof v === 'object'; }; const isArray = (v) => { return Array.isArray(v); }; const isString = (v) => { return typeof v === 'string'; }; const isFunction = (v) => { return typeof v === 'function'; }; const STYLE = qDev ? `background: #564CE0; color: white; padding: 2px 3px; border-radius: 2px; font-size: 0.8em;` : ''; const logError = (message, ...optionalParams) => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error('%cQWIK ERROR', STYLE, message, ...optionalParams); }; const logWarn = (message, ...optionalParams) => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console if (qDev) { console.warn('%cQWIK WARN', STYLE, message, ...optionalParams); } }; const logDebug = (message, ...optionalParams) => { if (qDev) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.debug('%cQWIK', STYLE, message, ...optionalParams); } }; const assertDefined = (value, text) => { if (qDev) { if (value != null) return; throw newError(text || 'Expected defined value'); } }; const assertEqual = (value1, value2, text) => { if (qDev) { if (value1 === value2) return; throw newError(text || `Expected '${value1}' === '${value2}'.`); } }; const newError = (text) => { debugger; // eslint-disable-line no-debugger const error = new Error(text); logError(error); // eslint-disable-line no-console return error; }; /** * State factory of the component. */ /** * State factory of the component. */ const QHostAttr = 'q:host'; const OnRenderProp = 'q:renderFn'; /** * Component Styles. */ const ComponentScopedStyles = 'q:sstyle'; /** * Component style host prefix */ const ComponentStylesPrefixHost = '💎'; /** * Component style content prefix */ const ComponentStylesPrefixContent = '⭐️'; /** * `` */ const QSlotAttr = 'q:slot'; const QCtxAttr = 'q:ctx'; const QContainerAttr = 'q:container'; const QContainerSelector = '[q\\:container]'; const RenderEvent = 'qRender'; const ELEMENT_ID = 'q:id'; const ELEMENT_ID_PREFIX = '#'; const getDocument = (node) => { if (typeof document !== 'undefined') { return document; } if (node.nodeType === 9) { return node; } const doc = node.ownerDocument; assertDefined(doc); return doc; }; const CONTAINER = Symbol('container'); const isStyleTask = (obj) => { return isObject(obj) && obj.type === 'style'; }; let _context; const tryGetInvokeContext = () => { if (!_context) { const context = typeof document !== 'undefined' && document && document.__q_context__; if (!context) { return undefined; } if (isArray(context)) { const element = context[0]; const hostElement = getHostElement(element); assertDefined(element); return (document.__q_context__ = newInvokeContext(getDocument(element), hostElement, element, context[1], context[2])); } return context; } return _context; }; const getInvokeContext = () => { const ctx = tryGetInvokeContext(); if (!ctx) { throw qError(QError_useMethodOutsideContext); } return ctx; }; const useInvoke = (context, fn, ...args) => { const previousContext = _context; let returnValue; try { _context = context; returnValue = fn.apply(null, args); } finally { const currentCtx = _context; _context = previousContext; if (currentCtx.$waitOn$ && currentCtx.$waitOn$.length > 0) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-unsafe-finally return Promise.all(currentCtx.$waitOn$).then(() => returnValue); } } return returnValue; }; const newInvokeContext = (doc, hostElement, element, event, url) => { return { $seq$: 0, $doc$: doc, $hostElement$: hostElement, $element$: element, $event$: event, $url$: url || null, $qrl$: undefined, }; }; /** * @alpha */ const useWaitOn = (promise) => { const ctx = getInvokeContext(); (ctx.$waitOn$ || (ctx.$waitOn$ = [])).push(promise); }; const getHostElement = (el) => { let foundSlot = false; let node = el; while (node) { const isHost = node.hasAttribute(QHostAttr); const isSlot = node.tagName === 'Q:SLOT'; if (isHost) { if (!foundSlot) { break; } else { foundSlot = false; } } if (isSlot) { foundSlot = true; } node = node.parentElement; } return node; }; const getContainer = (el) => { let container = el[CONTAINER]; if (!container) { container = el.closest(QContainerSelector); el[CONTAINER] = container; } return container; }; const useRenderContext = () => { const ctx = getInvokeContext(); const renderCtx = ctx.$renderCtx$; if (!renderCtx) { throw qError(QError_missingRenderCtx); } return renderCtx; }; const isPromise = (value) => { return value instanceof Promise; }; const then = (promise, thenFn, rejectFn) => { return isPromise(promise) ? promise.then(thenFn, rejectFn) : thenFn(promise); }; const promiseAll = (promises) => { const hasPromise = promises.some(isPromise); if (hasPromise) { return Promise.all(promises); } return promises; }; const isNotNullable = (v) => { return v != null; }; const isQrl = (value) => { return value instanceof QRL; }; class QRL { constructor($chunk$, $symbol$, $symbolRef$, $symbolFn$, $capture$, $captureRef$) { this.$chunk$ = $chunk$; this.$symbol$ = $symbol$; this.$symbolRef$ = $symbolRef$; this.$symbolFn$ = $symbolFn$; this.$capture$ = $capture$; this.$captureRef$ = $captureRef$; } setContainer(el) { if (!this.$el$) { this.$el$ = el; } } getSymbol() { return this.$refSymbol$ ?? this.$symbol$; } getHash() { return getSymbolHash(this.$refSymbol$ ?? this.$symbol$); } async resolve(el) { if (el) { this.setContainer(el); } return qrlImport(this.$el$, this); } resolveLazy(el) { return isFunction(this.$symbolRef$) ? this.$symbolRef$ : this.resolve(el); } invokeFn(el, currentCtx, beforeFn) { return ((...args) => { const fn = this.resolveLazy(el); return then(fn, (fn) => { if (isFunction(fn)) { const baseContext = currentCtx ?? newInvokeContext(); const context = { ...baseContext, $qrl$: this, }; if (beforeFn) { beforeFn(); } return useInvoke(context, fn, ...args); } throw qError(QError_qrlIsNotFunction); }); }); } copy() { const copy = new QRL(this.$chunk$, this.$symbol$, this.$symbolRef$, this.$symbolFn$, null, this.$captureRef$); copy.$refSymbol$ = this.$refSymbol$; return copy; } async invoke(...args) { const fn = this.invokeFn(); const result = await fn(...args); return result; } serialize(options) { return stringifyQRL(this, options); } } const getSymbolHash = (symbolName) => { const index = symbolName.lastIndexOf('_'); if (index > -1) { return symbolName.slice(index + 1); } return symbolName; }; const isSameQRL = (a, b) => { return a.getHash() === b.getHash(); }; const createPlatform = (doc) => { const moduleCache = new Map(); return { isServer: false, importSymbol(element, url, symbolName) { const urlDoc = toUrl(doc, element, url).toString(); const urlCopy = new URL(urlDoc); urlCopy.hash = ''; urlCopy.search = ''; const importURL = urlCopy.href; const mod = moduleCache.get(importURL); if (mod) { return mod[symbolName]; } return import(/* @vite-ignore */ importURL).then((mod) => { mod = findModule(mod); moduleCache.set(importURL, mod); return mod[symbolName]; }); }, raf: (fn) => { return new Promise((resolve) => { requestAnimationFrame(() => { resolve(fn()); }); }); }, nextTick: (fn) => { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(fn()); }); }); }, chunkForSymbol() { return undefined; }, }; }; const findModule = (module) => { return Object.values(module).find(isModule) || module; }; const isModule = (module) => { return isObject(module) && module[Symbol.toStringTag] === 'Module'; }; /** * Convert relative base URI and relative URL into a fully qualified URL. * * @param base -`QRL`s are relative, and therefore they need a base for resolution. * - `Element` use `base.ownerDocument.baseURI` * - `Document` use `base.baseURI` * - `string` use `base` as is * - `QConfig` use `base.baseURI` * @param url - relative URL * @returns fully qualified URL. */ const toUrl = (doc, element, url) => { const containerEl = getContainer(element); const base = new URL(containerEl?.getAttribute('q:base') ?? doc.baseURI, doc.baseURI); return new URL(url, base); }; /** * @public */ const setPlatform = (doc, plt) => (doc[DocumentPlatform] = plt); /** * @public */ const getPlatform = (docOrNode) => { const doc = getDocument(docOrNode); return doc[DocumentPlatform] || (doc[DocumentPlatform] = createPlatform(doc)); }; const DocumentPlatform = /*#__PURE__*/ Symbol(); const isNode$1 = (value) => { return value && typeof value.nodeType == 'number'; }; const isDocument = (value) => { return value && value.nodeType == 9; }; const isElement = (value) => { return isNode$1(value) && value.nodeType === 1; }; // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#useHostElement instead) /** * Retrieves the Host Element of the current component. * * NOTE: `useHostElement` method can only be used in the synchronous portion of the callback * (before any `await` statements.) * * ```tsx * const Section = component$( * () => { * const hostElement = useHostElement(); * console.log(hostElement); // hostElement is a HTMLSectionElement * * return I am a section; * }, * { * tagName: 'section', * } * ); * ``` * * @public */ // const useHostElement = () => { const ctx = getInvokeContext(); assertEqual(ctx.$event$, RenderEvent); const element = ctx.$hostElement$; assertDefined(element); return element; }; // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#useStore instead) /** * Creates a object that Qwik can track across serializations. * * Use `useStore` to create state for your application. The return object is a proxy which has a * unique ID. The ID of the object is used in the `QRL`s to refer to the store. * * ## Example * * Example showing how `useStore` is used in Counter example to keep track of count. * * ```tsx * const Stores = component$(() => { * const counter = useCounter(1); * * // Reactivity happens even for nested objects and arrays * const userData = useStore({ * name: 'Manu', * address: { * address: '', * city: '', * }, * orgs: [], * }); * * // useStore() can also accept a function to calculate the initial value * const state = useStore(() => { * return { * value: expensiveInitialValue(), * }; * }); * * return ( * *
Counter: {counter.value}
* *
* ); * }); * * function useCounter(step: number) { * // Multiple stores can be created in custom hooks for convenience and composability * const counterStore = useStore({ * value: 0, * }); * useClientEffect$(() => { * // Only runs in the client * const timer = setInterval(() => { * counterStore.value += step; * }, 500); * return () => { * clearInterval(timer); * }; * }); * return counterStore; * } * ``` * * @public */ //
const useStore = (initialState, opts) => { const [store, setStore] = useSequentialScope(); if (store != null) { return store; } const containerState = useRenderContext().$containerState$; const value = isFunction(initialState) ? initialState() : initialState; const recursive = opts?.recursive ?? false; const flags = recursive ? QObjectRecursive : 0; const newStore = createProxy(value, containerState, flags, undefined); setStore(newStore); return newStore; }; // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#useRef instead) /** * It's a very thin wrapper around `useStore()` including the proper type signature to be passed * to the `ref` property in JSX. * * ```tsx * export function useRef(current?: T): Ref { * return useStore({ current }); * } * ``` * * ## Example * * ```tsx * const Cmp = component$(() => { * const input = useRef(); * * useClientEffect$((track) => { * const el = track(input, 'current')!; * el.focus(); * }); * * return ( * * * * ); * }); * * ``` * * @public */ // const useRef = (current) => { return useStore({ current }); }; /** * @alpha */ const useSequentialScope = () => { const ctx = getInvokeContext(); assertEqual(ctx.$event$, RenderEvent); const index = ctx.$seq$; const hostElement = useHostElement(); const elementCtx = getContext(hostElement); ctx.$seq$++; const updateFn = (value) => { elementCtx.$seq$[index] = value; }; return [elementCtx.$seq$[index], updateFn, index]; }; // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#useDocument instead) /** * Retrieves the document of the current element. It's important to use this method instead of * accessing `document` directly, because during SSR, the global document might not exist. * * NOTE: `useDocument` method can only be used in the synchronous portion of the callback (before * any `await` statements.) * * @alpha */ // const useDocument = () => { const ctx = getInvokeContext(); assertEqual(ctx.$event$, RenderEvent); const doc = ctx.$doc$; if (!doc) { throw qError(QError_missingDoc); } return doc; }; const fromCamelToKebabCase = (text) => { return text.replace(/([A-Z])/g, '-$1').toLowerCase(); }; const directSetAttribute = (el, prop, value) => { return el.setAttribute(prop, value); }; const directGetAttribute = (el, prop) => { return el.getAttribute(prop); }; const ON_PROP_REGEX = /^(window:|document:|)on([A-Z]|-.).*Qrl$/; const ON$_PROP_REGEX = /^(window:|document:|)on([A-Z]|-.).*\$$/; const isOnProp = (prop) => { return ON_PROP_REGEX.test(prop); }; const isOn$Prop = (prop) => { return ON$_PROP_REGEX.test(prop); }; const qPropWriteQRL = (rctx, ctx, prop, value) => { if (!value) { return; } if (!ctx.$listeners$) { ctx.$listeners$ = getDomListeners(ctx.$element$); } const kebabProp = fromCamelToKebabCase(prop); const existingListeners = ctx.$listeners$.get(kebabProp) || []; const newQRLs = isArray(value) ? value : [value]; for (const value of newQRLs) { const cp = value.copy(); cp.setContainer(ctx.$element$); const capture = cp.$capture$; if (capture == null) { // we need to serialize the lexical scope references const captureRef = cp.$captureRef$; cp.$capture$ = captureRef && captureRef.length ? captureRef.map((ref) => String(ctx.$refMap$.$add$(ref))) : EMPTY_ARRAY; } // Important we modify the array as it is cached. for (let i = 0; i < existingListeners.length; i++) { const qrl = existingListeners[i]; if (isSameQRL(qrl, cp)) { existingListeners.splice(i, 1); i--; } } existingListeners.push(cp); } ctx.$listeners$.set(kebabProp, existingListeners); const newValue = serializeQRLs(existingListeners, ctx); if (directGetAttribute(ctx.$element$, kebabProp) !== newValue) { if (rctx) { setAttribute(rctx, ctx.$element$, kebabProp, newValue); } else { directSetAttribute(ctx.$element$, kebabProp, newValue); } } }; const getDomListeners = (el) => { const attributes = el.attributes; const listeners = new Map(); for (let i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) { const attr = attributes.item(i); if (attr.name.startsWith('on:') || attr.name.startsWith('on-window:') || attr.name.startsWith('on-document:')) { let array = listeners.get(attr.name); if (!array) { listeners.set(attr.name, (array = [])); } array.push(parseQRL(attr.value, el)); } } return listeners; }; const serializeQRLs = (existingQRLs, ctx) => { const opts = { $platform$: getPlatform(ctx.$element$), $element$: ctx.$element$, }; return existingQRLs.map((qrl) => stringifyQRL(qrl, opts)).join('\n'); }; // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#implicit$FirstArg instead) /** * Create a `____$(...)` convenience method from `___(...)`. * * It is very common for functions to take a lazy-loadable resource as a first argument. For this * reason, the Qwik Optimizer automatically extracts the first argument from any function which * ends in `$`. * * This means that `foo$(arg0)` and `foo($(arg0))` are equivalent with respect to Qwik Optimizer. * The former is just a shorthand for the latter. * * For example these function call are equivalent: * * - `component$(() => {...})` is same as `onRender($(() => {...}))` * * ```tsx * export function myApi(callback: QRL<() => void>): void { * // ... * } * * export const myApi$ = implicit$FirstArg(myApi); * // type of myApi$: (callback: () => void): void * * // can be used as: * myApi$(() => console.log('callback')); * * // will be transpiled to: * // FILE: * myApi(qrl('./chunk-abc.js', 'callback')); * * // FILE: chunk-abc.js * export const callback = () => console.log('callback'); * ``` * * @param fn - function that should have its first argument automatically `$`. * @alpha */ // const implicit$FirstArg = (fn) => { return function (first, ...rest) { return fn.call(null, $(first), ...rest); }; }; // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#useCleanup instead) /** * A lazy-loadable reference to a component's cleanup hook. * * Invoked when the component is destroyed (removed from render tree), or paused as part of the * SSR serialization. * * Can be used to release resouces, abort network requets, stop timers... * * ```tsx * const Cmp = component$(() => { * useCleanup$(() => { * // Executed after SSR (pause) or when the component gets removed from the DOM. * // Can be used to release resouces, abort network requets, stop timers... * console.log('component is destroyed'); * }); * return
Hello world
; * }); * ``` * * @alpha */ //
const useCleanupQrl = (unmountFn) => { const [watch, setWatch, i] = useSequentialScope(); if (!watch) { const el = useHostElement(); const watch = { qrl: unmountFn, el, f: WatchFlagsIsCleanup, i, }; setWatch(true); getContext(el).$watches$.push(watch); } }; // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#useCleanup instead) /** * A lazy-loadable reference to a component's cleanup hook. * * Invoked when the component is destroyed (removed from render tree), or paused as part of the * SSR serialization. * * Can be used to release resouces, abort network requets, stop timers... * * ```tsx * const Cmp = component$(() => { * useCleanup$(() => { * // Executed after SSR (pause) or when the component gets removed from the DOM. * // Can be used to release resouces, abort network requets, stop timers... * console.log('component is destroyed'); * }); * return
Hello world
; * }); * ``` * * @alpha */ //
const useCleanup$ = /*#__PURE__*/ implicit$FirstArg(useCleanupQrl); // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#useResume instead) /** * A lazy-loadable reference to a component's on resume hook. * * The hook is eagerly invoked when the application resumes on the client. Because it is called * eagerly, this allows the component to resume even if no user interaction has taken place. * * Only called in the client. * Only called once. * * ```tsx * const Cmp = component$(() => { * useResume$(() => { * // Eagerly invoked when the application resumes on the client * console.log('called once in client'); * }); * return
Hello world
; * }); * ``` * * @see `useVisible`, `useClientEffect` * * @alpha */ //
const useResumeQrl = (resumeFn) => { useOn('qinit', resumeFn); }; // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#useResume instead) /** * A lazy-loadable reference to a component's on resume hook. * * The hook is eagerly invoked when the application resumes on the client. Because it is called * eagerly, this allows the component to resume even if no user interaction has taken place. * * Only called in the client. * Only called once. * * ```tsx * const Cmp = component$(() => { * useResume$(() => { * // Eagerly invoked when the application resumes on the client * console.log('called once in client'); * }); * return
Hello world
; * }); * ``` * * @see `useVisible`, `useClientEffect` * * @alpha */ //
const useResume$ = /*#__PURE__*/ implicit$FirstArg(useResumeQrl); // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#useVisible instead) /** * A lazy-loadable reference to a component's on visible hook. * * The hook is lazily invoked when the component becomes visible in the browser viewport. * * Only called in the client. * Only called once. * * @see `useResume`, `useClientEffect` * * ```tsx * const Cmp = component$(() => { * const store = useStore({ * isVisible: false, * }); * useVisible$(() => { * // Invoked once when the component is visible in the browser's viewport * console.log('called once in client when visible'); * store.isVisible = true; * }); * return
; * }); * ``` * * @alpha */ //
const useVisibleQrl = (resumeFn) => { useOn('qvisible', resumeFn); }; // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#useOn instead) /** * Register a listener on the current component's host element. * * Used to programmatically add event listeners. Useful from custom `use*` methods, which do not * have access to the JSX. Otherwise it's adding a JSX listener in the `` is a better idea. * * @see `useOn`, `useOnWindow`, `useOnDocument`. * * @alpha */ // const useOn = (event, eventFn) => { const el = useHostElement(); const ctx = getContext(el); qPropWriteQRL(undefined, ctx, `on:${event}`, eventFn); }; // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#useOnDocument instead) /** * Register a listener on `document`. * * Used to programmatically add event listeners. Useful from custom `use*` methods, which do not * have access to the JSX. * * @see `useOn`, `useOnWindow`, `useOnDocument`. * * ```tsx * function useScroll() { * useOnDocument( * 'scroll', * $(() => { * console.log('body scrolled'); * }) * ); * } * * const Cmp = component$(() => { * useScroll(); * return Profit!; * }); * ``` * * @alpha */ // const useOnDocument = (event, eventQrl) => { const el = useHostElement(); const ctx = getContext(el); qPropWriteQRL(undefined, ctx, `on-document:${event}`, eventQrl); }; // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#useOnWindow instead) /** * Register a listener on `window`. * * Used to programmatically add event listeners. Useful from custom `use*` methods, which do not * have access to the JSX. * * @see `useOn`, `useOnWindow`, `useOnDocument`. * * ```tsx * function useAnalytics() { * useOnWindow( * 'popstate', * $(() => { * console.log('navigation happened'); * // report to analytics * }) * ); * } * * const Cmp = component$(() => { * useAnalytics(); * return Profit!; * }); * ``` * * @alpha */ // const useOnWindow = (event, eventFn) => { const el = useHostElement(); const ctx = getContext(el); qPropWriteQRL(undefined, ctx, `on-window:${event}`, eventFn); }; const WatchFlagsIsEffect = 1 << 0; const WatchFlagsIsWatch = 1 << 1; const WatchFlagsIsDirty = 1 << 2; const WatchFlagsIsCleanup = 1 << 3; // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#useWatch instead) /** * Reruns the `watchFn` when the observed inputs change. * * Use `useWatch` to observe changes on a set of inputs, and then re-execute the `watchFn` when * those inputs change. * * The `watchFn` only executes if the observed inputs change. To observe the inputs use the `obs` * function to wrap property reads. This creates subscriptions which will trigger the `watchFn` * to re-run. * * @see `Tracker` * * @public * * ## Example * * The `useWatch` function is used to observe the `state.count` property. Any changes to the * `state.count` cause the `watchFn` to execute which in turn updates the `state.doubleCount` to * the double of `state.count`. * * ```tsx * const Cmp = component$(() => { * const store = useStore({ * count: 0, * doubleCount: 0, * debounced: 0, * }); * * // Double count watch * useWatch$((track) => { * const count = track(store, 'count'); * store.doubleCount = 2 * count; * }); * * // Debouncer watch * useWatch$((track) => { * const doubleCount = track(store, 'doubleCount'); * const timer = setTimeout(() => { * store.debounced = doubleCount; * }, 2000); * return () => { * clearTimeout(timer); * }; * }); * return ( * *
* {store.count} / {store.doubleCount} *
* ); * }); * ``` * * @param watch - Function which should be re-executed when changes to the inputs are detected * @public */ //
const useWatchQrl = (qrl, opts) => { const [watch, setWatch, i] = useSequentialScope(); if (!watch) { const el = useHostElement(); const containerState = useRenderContext().$containerState$; const watch = { qrl, el, f: WatchFlagsIsDirty | WatchFlagsIsWatch, i, }; setWatch(true); getContext(el).$watches$.push(watch); useWaitOn(Promise.resolve().then(() => runWatch(watch, containerState))); const isServer = containerState.$platform$.isServer; if (isServer) { useRunWatch(watch, opts?.run); } } }; // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#useWatch instead) /** * Reruns the `watchFn` when the observed inputs change. * * Use `useWatch` to observe changes on a set of inputs, and then re-execute the `watchFn` when * those inputs change. * * The `watchFn` only executes if the observed inputs change. To observe the inputs use the `obs` * function to wrap property reads. This creates subscriptions which will trigger the `watchFn` * to re-run. * * @see `Tracker` * * @public * * ## Example * * The `useWatch` function is used to observe the `state.count` property. Any changes to the * `state.count` cause the `watchFn` to execute which in turn updates the `state.doubleCount` to * the double of `state.count`. * * ```tsx * const Cmp = component$(() => { * const store = useStore({ * count: 0, * doubleCount: 0, * debounced: 0, * }); * * // Double count watch * useWatch$((track) => { * const count = track(store, 'count'); * store.doubleCount = 2 * count; * }); * * // Debouncer watch * useWatch$((track) => { * const doubleCount = track(store, 'doubleCount'); * const timer = setTimeout(() => { * store.debounced = doubleCount; * }, 2000); * return () => { * clearTimeout(timer); * }; * }); * return ( * *
* {store.count} / {store.doubleCount} *
* ); * }); * ``` * * @param watch - Function which should be re-executed when changes to the inputs are detected * @public */ //
const useWatch$ = /*#__PURE__*/ implicit$FirstArg(useWatchQrl); // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#useClientEffect instead) /** * ```tsx * const Timer = component$(() => { * const store = useStore({ * count: 0, * }); * * useClientEffect$(() => { * // Only runs in the client * const timer = setInterval(() => { * store.count++; * }, 500); * return () => { * clearInterval(timer); * }; * }); * * return {store.count}; * }); * ``` * * @public */ // const useClientEffectQrl = (qrl, opts) => { const [watch, setWatch, i] = useSequentialScope(); if (!watch) { const el = useHostElement(); const watch = { qrl, el, f: WatchFlagsIsEffect, i, }; setWatch(true); getContext(el).$watches$.push(watch); useRunWatch(watch, opts?.run ?? 'visible'); const doc = useDocument(); if (doc['qO']) { doc['qO'].observe(el); } } }; // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#useClientEffect instead) /** * ```tsx * const Timer = component$(() => { * const store = useStore({ * count: 0, * }); * * useClientEffect$(() => { * // Only runs in the client * const timer = setInterval(() => { * store.count++; * }, 500); * return () => { * clearInterval(timer); * }; * }); * * return {store.count}; * }); * ``` * * @public */ // const useClientEffect$ = /*#__PURE__*/ implicit$FirstArg(useClientEffectQrl); // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#useServerMount instead) /** * Register's a server mount hook, that runs only in server when the component is first mounted. * * ## Example * * ```tsx * const Cmp = component$(() => { * const store = useStore({ * users: [], * }); * * useServerMount$(async () => { * // This code will ONLY run once in the server, when the component is mounted * store.users = await db.requestUsers(); * }); * * return ( * * {store.users.map((user) => ( * * ))} * * ); * }); * * interface User { * name: string; * } * function User(props: { user: User }) { * return
Name: {props.user.name}
; * } * ``` * * @see `useClientMount` `useMount` * @public */ //
const useServerMountQrl = (mountQrl) => { const [watch, setWatch] = useSequentialScope(); if (!watch) { setWatch(true); const isServer = getPlatform(useDocument()).isServer; if (isServer) { useWaitOn(mountQrl.invoke()); } } }; // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#useServerMount instead) /** * Register's a server mount hook, that runs only in server when the component is first mounted. * * ## Example * * ```tsx * const Cmp = component$(() => { * const store = useStore({ * users: [], * }); * * useServerMount$(async () => { * // This code will ONLY run once in the server, when the component is mounted * store.users = await db.requestUsers(); * }); * * return ( * * {store.users.map((user) => ( * * ))} * * ); * }); * * interface User { * name: string; * } * function User(props: { user: User }) { * return
Name: {props.user.name}
; * } * ``` * * @see `useClientMount` `useMount` * @public */ //
const useServerMount$ = /*#__PURE__*/ implicit$FirstArg(useServerMountQrl); // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#useClientMount instead) /** * Register's a client mount hook, that runs only in client when the component is first mounted. * * ## Example * * ```tsx * const Cmp = component$(() => { * const store = useStore({ * hash: '' * }); * * useClientMount$(async () => { * // This code will ONLY run once in the client, when the component is mounted * store.hash = document.location.hash * }); * * return ( * *

The url hash is: ${store.hash}

* ); * }); * ``` * * @see `useServerMount` `useMount` * * @public */ //
const useClientMountQrl = (mountQrl) => { const [watch, setWatch] = useSequentialScope(); if (!watch) { setWatch(true); const isServer = getPlatform(useDocument()).isServer; if (!isServer) { useWaitOn(mountQrl.invoke()); } } }; // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#useClientMount instead) /** * Register's a client mount hook, that runs only in client when the component is first mounted. * * ## Example * * ```tsx * const Cmp = component$(() => { * const store = useStore({ * hash: '' * }); * * useClientMount$(async () => { * // This code will ONLY run once in the client, when the component is mounted * store.hash = document.location.hash * }); * * return ( * *

The url hash is: ${store.hash}

* ); * }); * ``` * * @see `useServerMount` `useMount` * * @public */ //
const useClientMount$ = /*#__PURE__*/ implicit$FirstArg(useClientMountQrl); // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#useMount instead) /** * Register's a mount hook, that runs both in the server and the client when the component is * first mounted. * * ## Example * * ```tsx * const Cmp = component$(() => { * const store = useStore({ * temp: 0, * }); * * useMount$(async () => { * // This code will run once whenever a component is mounted in the server, or in the client * const res = await fetch('weather-api.example'); * const json = await res.json() as any; * store.temp = json.temp; * }); * * return ( * *

The temperature is: ${store.temp}

* ); * }); * ``` * * @see `useServerMount` `useClientMount` * @public */ //
const useMountQrl = (mountQrl) => { const [watch, setWatch] = useSequentialScope(); if (!watch) { setWatch(true); useWaitOn(mountQrl.invoke()); } }; // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#useMount instead) /** * Register's a mount hook, that runs both in the server and the client when the component is * first mounted. * * ## Example * * ```tsx * const Cmp = component$(() => { * const store = useStore({ * temp: 0, * }); * * useMount$(async () => { * // This code will run once whenever a component is mounted in the server, or in the client * const res = await fetch('weather-api.example'); * const json = await res.json() as any; * store.temp = json.temp; * }); * * return ( * *

The temperature is: ${store.temp}

* ); * }); * ``` * * @see `useServerMount` `useClientMount` * @public */ //
const useMount$ = /*#__PURE__*/ implicit$FirstArg(useMountQrl); const runWatch = (watch, containerState) => { if (!(watch.f & WatchFlagsIsDirty)) { logDebug('Watch is not dirty, skipping run', watch); return Promise.resolve(watch); } watch.f &= ~WatchFlagsIsDirty; const promise = new Promise((resolve) => { then(watch.running, () => { cleanupWatch(watch); const el = watch.el; const doc = getDocument(el); const invokationContext = newInvokeContext(doc, el, el, 'WatchEvent'); const { $subsManager$: subsManager } = containerState; const watchFn = watch.qrl.invokeFn(el, invokationContext, () => { subsManager.$clearSub$(watch); }); const track = (obj, prop) => { const target = getProxyTarget(obj); assertDefined(target, 'Expected a Proxy object to track'); const manager = subsManager.$getLocal$(target); manager.$addSub$(watch, prop); if (prop) { return obj[prop]; } else { return obj; } }; return then(watchFn(track), (returnValue) => { if (isFunction(returnValue)) { watch.destroy = noSerialize(returnValue); } resolve(watch); }); }); }); watch.running = noSerialize(promise); return promise; }; const cleanupWatch = (watch) => { const destroy = watch.destroy; if (destroy) { watch.destroy = undefined; try { destroy(); } catch (err) { logError(err); } } }; const destroyWatch = (watch) => { if (watch.f & WatchFlagsIsCleanup) { watch.f &= ~WatchFlagsIsCleanup; const cleanup = watch.qrl.invokeFn(watch.el); cleanup(); } else { cleanupWatch(watch); } }; const useRunWatch = (watch, run) => { if (run === 'load') { useResumeQrl(getWatchHandlerQrl(watch)); } else if (run === 'visible') { useVisibleQrl(getWatchHandlerQrl(watch)); } }; const getWatchHandlerQrl = (watch) => { const watchQrl = watch.qrl; const watchHandler = new QRL(watchQrl.$chunk$, 'handleWatch', handleWatch, null, null, [watch]); watchHandler.$refSymbol$ = watchQrl.$symbol$; return watchHandler; }; const emitEvent = (el, eventName, detail, bubbles) => { if (el && typeof CustomEvent === 'function') { el.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(eventName, { detail, bubbles: bubbles, composed: bubbles, })); } }; const UNDEFINED_PREFIX = '\u0010'; const QRL_PREFIX = '\u0011'; const DOCUMENT_PREFIX = '\u0012'; // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#pauseContainer instead) /** * Serialize the current state of the application into DOM * * @alpha */ // const pauseContainer = (elmOrDoc) => { const doc = getDocument(elmOrDoc); const containerEl = isDocument(elmOrDoc) ? elmOrDoc.documentElement : elmOrDoc; const parentJSON = isDocument(elmOrDoc) ? elmOrDoc.body : containerEl; const data = snapshotState(containerEl); const script = doc.createElement('script'); directSetAttribute(script, 'type', 'qwik/json'); script.textContent = escapeText(JSON.stringify(data.state, undefined, qDev ? ' ' : undefined)); parentJSON.appendChild(script); directSetAttribute(containerEl, QContainerAttr, 'paused'); return data; }; const resumeContainer = (containerEl) => { if (!isContainer(containerEl)) { logWarn('Skipping hydration because parent element is not q:container'); return; } const doc = getDocument(containerEl); const isDocElement = containerEl === doc.documentElement; const parentJSON = isDocElement ? doc.body : containerEl; const script = getQwikJSON(parentJSON); if (!script) { logWarn('Skipping hydration qwik/json metadata was not found.'); return; } script.remove(); const containerState = getContainerState(containerEl); const meta = JSON.parse(unescapeText(script.textContent || '{}')); // Collect all elements const elements = new Map(); const getObject = (id) => { return getObjectImpl(id, elements, meta.objs, containerState); }; getNodesInScope(containerEl, hasQId).forEach((el) => { const id = directGetAttribute(el, ELEMENT_ID); elements.set(ELEMENT_ID_PREFIX + id, el); }); // Revive proxies with subscriptions into the proxymap reviveValues(meta.objs, meta.subs, getObject, containerState, parentJSON); // Rebuild target objects for (const obj of meta.objs) { reviveNestedObjects(obj, getObject); } Object.entries(meta.ctx).forEach(([elementID, ctxMeta]) => { const el = getObject(elementID); assertDefined(el); const ctx = getContext(el); const qobj = ctxMeta.r; const seq = ctxMeta.s; const host = ctxMeta.h; const contexts = ctxMeta.c; const watches = ctxMeta.w; if (qobj) { ctx.$refMap$.$array$.push(...qobj.split(' ').map((part) => getObject(part))); } if (seq) { ctx.$seq$ = seq.split(' ').map((part) => getObject(part)); } if (watches) { ctx.$watches$ = watches.split(' ').map((part) => getObject(part)); } if (contexts) { contexts.split(' ').map((part) => { const [key, value] = part.split('='); if (!ctx.$contexts$) { ctx.$contexts$ = new Map(); } ctx.$contexts$.set(key, getObject(value)); }); } // Restore sequence scoping if (host) { const [props, renderQrl] = host.split(' '); assertDefined(props); assertDefined(renderQrl); ctx.$props$ = getObject(props); ctx.$renderQrl$ = getObject(renderQrl); } }); directSetAttribute(containerEl, QContainerAttr, 'resumed'); logDebug('Container resumed'); emitEvent(containerEl, 'qresume', undefined, true); }; const hasContext = (el) => { return !!tryGetContext(el); }; const snapshotState = (containerEl) => { const containerState = getContainerState(containerEl); const doc = getDocument(containerEl); const elementToIndex = new Map(); const collector = createCollector(doc, containerState); // Collect all qObjected around the DOM const elements = getNodesInScope(containerEl, hasContext); elements.forEach((node) => { const ctx = tryGetContext(node); collectProps(node, ctx.$props$, collector); ctx.$contexts$?.forEach((ctx) => { collectValue(ctx, collector); }); ctx.$listeners$?.forEach((listeners) => { for (const l of listeners) { const captured = l.$captureRef$; if (captured) { captured.forEach((obj) => collectValue(obj, collector)); } } }); ctx.$watches$.forEach((watch) => { collector.$watches$.push(watch); }); }); // Convert objSet to array const objs = Array.from(collector.$objSet$); const objToId = new Map(); const hasSubscriptions = (a) => { const flags = getProxyFlags(containerState.$proxyMap$.get(a)); if (typeof flags === 'number' && flags > 0) { return true; } const manager = containerState.$subsManager$.$tryGetLocal$(a); if (manager) { return manager.$subs$.size > 0; } return false; }; const getElementID = (el) => { let id = elementToIndex.get(el); if (id === undefined) { if (el.isConnected) { id = intToStr(elementToIndex.size); directSetAttribute(el, ELEMENT_ID, id); id = ELEMENT_ID_PREFIX + id; } else { id = null; } elementToIndex.set(el, id); } return id; }; const getObjId = (obj) => { if (isObject(obj)) { const target = getProxyTarget(obj); const id = objToId.get(normalizeObj(target ?? obj, doc)); if (id !== undefined) { const proxySuffix = target ? '!' : ''; return intToStr(id) + proxySuffix; } if (!target && isNode$1(obj)) { if (obj.nodeType === 1) { return getElementID(obj); } else { logError(codeToText(QError_cannotSerializeNode), obj); return null; } } } else { const id = objToId.get(normalizeObj(obj, doc)); if (id !== undefined) { return intToStr(id); } } return null; }; const mustGetObjId = (obj) => { const id = getObjId(obj); assertDefined(id); return id; }; const serialize = (value) => { return getObjId(value) ?? value; }; let count = 0; objs.sort((a, b) => { const isProxyA = hasSubscriptions(a) ? 0 : 1; const isProxyB = hasSubscriptions(b) ? 0 : 1; return isProxyA - isProxyB; }); for (const obj of objs) { objToId.set(obj, count); count++; } const subs = objs .map((obj) => { const flags = getProxyFlags(containerState.$proxyMap$.get(obj)); if (flags === undefined) { return null; } const subs = containerState.$subsManager$.$tryGetLocal$(obj)?.$subs$; if ((subs && subs.size > 0) || flags !== 0) { const subsObj = {}; if (flags > 0) { subsObj['$'] = flags; } subs && subs.forEach((set, key) => { const id = getObjId(key); if (id !== null) { subsObj[id] = set ? Array.from(set) : null; } }); return subsObj; } else { return null; } }) .filter(isNotNullable); const qrlSerializeOptions = { $platform$: containerState.$platform$, $getObjId$: getObjId, }; const convertedObjs = objs.map((obj) => { if (isObject(obj)) { if (isArray(obj)) { return obj.map(serialize); } if (isQrl(obj)) { return QRL_PREFIX + stringifyQRL(obj, qrlSerializeOptions); } const output = {}; Object.entries(obj).forEach(([key, value]) => { output[key] = serialize(value); }); return output; } return obj; }); const listeners = []; const meta = {}; // Write back to the dom elements.forEach((node) => { const ctx = getContext(node); assertDefined(ctx); const ref = ctx.$refMap$; const props = ctx.$props$; const contexts = ctx.$contexts$; const watches = ctx.$watches$; const renderQrl = ctx.$renderQrl$; const seq = ctx.$seq$; const metaValue = {}; const elementCaptured = collector.$elements$.includes(node); let add = false; if (ref.$array$.length > 0) { const value = ref.$array$.map((obj) => mustGetObjId(obj)).join(' '); if (value) { metaValue.r = value; add = true; } } if (elementCaptured && props) { const objs = [props]; if (renderQrl) { objs.push(renderQrl); } const value = objs.map((obj) => mustGetObjId(obj)).join(' '); if (value) { metaValue.h = value; add = true; } } if (watches.length > 0) { const value = watches .map((watch) => getObjId(watch)) .filter(isNotNullable) .join(' '); if (value) { metaValue.w = value; add = true; } } if (elementCaptured && seq.length > 0) { const value = seq.map((obj) => mustGetObjId(obj)).join(' '); if (value) { metaValue.s = value; add = true; } } if (contexts) { const serializedContexts = []; contexts.forEach((value, key) => { serializedContexts.push(`${key}=${mustGetObjId(value)}`); }); const value = serializedContexts.join(' '); if (value) { metaValue.c = value; add = true; } } if (add) { const elementID = getElementID(node); assertDefined(elementID); meta[elementID] = metaValue; } if (ctx.$listeners$) { ctx.$listeners$.forEach((qrls, key) => { qrls.forEach((qrl) => { listeners.push({ key, qrl, }); }); }); } }); for (const watch of collector.$watches$) { destroyWatch(watch); if (qDev) { if (watch.f & WatchFlagsIsDirty) { logWarn('Serializing dirty watch. Looks like an internal error.'); } if (!isConnected(watch)) { logWarn('Serializing disconneted watch. Looks like an internal error.'); } } } // Sanity check of serialized element if (qDev) { elementToIndex.forEach((value, el) => { if (getDocument(el) !== doc) { logWarn('element from different document', value, el.tagName); } if (!value) { logWarn('unconnected element', el.tagName, '\n'); } }); } return { state: { ctx: meta, objs: convertedObjs, subs, }, objs, listeners, }; }; const getQwikJSON = (parentElm) => { let child = parentElm.lastElementChild; while (child) { if (child.tagName === 'SCRIPT' && directGetAttribute(child, 'type') === 'qwik/json') { return child; } child = child.previousElementSibling; } return undefined; }; const getNodesInScope = (parent, predicate) => { const nodes = []; walkNodes(nodes, parent, predicate); return nodes; }; const walkNodes = (nodes, parent, predicate) => { let child = parent.firstElementChild; while (child) { if (!isContainer(child)) { if (predicate(child)) { nodes.push(child); } walkNodes(nodes, child, predicate); } child = child.nextElementSibling; } }; const reviveValues = (objs, subs, getObject, containerState, containerEl) => { for (let i = 0; i < objs.length; i++) { const value = objs[i]; if (isString(value)) { if (value === UNDEFINED_PREFIX) { objs[i] = undefined; } else if (value === DOCUMENT_PREFIX) { objs[i] = getDocument(containerEl); } else if (value.startsWith(QRL_PREFIX)) { objs[i] = parseQRL(value.slice(1), containerEl); } } else { const sub = subs[i]; if (sub) { const converted = new Map(); let flags = 0; Object.entries(sub).forEach((entry) => { if (entry[0] === '$') { flags = entry[1]; return; } const el = getObject(entry[0]); if (!el) { logWarn('QWIK can not revive subscriptions because of missing element ID', entry, value); return; } const set = entry[1] === null ? null : new Set(entry[1]); converted.set(el, set); }); createProxy(value, containerState, flags, converted); } } } }; const reviveNestedObjects = (obj, getObject) => { if (obj && typeof obj == 'object') { if (isQrl(obj)) { if (obj.$capture$ && obj.$capture$.length > 0) { obj.$captureRef$ = obj.$capture$.map(getObject); obj.$capture$ = null; } return; } else if (isArray(obj)) { for (let i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { const value = obj[i]; if (typeof value == 'string') { obj[i] = getObject(value); } else { reviveNestedObjects(value, getObject); } } } else if (Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === Object.prototype) { for (const key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { const value = obj[key]; if (typeof value == 'string') { obj[key] = getObject(value); } else { reviveNestedObjects(value, getObject); } } } } } }; const getObjectImpl = (id, elements, objs, containerState) => { if (id.startsWith(ELEMENT_ID_PREFIX)) { assertEqual(elements.has(id), true); return elements.get(id); } const index = strToInt(id); assertEqual(objs.length > index, true); const obj = objs[index]; const needsProxy = id.endsWith('!'); if (needsProxy && containerState) { return containerState.$proxyMap$.get(obj) ?? getOrCreateProxy(obj, containerState); } return obj; }; const normalizeObj = (obj, doc) => { if (obj === doc) { return DOCUMENT_PREFIX; } if (obj === undefined || !shouldSerialize(obj)) { return UNDEFINED_PREFIX; } return getProxyTarget(obj) ?? obj; }; const collectValue = (obj, collector) => { const handled = collectQObjects(obj, collector); if (!handled) { collector.$objSet$.add(normalizeObj(obj, collector.$doc$)); } }; const collectProps = (el, props, collector) => { const subs = collector.$containerState$.$subsManager$.$tryGetLocal$(getProxyTarget(props))?.$subs$; if (subs && subs.has(el)) { // The host element read the props collectElement(el, collector); } }; const createCollector = (doc, containerState) => { return { $seen$: new Set(), $objSet$: new Set(), $elements$: [], $watches$: [], $containerState$: containerState, $doc$: doc, }; }; const collectQrl = (obj, collector) => { if (collector.$seen$.has(obj)) { return true; } collector.$seen$.add(obj); collector.$objSet$.add(normalizeObj(obj, collector.$doc$)); if (obj.$captureRef$) { obj.$captureRef$.forEach((obj) => collectValue(obj, collector)); } }; const collectElement = (el, collector) => { if (collector.$seen$.has(el)) { return; } collector.$seen$.add(el); const ctx = tryGetContext(el); if (ctx) { collector.$elements$.push(el); if (ctx.$props$) { collectValue(ctx.$props$, collector); } if (ctx.$renderQrl$) { collectValue(ctx.$renderQrl$, collector); } ctx.$seq$.forEach((obj) => { collectValue(obj, collector); }); ctx.$refMap$.$array$.forEach((obj) => { collectValue(obj, collector); }); ctx.$watches$.forEach((watch) => { collectValue(watch, collector); }); if (ctx.$contexts$) { ctx.$contexts$.forEach((obj) => { collectValue(obj, collector); }); } } }; const escapeText = (str) => { return str.replace(/<(\/?script)/g, '\\x3C$1'); }; const unescapeText = (str) => { return str.replace(/\\x3C(\/?script)/g, '<$1'); }; const collectSubscriptions = (subs, collector) => { if (collector.$seen$.has(subs)) { return; } collector.$seen$.add(subs); Array.from(subs.keys()).forEach((key) => { if (isElement(key)) { collectElement(key, collector); } else { collectValue(key, collector); } }); }; const collectQObjects = (obj, collector) => { if (obj != null) { if (typeof obj === 'object') { const target = getProxyTarget(obj); if (!target && isNode$1(obj)) { if (obj.nodeType === 1) { return true; } return false; } if (isQrl(obj)) { collectQrl(obj, collector); return true; } const subs = collector.$containerState$.$subsManager$.$tryGetLocal$(target)?.$subs$; if (subs) { collectSubscriptions(subs, collector); } obj = normalizeObj(obj, collector.$doc$); } if (typeof obj === 'object') { if (collector.$seen$.has(obj)) { return true; } collector.$seen$.add(obj); collector.$objSet$.add(obj); if (isArray(obj)) { for (let i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { collectQObjects(obj[i], collector); } } else { for (const key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { collectQObjects(obj[key], collector); } } } return true; } if (isString(obj)) { collector.$objSet$.add(obj); return true; } } return false; }; const isContainer = (el) => { return el.hasAttribute(QContainerAttr); }; const hasQId = (el) => { return el.hasAttribute(ELEMENT_ID); }; const intToStr = (nu) => { return nu.toString(36); }; const strToInt = (nu) => { return parseInt(nu, 36); }; const newQObjectMap = () => { const array = []; return { $array$: array, $get$(index) { return array[index]; }, $indexOf$(obj) { const index = array.indexOf(obj); return index === -1 ? undefined : index; }, $add$(object) { const index = array.indexOf(object); if (index === -1) { array.push(object); return array.length - 1; } return index; }, }; }; const Q_CTX = '__ctx__'; const resumeIfNeeded = (containerEl) => { const isResumed = directGetAttribute(containerEl, QContainerAttr); if (isResumed === 'paused') { resumeContainer(containerEl); if (qDev) { appendQwikDevTools(containerEl); } } }; const appendQwikDevTools = (containerEl) => { containerEl['qwik'] = { pause: () => pauseContainer(containerEl), state: getContainerState(containerEl), }; }; const tryGetContext = (element) => { return element[Q_CTX]; }; const getContext = (element) => { let ctx = tryGetContext(element); if (!ctx) { const cache = new Map(); element[Q_CTX] = ctx = { $element$: element, $cache$: cache, $refMap$: newQObjectMap(), $dirty$: false, $seq$: [], $watches$: [], $props$: undefined, $renderQrl$: undefined, $component$: undefined, }; } return ctx; }; const cleanupContext = (ctx, subsManager) => { const el = ctx.$element$; ctx.$watches$.forEach((watch) => { subsManager.$clearSub$(watch); destroyWatch(watch); }); if (ctx.$renderQrl$) { subsManager.$clearSub$(el); } ctx.$component$ = undefined; ctx.$renderQrl$ = undefined; ctx.$seq$.length = 0; ctx.$watches$.length = 0; ctx.$cache$.clear(); ctx.$dirty$ = false; ctx.$refMap$.$array$.length = 0; el[Q_CTX] = undefined; }; const PREFIXES = ['document:on', 'window:on', 'on']; const SCOPED = ['on-document', 'on-window', 'on']; const normalizeOnProp = (prop) => { let scope = 'on'; for (let i = 0; i < PREFIXES.length; i++) { const prefix = PREFIXES[i]; if (prop.startsWith(prefix)) { scope = SCOPED[i]; prop = prop.slice(prefix.length); } } if (prop.startsWith('-')) { prop = prop.slice(1); } else { prop = prop.toLowerCase(); } return `${scope}:${prop}`; }; const setEvent = (rctx, ctx, prop, value) => { qPropWriteQRL(rctx, ctx, normalizeOnProp(prop), value); }; const createProps = (target, containerState) => { return createProxy(target, containerState, QObjectImmutable); }; const getPropsMutator = (ctx, containerState) => { let props = ctx.$props$; if (!ctx.$props$) { ctx.$props$ = props = createProps({}, containerState); } const target = getProxyTarget(props); assertDefined(target); const manager = containerState.$subsManager$.$getLocal$(target); return { set(prop, value) { const didSet = prop in target; let oldValue = target[prop]; let mut = false; if (isMutable(oldValue)) { oldValue = oldValue.v; } target[prop] = value; if (isMutable(value)) { value = value.v; mut = true; } if (oldValue !== value) { if (qDev) { if (didSet && !mut && !isQrl(value)) { const displayName = ctx.$renderQrl$?.getSymbol() ?? ctx.$element$.localName; logError(`Props are immutable by default. If you need to change a value of a passed in prop, please wrap the prop with "mutable()" <${displayName} ${prop}={mutable(...)}>`, '\n - Component:', displayName, '\n - Prop:', prop, '\n - Old value:', oldValue, '\n - New value:', value); } } manager.$notifySubs$(prop); } }, }; }; /** * Place at the root of the component View to allow binding of attributes on the Host element. * * ``` * * View content implementation. * * ``` * * Qwik requires that components have [docs/HOST_ELEMENTS.ts] so that it is possible to have * asynchronous loading point. Host element is not owned by the component. At times it is * desirable for the component to render additional attributes on the host element. `` * servers that purpose. * @public */ const Host = { __brand__: 'host' }; /** * @public */ const SkipRerender = { __brand__: 'skip' }; /** * @public */ const jsx = (type, props, key) => { return new JSXNodeImpl(type, props, key); }; const HOST_TYPE = ':host'; const SKIP_RENDER_TYPE = ':skipRender'; class JSXNodeImpl { constructor(type, props, key = null) { this.type = type; this.props = props; this.key = key; } } class ProcessedJSXNodeImpl { constructor($type$, $props$, $children$, $key$) { this.$type$ = $type$; this.$props$ = $props$; this.$children$ = $children$; this.$key$ = $key$; this.$elm$ = null; this.$text$ = ''; } } const processNode = (node, invocationContext) => { const key = node.key != null ? String(node.key) : null; let textType = ''; if (node.type === Host) { textType = HOST_TYPE; } else if (node.type === SkipRerender) { textType = SKIP_RENDER_TYPE; } else if (isFunction(node.type)) { const res = invocationContext ? useInvoke(invocationContext, () => node.type(node.props, node.key)) : node.type(node.props, node.key); return processData(res, invocationContext); } else if (isString(node.type)) { textType = node.type; } let children = EMPTY_ARRAY; if (node.props) { const mightPromise = processData(node.props.children, invocationContext); return then(mightPromise, (result) => { if (result !== undefined) { if (isArray(result)) { children = result; } else { children = [result]; } } return new ProcessedJSXNodeImpl(textType, node.props, children, key); }); } return new ProcessedJSXNodeImpl(textType, node.props, children, key); }; const processData = (node, invocationContext) => { if (node == null || typeof node === 'boolean') { return undefined; } if (isJSXNode(node)) { return processNode(node, invocationContext); } else if (isPromise(node)) { return node.then((node) => processData(node, invocationContext)); } else if (isArray(node)) { const output = promiseAll(node.flatMap((n) => processData(n, invocationContext))); return then(output, (array) => array.flat(100).filter(isNotNullable)); } else if (isString(node) || typeof node === 'number') { const newNode = new ProcessedJSXNodeImpl('#text', null, EMPTY_ARRAY, null); newNode.$text$ = String(node); return newNode; } else { logWarn('Unvalid node, skipping'); return undefined; } }; const isJSXNode = (n) => { if (qDev) { if (n instanceof JSXNodeImpl) { return true; } if (isObject(n) && n.constructor.name === JSXNodeImpl.name) { throw new Error(`Duplicate implementations of "JSXNodeImpl" found`); } return false; } else { return n instanceof JSXNodeImpl; } }; /** * @public */ const Fragment = (props) => props.children; const visitJsxNode = (ctx, elm, jsxNode, isSvg) => { if (jsxNode === undefined) { return smartUpdateChildren(ctx, elm, [], 'root', isSvg); } if (isArray(jsxNode)) { return smartUpdateChildren(ctx, elm, jsxNode.flat(), 'root', isSvg); } else if (jsxNode.$type$ === HOST_TYPE) { updateProperties(ctx, getContext(elm), jsxNode.$props$, isSvg); return smartUpdateChildren(ctx, elm, jsxNode.$children$ || [], 'root', isSvg); } else { return smartUpdateChildren(ctx, elm, [jsxNode], 'root', isSvg); } }; const hashCode = (text, hash = 0) => { if (text.length === 0) return hash; for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { const chr = text.charCodeAt(i); hash = (hash << 5) - hash + chr; hash |= 0; // Convert to 32bit integer } return Number(Math.abs(hash)).toString(36); }; /** * @public */ const styleKey = (qStyles, index) => { return `${hashCode(qStyles.getHash())}-${index}`; }; /** * @public */ const styleHost = (styleId) => { return ComponentStylesPrefixHost + styleId; }; /** * @public */ const styleContent = (styleId) => { return ComponentStylesPrefixContent + styleId; }; const firstRenderComponent = (rctx, ctx) => { directSetAttribute(ctx.$element$, QHostAttr, ''); return renderComponent(rctx, ctx); }; const renderComponent = (rctx, ctx) => { ctx.$dirty$ = false; const hostElement = ctx.$element$; const onRenderQRL = ctx.$renderQrl$; assertDefined(onRenderQRL); const props = ctx.$props$; assertDefined(props); // Component is not dirty any more rctx.$containerState$.$hostsStaging$.delete(hostElement); const newCtx = copyRenderContext(rctx); // Invoke render hook const invocatinContext = newInvokeContext(rctx.$doc$, hostElement, hostElement, RenderEvent); invocatinContext.$subscriber$ = hostElement; invocatinContext.$renderCtx$ = newCtx; const waitOn = (invocatinContext.$waitOn$ = []); // Clean current subscription before render rctx.$containerState$.$subsManager$.$clearSub$(hostElement); // Resolve render function const onRenderFn = onRenderQRL.invokeFn(rctx.$containerEl$, invocatinContext); try { // Execution of the render function const renderPromise = onRenderFn(props); // Wait for results return then(renderPromise, (jsxNode) => { rctx.$hostElements$.add(hostElement); const waitOnPromise = promiseAll(waitOn); return then(waitOnPromise, () => { if (isFunction(jsxNode)) { ctx.$dirty$ = false; jsxNode = jsxNode(); } else if (ctx.$dirty$) { logDebug('Dropping render. State changed during render.'); return renderComponent(rctx, ctx); } let componentCtx = ctx.$component$; if (!componentCtx) { componentCtx = ctx.$component$ = { $hostElement$: hostElement, $slots$: [], $styleHostClass$: undefined, $styleClass$: undefined, $styleId$: undefined, }; const scopedStyleId = directGetAttribute(hostElement, ComponentScopedStyles) ?? undefined; if (scopedStyleId) { componentCtx.$styleId$ = scopedStyleId; componentCtx.$styleHostClass$ = styleHost(scopedStyleId); componentCtx.$styleClass$ = styleContent(scopedStyleId); hostElement.classList.add(componentCtx.$styleHostClass$); } } componentCtx.$slots$ = []; newCtx.$contexts$.push(ctx); newCtx.$currentComponent$ = componentCtx; const invocatinContext = newInvokeContext(rctx.$doc$, hostElement, hostElement); invocatinContext.$subscriber$ = hostElement; invocatinContext.$renderCtx$ = newCtx; const processedJSXNode = processData(jsxNode, invocatinContext); return then(processedJSXNode, (processedJSXNode) => { return visitJsxNode(newCtx, hostElement, processedJSXNode, false); }); }); }, (err) => { logError(err); }); } catch (err) { logError(err); } }; const SVG_NS = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'; const smartUpdateChildren = (ctx, elm, ch, mode, isSvg) => { if (ch.length === 1 && ch[0].$type$ === SKIP_RENDER_TYPE) { if (elm.firstChild !== null) { return; } ch = ch[0].$children$; } const oldCh = getChildren(elm, mode); if (oldCh.length > 0 && ch.length > 0) { return updateChildren(ctx, elm, oldCh, ch, isSvg); } else if (ch.length > 0) { return addVnodes(ctx, elm, null, ch, 0, ch.length - 1, isSvg); } else if (oldCh.length > 0) { return removeVnodes(ctx, oldCh, 0, oldCh.length - 1); } }; const updateChildren = (ctx, parentElm, oldCh, newCh, isSvg) => { let oldStartIdx = 0; let newStartIdx = 0; let oldEndIdx = oldCh.length - 1; let oldStartVnode = oldCh[0]; let oldEndVnode = oldCh[oldEndIdx]; let newEndIdx = newCh.length - 1; let newStartVnode = newCh[0]; let newEndVnode = newCh[newEndIdx]; let oldKeyToIdx; let idxInOld; let elmToMove; const results = []; while (oldStartIdx <= oldEndIdx && newStartIdx <= newEndIdx) { if (oldStartVnode == null) { oldStartVnode = oldCh[++oldStartIdx]; // Vnode might have been moved left } else if (oldEndVnode == null) { oldEndVnode = oldCh[--oldEndIdx]; } else if (newStartVnode == null) { newStartVnode = newCh[++newStartIdx]; } else if (newEndVnode == null) { newEndVnode = newCh[--newEndIdx]; } else if (sameVnode(oldStartVnode, newStartVnode)) { results.push(patchVnode(ctx, oldStartVnode, newStartVnode, isSvg)); oldStartVnode = oldCh[++oldStartIdx]; newStartVnode = newCh[++newStartIdx]; } else if (sameVnode(oldEndVnode, newEndVnode)) { results.push(patchVnode(ctx, oldEndVnode, newEndVnode, isSvg)); oldEndVnode = oldCh[--oldEndIdx]; newEndVnode = newCh[--newEndIdx]; } else if (sameVnode(oldStartVnode, newEndVnode)) { // Vnode moved right results.push(patchVnode(ctx, oldStartVnode, newEndVnode, isSvg)); insertBefore(ctx, parentElm, oldStartVnode, oldEndVnode.nextSibling); oldStartVnode = oldCh[++oldStartIdx]; newEndVnode = newCh[--newEndIdx]; } else if (sameVnode(oldEndVnode, newStartVnode)) { // Vnode moved left results.push(patchVnode(ctx, oldEndVnode, newStartVnode, isSvg)); insertBefore(ctx, parentElm, oldEndVnode, oldStartVnode); oldEndVnode = oldCh[--oldEndIdx]; newStartVnode = newCh[++newStartIdx]; } else { if (oldKeyToIdx === undefined) { oldKeyToIdx = createKeyToOldIdx(oldCh, oldStartIdx, oldEndIdx); } idxInOld = oldKeyToIdx[newStartVnode.$key$]; if (idxInOld === undefined) { // New element const newElm = createElm(ctx, newStartVnode, isSvg); results.push(then(newElm, (newElm) => { insertBefore(ctx, parentElm, newElm, oldStartVnode); })); } else { elmToMove = oldCh[idxInOld]; if (!isTagName(elmToMove, newStartVnode.$type$)) { const newElm = createElm(ctx, newStartVnode, isSvg); results.push(then(newElm, (newElm) => { insertBefore(ctx, parentElm, newElm, oldStartVnode); })); } else { results.push(patchVnode(ctx, elmToMove, newStartVnode, isSvg)); oldCh[idxInOld] = undefined; insertBefore(ctx, parentElm, elmToMove, oldStartVnode); } } newStartVnode = newCh[++newStartIdx]; } } if (newStartIdx <= newEndIdx) { const before = newCh[newEndIdx + 1] == null ? null : newCh[newEndIdx + 1].$elm$; results.push(addVnodes(ctx, parentElm, before, newCh, newStartIdx, newEndIdx, isSvg)); } let wait = promiseAll(results); if (oldStartIdx <= oldEndIdx) { wait = then(wait, () => { removeVnodes(ctx, oldCh, oldStartIdx, oldEndIdx); }); } return wait; }; const isComponentNode = (node) => { return node.$props$ && OnRenderProp in node.$props$; }; const getCh = (elm, filter) => { return Array.from(elm.childNodes).filter(filter); }; const getChildren = (elm, mode) => { switch (mode) { case 'default': return getCh(elm, isNode); case 'slot': return getCh(elm, isChildSlot); case 'root': return getCh(elm, isChildComponent); case 'fallback': return getCh(elm, isFallback); } }; const isNode = (elm) => { const type = elm.nodeType; return type === 1 || type === 3; }; const isFallback = (node) => { return node.nodeName === 'Q:FALLBACK'; }; const isChildSlot = (node) => { return isNode(node) && node.nodeName !== 'Q:FALLBACK' && node.nodeName !== 'Q:TEMPLATE'; }; const isSlotTemplate = (node) => { return node.nodeName === 'Q:TEMPLATE'; }; const isChildComponent = (node) => { return isNode(node) && node.nodeName !== 'Q:TEMPLATE'; }; const splitBy = (input, condition) => { const output = {}; for (const item of input) { const key = condition(item); const array = output[key] ?? (output[key] = []); array.push(item); } return output; }; const patchVnode = (rctx, elm, vnode, isSvg) => { vnode.$elm$ = elm; const tag = vnode.$type$; if (tag === '#text') { if (elm.data !== vnode.$text$) { setProperty(rctx, elm, 'data', vnode.$text$); } return; } if (tag === '#comment') { if (elm.data !== vnode.$text$) { setProperty(rctx, elm, 'data', vnode.$text$); } return; } if (tag === HOST_TYPE) { throw qError(QError_hostCanOnlyBeAtRoot); } if (tag === SKIP_RENDER_TYPE) { return; } if (!isSvg) { isSvg = tag === 'svg'; } let promise; const props = vnode.$props$; const ctx = getContext(elm); const dirty = updateProperties(rctx, ctx, props, isSvg); const isSlot = tag === 'q:slot'; if (isSvg && vnode.$type$ === 'foreignObject') { isSvg = false; } else if (isSlot) { const currentComponent = rctx.$currentComponent$; if (currentComponent) { currentComponent.$slots$.push(vnode); } } const isComponent = isComponentNode(vnode); if (dirty) { assertEqual(isComponent, true); promise = renderComponent(rctx, ctx); } const ch = vnode.$children$; if (isComponent) { return then(promise, () => { const slotMaps = getSlots(ctx.$component$, elm); const splittedChidren = splitBy(ch, getSlotName); const promises = []; const slotRctx = copyRenderContext(rctx); slotRctx.$contexts$.push(ctx); // Mark empty slots and remove content Object.entries(slotMaps.slots).forEach(([key, slotEl]) => { if (slotEl && !splittedChidren[key]) { const oldCh = getChildren(slotEl, 'slot'); if (oldCh.length > 0) { removeVnodes(slotRctx, oldCh, 0, oldCh.length - 1); } } }); // Mark empty slots and remove content Object.entries(slotMaps.templates).forEach(([key, templateEl]) => { if (templateEl && !splittedChidren[key]) { removeNode(slotRctx, templateEl); slotMaps.templates[key] = undefined; } }); // Render into slots Object.entries(splittedChidren).forEach(([key, ch]) => { const slotElm = getSlotElement(slotRctx, slotMaps, elm, key); promises.push(smartUpdateChildren(slotRctx, slotElm, ch, 'slot', isSvg)); }); return then(promiseAll(promises), () => { removeTemplates(slotRctx, slotMaps); }); }); } const setsInnerHTML = checkInnerHTML(props); if (setsInnerHTML) { if (qDev && ch.length > 0) { logWarn('Node can not have children when innerHTML is set'); } return; } return then(promise, () => { const mode = isSlot ? 'fallback' : 'default'; return smartUpdateChildren(rctx, elm, ch, mode, isSvg); }); }; const addVnodes = (ctx, parentElm, before, vnodes, startIdx, endIdx, isSvg) => { const promises = []; for (; startIdx <= endIdx; ++startIdx) { const ch = vnodes[startIdx]; assertDefined(ch); promises.push(createElm(ctx, ch, isSvg)); } return then(promiseAll(promises), (children) => { for (const child of children) { insertBefore(ctx, parentElm, child, before); } }); }; const removeVnodes = (ctx, nodes, startIdx, endIdx) => { for (; startIdx <= endIdx; ++startIdx) { const ch = nodes[startIdx]; if (ch) { removeNode(ctx, ch); } } }; let refCount = 0; const RefSymbol = Symbol(); const setSlotRef = (ctx, hostElm, slotEl) => { let ref = hostElm[RefSymbol] ?? directGetAttribute(hostElm, 'q:sref'); if (ref === null) { ref = intToStr(refCount++); hostElm[RefSymbol] = ref; setAttribute(ctx, hostElm, 'q:sref', ref); } directSetAttribute(slotEl, 'q:sref', ref); }; const getSlotElement = (ctx, slotMaps, parentEl, slotName) => { const slotEl = slotMaps.slots[slotName]; if (slotEl) { return slotEl; } const templateEl = slotMaps.templates[slotName]; if (templateEl) { return templateEl; } const template = createTemplate(ctx, slotName); prepend(ctx, parentEl, template); slotMaps.templates[slotName] = template; return template; }; const createTemplate = (ctx, slotName) => { const template = createElement(ctx, 'q:template', false); directSetAttribute(template, QSlotAttr, slotName); directSetAttribute(template, 'hidden', ''); directSetAttribute(template, 'aria-hidden', 'true'); return template; }; const removeTemplates = (ctx, slotMaps) => { Object.keys(slotMaps.templates).forEach((key) => { const template = slotMaps.templates[key]; if (template && slotMaps.slots[key] !== undefined) { removeNode(ctx, template); slotMaps.templates[key] = undefined; } }); }; const resolveSlotProjection = (ctx, hostElm, before, after) => { Object.entries(before.slots).forEach(([key, slotEl]) => { if (slotEl && !after.slots[key]) { // Slot removed // Move slot to template const template = createTemplate(ctx, key); const slotChildren = getChildren(slotEl, 'slot'); template.append(...slotChildren); hostElm.insertBefore(template, hostElm.firstChild); ctx.$operations$.push({ $el$: template, $operation$: 'slot-to-template', $args$: slotChildren, $fn$: () => { }, }); } }); Object.entries(after.slots).forEach(([key, slotEl]) => { if (slotEl && !before.slots[key]) { // Slot created // Move template to slot const template = before.templates[key]; if (template) { slotEl.append(...getChildren(template, 'default')); template.remove(); ctx.$operations$.push({ $el$: slotEl, $operation$: 'template-to-slot', $args$: [template], $fn$: () => { }, }); } } }); }; const getSlotName = (node) => { return node.$props$?.['q:slot'] ?? ''; }; const createElm = (rctx, vnode, isSvg) => { rctx.$perf$.$visited$++; const tag = vnode.$type$; if (tag === '#text') { return (vnode.$elm$ = createTextNode(rctx, vnode.$text$)); } if (tag === HOST_TYPE) { throw qError(QError_hostCanOnlyBeAtRoot); } if (!isSvg) { isSvg = tag === 'svg'; } const props = vnode.$props$; const elm = (vnode.$elm$ = createElement(rctx, tag, isSvg)); const isComponent = isComponentNode(vnode); const ctx = getContext(elm); setKey(elm, vnode.$key$); updateProperties(rctx, ctx, props, isSvg); if (isSvg && tag === 'foreignObject') { isSvg = false; } const currentComponent = rctx.$currentComponent$; if (currentComponent) { const styleTag = currentComponent.$styleClass$; if (styleTag) { classlistAdd(rctx, elm, styleTag); } if (tag === 'q:slot') { setSlotRef(rctx, currentComponent.$hostElement$, elm); currentComponent.$slots$.push(vnode); } } let wait; if (isComponent) { // Run mount hook const renderQRL = props[OnRenderProp]; ctx.$renderQrl$ = renderQRL; wait = firstRenderComponent(rctx, ctx); } else { const setsInnerHTML = checkInnerHTML(props); if (setsInnerHTML) { if (qDev && vnode.$children$.length > 0) { logWarn('Node can not have children when innerHTML is set'); } return elm; } } return then(wait, () => { let children = vnode.$children$; if (children.length > 0) { if (children.length === 1 && children[0].$type$ === SKIP_RENDER_TYPE) { children = children[0].$children$; } const slotRctx = copyRenderContext(rctx); slotRctx.$contexts$.push(ctx); const slotMap = isComponent ? getSlots(ctx.$component$, elm) : undefined; const promises = children.map((ch) => createElm(slotRctx, ch, isSvg)); return then(promiseAll(promises), () => { let parent = elm; for (const node of children) { if (slotMap) { parent = getSlotElement(slotRctx, slotMap, elm, getSlotName(node)); } parent.appendChild(node.$elm$); } return elm; }); } return elm; }); }; const getSlots = (componentCtx, hostElm) => { const slots = {}; const templates = {}; const slotRef = directGetAttribute(hostElm, 'q:sref'); const existingSlots = Array.from(hostElm.querySelectorAll(`q\\:slot[q\\:sref="${slotRef}"]`)); const newSlots = componentCtx?.$slots$ ?? EMPTY_ARRAY; const t = Array.from(hostElm.children).filter(isSlotTemplate); // Map slots for (const elm of existingSlots) { slots[directGetAttribute(elm, 'name') ?? ''] = elm; } // Map virtual slots for (const vnode of newSlots) { slots[vnode.$props$?.name ?? ''] = vnode.$elm$; } // Map templates for (const elm of t) { templates[directGetAttribute(elm, 'q:slot') ?? ''] = elm; } return { slots, templates }; }; const handleStyle = (ctx, elm, _, newValue) => { setAttribute(ctx, elm, 'style', stringifyClassOrStyle(newValue, false)); return true; }; const handleClass = (ctx, elm, _, newValue) => { setAttribute(ctx, elm, 'class', stringifyClassOrStyle(newValue, true)); return true; }; const checkBeforeAssign = (ctx, elm, prop, newValue) => { if (prop in elm) { if (elm[prop] !== newValue) { setProperty(ctx, elm, prop, newValue); } } return true; }; const dangerouslySetInnerHTML = 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML'; const setInnerHTML = (ctx, elm, _, newValue) => { if (dangerouslySetInnerHTML in elm) { setProperty(ctx, elm, dangerouslySetInnerHTML, newValue); } else if ('innerHTML' in elm) { setProperty(ctx, elm, 'innerHTML', newValue); } return true; }; const PROP_HANDLER_MAP = { style: handleStyle, class: handleClass, className: handleClass, value: checkBeforeAssign, checked: checkBeforeAssign, [dangerouslySetInnerHTML]: setInnerHTML, }; const ALLOWS_PROPS = ['class', 'className', 'style', 'id', 'q:slot']; const HOST_PREFIX = 'host:'; const SCOPE_PREFIX = /^(host|window|document):/; const updateProperties = (rctx, ctx, expectProps, isSvg) => { if (!expectProps) { return false; } const elm = ctx.$element$; const isCmp = OnRenderProp in expectProps; const qwikProps = isCmp ? getPropsMutator(ctx, rctx.$containerState$) : undefined; for (let key of Object.keys(expectProps)) { if (key === 'children' || key === OnRenderProp) { continue; } const newValue = expectProps[key]; if (key === 'ref') { newValue.current = elm; continue; } // Early exit if value didnt change const oldValue = ctx.$cache$.get(key); if (newValue === oldValue) { continue; } ctx.$cache$.set(key, newValue); // Check of data- or aria- if (key.startsWith('data-') || key.startsWith('aria-')) { setAttribute(rctx, elm, key, newValue); continue; } if (qwikProps) { const skipProperty = ALLOWS_PROPS.includes(key); const hasPrefix = SCOPE_PREFIX.test(key); if (!skipProperty && !hasPrefix) { // Qwik props qwikProps.set(key, newValue); continue; } const hPrefixed = key.startsWith(HOST_PREFIX); if (hPrefixed) { key = key.slice(HOST_PREFIX.length); } } else if (qDev && key.startsWith(HOST_PREFIX)) { logWarn(`${HOST_PREFIX} prefix can not be used in non components`); continue; } if (isOnProp(key)) { setEvent(rctx, ctx, key.slice(0, -3), newValue); continue; } if (isOn$Prop(key)) { setEvent(rctx, ctx, key.slice(0, -1), $(newValue)); continue; } // Check if its an exception const exception = PROP_HANDLER_MAP[key]; if (exception) { if (exception(rctx, elm, key, newValue, oldValue)) { continue; } } // Check if property in prototype if (!isSvg && key in elm) { setProperty(rctx, elm, key, newValue); continue; } // Fallback to render attribute setAttribute(rctx, elm, key, newValue); } return ctx.$dirty$; }; const createRenderContext = (doc, containerState, containerEl) => { const ctx = { $doc$: doc, $containerState$: containerState, $containerEl$: containerEl, $hostElements$: new Set(), $operations$: [], $roots$: [], $contexts$: [], $currentComponent$: undefined, $perf$: { $visited$: 0, }, }; return ctx; }; const copyRenderContext = (ctx) => { const newCtx = { ...ctx, $contexts$: [...ctx.$contexts$], }; return newCtx; }; const setAttribute = (ctx, el, prop, value) => { const fn = () => { if (value == null) { el.removeAttribute(prop); } else { directSetAttribute(el, prop, String(value)); } }; ctx.$operations$.push({ $el$: el, $operation$: 'set-attribute', $args$: [prop, value], $fn$: fn, }); }; const classlistAdd = (ctx, el, hostStyleTag) => { const fn = () => { el.classList.add(hostStyleTag); }; ctx.$operations$.push({ $el$: el, $operation$: 'classlist-add', $args$: [hostStyleTag], $fn$: fn, }); }; const setProperty = (ctx, node, key, value) => { const fn = () => { try { node[key] = value; } catch (err) { logError(codeToText(QError_setProperty), { node, key, value }, err); } }; ctx.$operations$.push({ $el$: node, $operation$: 'set-property', $args$: [key, value], $fn$: fn, }); }; const createElement = (ctx, expectTag, isSvg) => { const el = isSvg ? ctx.$doc$.createElementNS(SVG_NS, expectTag) : ctx.$doc$.createElement(expectTag); el[CONTAINER] = ctx.$containerEl$; ctx.$operations$.push({ $el$: el, $operation$: 'create-element', $args$: [expectTag], $fn$: () => { }, }); return el; }; const insertBefore = (ctx, parent, newChild, refChild) => { const fn = () => { parent.insertBefore(newChild, refChild ? refChild : null); }; ctx.$operations$.push({ $el$: parent, $operation$: 'insert-before', $args$: [newChild, refChild], $fn$: fn, }); return newChild; }; const appendStyle = (ctx, hostElement, styleTask) => { const fn = () => { const containerEl = ctx.$containerEl$; const stylesParent = ctx.$doc$.documentElement === containerEl ? ctx.$doc$.head ?? containerEl : containerEl; const style = ctx.$doc$.createElement('style'); directSetAttribute(style, 'q:style', styleTask.styleId); style.textContent = styleTask.content; stylesParent.insertBefore(style, stylesParent.firstChild); }; ctx.$operations$.push({ $el$: hostElement, $operation$: 'append-style', $args$: [styleTask], $fn$: fn, }); }; const hasStyle = (ctx, styleId) => { const containerEl = ctx.$containerEl$; const doc = getDocument(containerEl); const hasOperation = ctx.$operations$.some((op) => { if (op.$operation$ === 'append-style') { const s = op.$args$[0]; if (isStyleTask(s)) { return s.styleId === styleId; } } return false; }); if (hasOperation) { return true; } const stylesParent = doc.documentElement === containerEl ? doc.head ?? containerEl : containerEl; return !!stylesParent.querySelector(`style[q\\:style="${styleId}"]`); }; const prepend = (ctx, parent, newChild) => { const fn = () => { parent.insertBefore(newChild, parent.firstChild); }; ctx.$operations$.push({ $el$: parent, $operation$: 'prepend', $args$: [newChild], $fn$: fn, }); }; const removeNode = (ctx, el) => { const fn = () => { const parent = el.parentNode; if (parent) { if (el.nodeType === 1) { cleanupTree(el, ctx.$containerState$.$subsManager$); } parent.removeChild(el); } else if (qDev) { logWarn('Trying to remove component already removed', el); } }; ctx.$operations$.push({ $el$: el, $operation$: 'remove', $args$: [], $fn$: fn, }); }; const cleanupTree = (parent, subsManager) => { if (parent.nodeName === 'Q:SLOT') { return; } if (parent.hasAttribute(QHostAttr)) { cleanupElement(parent, subsManager); } let child = parent.firstElementChild; while (child) { cleanupTree(child, subsManager); child = child.nextElementSibling; } }; const cleanupElement = (el, subsManager) => { const ctx = tryGetContext(el); if (ctx) { cleanupContext(ctx, subsManager); } }; const createTextNode = (ctx, text) => { return ctx.$doc$.createTextNode(text); }; const executeContextWithSlots = (ctx) => { const before = ctx.$roots$.map((elm) => getSlots(undefined, elm)); executeContext(ctx); const after = ctx.$roots$.map((elm) => getSlots(undefined, elm)); assertEqual(before.length, after.length); for (let i = 0; i < before.length; i++) { resolveSlotProjection(ctx, ctx.$roots$[i], before[i], after[i]); } }; const executeContext = (ctx) => { for (const op of ctx.$operations$) { op.$fn$(); } }; const printRenderStats = (ctx) => { if (qDev) { if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.document != null) { const byOp = {}; for (const op of ctx.$operations$) { byOp[op.$operation$] = (byOp[op.$operation$] ?? 0) + 1; } const affectedElements = Array.from(new Set(ctx.$operations$.map((a) => a.$el$))); const stats = { byOp, roots: ctx.$roots$, hostElements: Array.from(ctx.$hostElements$), affectedElements, visitedNodes: ctx.$perf$.$visited$, operations: ctx.$operations$.map((v) => [v.$operation$, v.$el$, ...v.$args$]), }; const noOps = ctx.$operations$.length === 0; logDebug('Render stats.', noOps ? 'No operations' : '', stats); } } }; const createKeyToOldIdx = (children, beginIdx, endIdx) => { const map = {}; for (let i = beginIdx; i <= endIdx; ++i) { const child = children[i]; if (child.nodeType === 1) { const key = getKey(child); if (key != null) { map[key] = i; } } } return map; }; const KEY_SYMBOL = Symbol('vnode key'); const getKey = (el) => { let key = el[KEY_SYMBOL]; if (key === undefined) { key = el[KEY_SYMBOL] = directGetAttribute(el, 'q:key'); } return key; }; const setKey = (el, key) => { if (isString(key)) { directSetAttribute(el, 'q:key', key); } el[KEY_SYMBOL] = key; }; const sameVnode = (elm, vnode2) => { const isElement = elm.nodeType === 1; if (isElement) { const isSameSel = elm.localName === vnode2.$type$; if (!isSameSel) { return false; } return getKey(elm) === vnode2.$key$; } return elm.nodeName === vnode2.$type$; }; const isTagName = (elm, tagName) => { if (elm.nodeType === 1) { return elm.localName === tagName; } return elm.nodeName === tagName; }; const checkInnerHTML = (props) => { return props && ('innerHTML' in props || dangerouslySetInnerHTML in props); }; const stringifyClassOrStyle = (obj, isClass) => { if (obj == null) return ''; if (typeof obj == 'object') { let text = ''; let sep = ''; if (isArray(obj)) { if (!isClass) { throw qError(QError_stringifyClassOrStyle, obj, 'style'); } for (let i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { text += sep + obj[i]; sep = ' '; } } else { for (const key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { const value = obj[key]; if (value) { text += isClass ? value ? sep + key : '' : sep + fromCamelToKebabCase(key) + ':' + value; sep = isClass ? ' ' : ';'; } } } } return text; } return String(obj); }; // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#useLexicalScope instead) /** * Used by the Qwik Optimizer to restore the lexical scoped variables. * * This method should not be present in the application source code. * * NOTE: `useLexicalScope` method can only be used in the synchronous portion of the callback * (before any `await` statements.) * * @public */ // const useLexicalScope = () => { const context = getInvokeContext(); const hostElement = context.$hostElement$; const qrl = (context.$qrl$ ?? parseQRL(decodeURIComponent(String(context.$url$)), hostElement)); if (qrl.$captureRef$ == null) { const el = context.$element$; assertDefined(el); resumeIfNeeded(getContainer(el)); const ctx = getContext(el); qrl.$captureRef$ = qrl.$capture$.map((idx) => qInflate(idx, ctx)); } const subscriber = context.$subscriber$; if (subscriber) { return qrl.$captureRef$; } return qrl.$captureRef$; }; const qInflate = (ref, hostCtx) => { const int = parseInt(ref, 10); const obj = hostCtx.$refMap$.$get$(int); assertEqual(hostCtx.$refMap$.$array$.length > int, true); return obj; }; const CONTAINER_STATE = Symbol('ContainerState'); const getContainerState = (containerEl) => { let set = containerEl[CONTAINER_STATE]; if (!set) { containerEl[CONTAINER_STATE] = set = { $proxyMap$: new WeakMap(), $subsManager$: createSubscriptionManager(), $platform$: getPlatform(containerEl), $watchNext$: new Set(), $watchStaging$: new Set(), $hostsNext$: new Set(), $hostsStaging$: new Set(), $renderPromise$: undefined, $hostsRendering$: undefined, }; } return set; }; const notifyChange = (subscriber) => { if (isElement(subscriber)) { notifyRender(subscriber); } else { notifyWatch(subscriber); } }; /** * Mark component for rendering. * * Use `notifyRender` method to mark a component for rendering at some later point in time. * This method uses `getPlatform(doc).queueRender` for scheduling of the rendering. The * default implementation of the method is to use `requestAnimationFrame` to do actual rendering. * * The method is intended to coalesce multiple calls into `notifyRender` into a single call for * rendering. * * @param hostElement - Host-element of the component to re-render. * @returns A promise which is resolved when the component has been rendered. * @public */ const notifyRender = async (hostElement) => { assertDefined(directGetAttribute(hostElement, QHostAttr)); const containerEl = getContainer(hostElement); assertDefined(containerEl); const state = getContainerState(containerEl); if (qDev && !qTest && state.$platform$.isServer && directGetAttribute(containerEl, QContainerAttr) === 'paused') { logWarn('Can not rerender in server platform'); return undefined; } resumeIfNeeded(containerEl); const ctx = getContext(hostElement); assertDefined(ctx.$renderQrl$); if (ctx.$dirty$) { return state.$renderPromise$; } ctx.$dirty$ = true; const activeRendering = state.$hostsRendering$ !== undefined; if (activeRendering) { state.$hostsStaging$.add(hostElement); return state.$renderPromise$.then((ctx) => { if (state.$hostsNext$.has(hostElement)) { // TODO return state.$renderPromise$; } else { return ctx; } }); } else { state.$hostsNext$.add(hostElement); return scheduleFrame(containerEl, state); } }; const notifyWatch = (watch) => { const containerEl = getContainer(watch.el); const state = getContainerState(containerEl); watch.f |= WatchFlagsIsDirty; const activeRendering = state.$hostsRendering$ !== undefined; if (activeRendering) { state.$watchStaging$.add(watch); } else { state.$watchNext$.add(watch); scheduleFrame(containerEl, state); } }; const scheduleFrame = (containerEl, containerState) => { if (containerState.$renderPromise$ === undefined) { containerState.$renderPromise$ = containerState.$platform$.nextTick(() => renderMarked(containerEl, containerState)); } return containerState.$renderPromise$; }; /** * @alpha */ const handleWatch = () => { const [watch] = useLexicalScope(); notifyWatch(watch); }; const renderMarked = async (containerEl, containerState) => { const hostsRendering = (containerState.$hostsRendering$ = new Set(containerState.$hostsNext$)); containerState.$hostsNext$.clear(); await executeWatches(containerState, (watch) => { return (watch.f & WatchFlagsIsWatch) !== 0; }); containerState.$hostsStaging$.forEach((host) => { hostsRendering.add(host); }); containerState.$hostsStaging$.clear(); const doc = getDocument(containerEl); const platform = containerState.$platform$; const renderingQueue = Array.from(hostsRendering); sortNodes(renderingQueue); const ctx = createRenderContext(doc, containerState, containerEl); for (const el of renderingQueue) { if (!ctx.$hostElements$.has(el)) { ctx.$roots$.push(el); try { await renderComponent(ctx, getContext(el)); } catch (e) { logError(codeToText(QError_errorWhileRendering), e); } } } // Early exist, no dom operations if (ctx.$operations$.length === 0) { printRenderStats(ctx); postRendering(containerEl, containerState, ctx); return ctx; } return platform.raf(() => { executeContextWithSlots(ctx); printRenderStats(ctx); postRendering(containerEl, containerState, ctx); return ctx; }); }; const postRendering = async (containerEl, containerState, ctx) => { await executeWatches(containerState, (watch, stage) => { if ((watch.f & WatchFlagsIsEffect) === 0) { return false; } if (stage) { return ctx.$hostElements$.has(watch.el); } return true; }); // Clear staging containerState.$hostsStaging$.forEach((el) => { containerState.$hostsNext$.add(el); }); containerState.$hostsStaging$.clear(); containerState.$hostsRendering$ = undefined; containerState.$renderPromise$ = undefined; if (containerState.$hostsNext$.size + containerState.$watchNext$.size > 0) { scheduleFrame(containerEl, containerState); } }; const executeWatches = async (containerState, watchPred) => { const watchPromises = []; containerState.$watchNext$.forEach((watch) => { if (watchPred(watch, false)) { watchPromises.push(then(watch.qrl.resolveLazy(watch.el), () => watch)); containerState.$watchNext$.delete(watch); } }); do { // Run staging effected containerState.$watchStaging$.forEach((watch) => { if (watchPred(watch, true)) { watchPromises.push(then(watch.qrl.resolveLazy(watch.el), () => watch)); } else { containerState.$watchNext$.add(watch); } }); containerState.$watchStaging$.clear(); // Wait for all promises if (watchPromises.length > 0) { const watches = await Promise.all(watchPromises); sortWatches(watches); await Promise.all(watches.map((watch) => { return runWatch(watch, containerState); })); watchPromises.length = 0; } } while (containerState.$watchStaging$.size > 0); }; const sortNodes = (elements) => { elements.sort((a, b) => (a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 2 ? 1 : -1)); }; const sortWatches = (watches) => { watches.sort((a, b) => { if (a.el === b.el) { return a.i < b.i ? -1 : 1; } return (a.el.compareDocumentPosition(b.el) & 2) !== 0 ? 1 : -1; }); }; const QObjectRecursive = 1 << 0; const QObjectImmutable = 1 << 1; /** * Creates a proxy which notifies of any writes. */ const getOrCreateProxy = (target, containerState, flags = 0) => { const proxy = containerState.$proxyMap$.get(target); if (proxy) { return proxy; } return createProxy(target, containerState, flags, undefined); }; const createProxy = (target, containerState, flags, subs) => { assertEqual(unwrapProxy(target), target, 'Unexpected proxy at this location'); assertEqual(containerState.$proxyMap$.has(target), false, 'Proxy was already created'); if (!isObject(target)) { throw qError(QError_onlyObjectWrapped, target); } if (target.constructor !== Object && !isArray(target)) { throw qError(QError_onlyLiteralWrapped, target); } const manager = containerState.$subsManager$.$getLocal$(target, subs); const proxy = new Proxy(target, new ReadWriteProxyHandler(containerState, manager, flags)); containerState.$proxyMap$.set(target, proxy); return proxy; }; const QOjectTargetSymbol = Symbol(); const QOjectFlagsSymbol = Symbol(); const createSubscriptionManager = () => { const objToSubs = new Map(); const subsToObjs = new Map(); const clearSub = (sub) => { const subs = subsToObjs.get(sub); if (subs) { subs.forEach((s) => { s.delete(sub); }); subsToObjs.delete(sub); subs.clear(); } }; const tryGetLocal = (obj) => { assertEqual(getProxyTarget(obj), undefined); return objToSubs.get(obj); }; const trackSubToObj = (subscriber, map) => { let set = subsToObjs.get(subscriber); if (!set) { subsToObjs.set(subscriber, (set = new Set())); } set.add(map); }; const getLocal = (obj, initialMap) => { let local = tryGetLocal(obj); if (local) { assertEqual(initialMap, undefined); } else { const map = !initialMap ? new Map() : initialMap; map.forEach((_, key) => { trackSubToObj(key, map); }); objToSubs.set(obj, (local = { $subs$: map, $addSub$(subscriber, key) { if (key == null) { map.set(subscriber, null); } else { let sub = map.get(subscriber); if (sub === undefined) { map.set(subscriber, (sub = new Set())); } if (sub) { sub.add(key); } } trackSubToObj(subscriber, map); }, $notifySubs$(key) { map.forEach((value, subscriber) => { if (value === null || !key) { notifyChange(subscriber); } else if (value.has(key)) { notifyChange(subscriber); } }); }, })); } return local; }; return { $tryGetLocal$: tryGetLocal, $getLocal$: getLocal, $clearSub$: clearSub, }; }; class ReadWriteProxyHandler { constructor($containerState$, $manager$, $flags$) { this.$containerState$ = $containerState$; this.$manager$ = $manager$; this.$flags$ = $flags$; } get(target, prop) { if (typeof prop === 'symbol') { if (prop === QOjectTargetSymbol) return target; if (prop === QOjectFlagsSymbol) return this.$flags$; return target[prop]; } let subscriber; const invokeCtx = tryGetInvokeContext(); const recursive = (this.$flags$ & QObjectRecursive) !== 0; const immutable = (this.$flags$ & QObjectImmutable) !== 0; if (invokeCtx) { subscriber = invokeCtx.$subscriber$; } let value = target[prop]; if (isMutable(value)) { value = value.v; } else if (immutable) { subscriber = null; } if (subscriber) { const isA = isArray(target); this.$manager$.$addSub$(subscriber, isA ? undefined : prop); } return recursive ? wrap(value, this.$containerState$) : value; } set(target, prop, newValue) { if (typeof prop === 'symbol') { target[prop] = newValue; return true; } const immutable = (this.$flags$ & QObjectImmutable) !== 0; if (immutable) { throw qError(QError_immutableProps); } const recursive = (this.$flags$ & QObjectRecursive) !== 0; const unwrappedNewValue = recursive ? unwrapProxy(newValue) : newValue; if (qDev) { verifySerializable(unwrappedNewValue); const invokeCtx = tryGetInvokeContext(); if (invokeCtx && invokeCtx.$event$ === RenderEvent) { logWarn('State mutation inside render function. Move mutation to useWatch(), useClientEffect() or useServerMount()', invokeCtx.$hostElement$, prop); } } const isA = isArray(target); if (isA) { target[prop] = unwrappedNewValue; this.$manager$.$notifySubs$(); return true; } const oldValue = target[prop]; if (oldValue !== unwrappedNewValue) { target[prop] = unwrappedNewValue; this.$manager$.$notifySubs$(prop); } return true; } has(target, property) { if (property === QOjectTargetSymbol) return true; if (property === QOjectFlagsSymbol) return true; return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(target, property); } ownKeys(target) { let subscriber = null; const invokeCtx = tryGetInvokeContext(); if (invokeCtx) { subscriber = invokeCtx.$subscriber$; } if (subscriber) { this.$manager$.$addSub$(subscriber); } return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(target); } } const wrap = (value, containerState) => { if (isObject(value)) { if (isQrl(value)) { return value; } if (Object.isFrozen(value)) { return value; } const nakedValue = unwrapProxy(value); if (nakedValue !== value) { // already a proxy return; return value; } if (isNode$1(nakedValue)) { return value; } if (!shouldSerialize(nakedValue)) { return value; } if (qDev) { verifySerializable(value); } const proxy = containerState.$proxyMap$.get(value); return proxy ? proxy : getOrCreateProxy(value, containerState, QObjectRecursive); } else { return value; } }; const verifySerializable = (value) => { if (value == null) { return; } if (shouldSerialize(value)) { switch (typeof value) { case 'object': if (isArray(value)) return; if (Object.getPrototypeOf(value) === Object.prototype) return; if (isQrl(value)) return; if (isElement(value)) return; if (isDocument(value)) return; break; case 'boolean': case 'string': case 'number': return; } throw qError(QError_verifySerializable, value); } }; const noSerializeSet = /*#__PURE__*/ new WeakSet(); const shouldSerialize = (obj) => { if (isObject(obj) || isFunction(obj)) { return !noSerializeSet.has(obj); } return true; }; // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#noSerialize instead) /** * @alpha */ // const noSerialize = (input) => { noSerializeSet.add(input); return input; }; /** * @alpha */ const immutable = (input) => { return Object.freeze(input); }; /** * @alpha */ const mutable = (v) => { return { [MUTABLE]: true, v, }; }; const isConnected = (sub) => { if (isElement(sub)) { return !!tryGetContext(sub) || sub.isConnected; } else { return isConnected(sub.el); } }; const MUTABLE = Symbol('mutable'); const isMutable = (v) => { return isObject(v) && v[MUTABLE] === true; }; /** * @alpha */ const unwrapProxy = (proxy) => { return getProxyTarget(proxy) ?? proxy; }; const getProxyTarget = (obj) => { if (isObject(obj)) { return obj[QOjectTargetSymbol]; } return undefined; }; const getProxyFlags = (obj) => { if (isObject(obj)) { return obj[QOjectFlagsSymbol]; } return undefined; }; let runtimeSymbolId = 0; const RUNTIME_QRL = '/runtimeQRL'; const INLINED_QRL = '/inlinedQRL'; // https://regexr.com/68v72 const EXTRACT_IMPORT_PATH = /\(\s*(['"])([^\1]+)\1\s*\)/; // https://regexr.com/690ds const EXTRACT_SELF_IMPORT = /Promise\s*\.\s*resolve/; // https://regexr.com/6a83h const EXTRACT_FILE_NAME = /[\\/(]([\w\d.\-_]+\.(js|ts)x?):/; /** * Lazy-load a `QRL` symbol and return the lazy-loaded value. * * @see `QRL` * * @param element - Location of the URL to resolve against. This is needed to take `q:base` into * account. * @param qrl - QRL to load. * @returns A resolved QRL value as a Promise. */ const qrlImport = (element, qrl) => { const qrl_ = qrl; if (qrl_.$symbolRef$) return qrl_.$symbolRef$; if (qrl_.$symbolFn$) { return (qrl_.$symbolRef$ = qrl_ .$symbolFn$() .then((module) => (qrl_.$symbolRef$ = module[qrl_.$symbol$]))); } else { if (!element) { throw new Error(`QRL '${qrl_.$chunk$}#${qrl_.$symbol$ || 'default'}' does not have an attached container`); } const symbol = getPlatform(element).importSymbol(element, qrl_.$chunk$, qrl_.$symbol$); return (qrl_.$symbolRef$ = then(symbol, (ref) => { return (qrl_.$symbolRef$ = ref); })); } }; // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#qrl instead) /** * Used by Qwik Optimizer to point to lazy-loaded resources. * * This function should be used by the Qwik Optimizer only. The function should not be directly * referred to in the source code of the application. * * @see `QRL`, `$(...)` * * @param chunkOrFn - Chunk name (or function which is stringified to extract chunk name) * @param symbol - Symbol to lazy load * @param lexicalScopeCapture - a set of lexically scoped variables to capture. * @alpha */ // const qrl = (chunkOrFn, symbol, lexicalScopeCapture = EMPTY_ARRAY) => { let chunk; let symbolFn = null; if (isString(chunkOrFn)) { chunk = chunkOrFn; } else if (isFunction(chunkOrFn)) { symbolFn = chunkOrFn; let match; const srcCode = String(chunkOrFn); if ((match = srcCode.match(EXTRACT_IMPORT_PATH)) && match[2]) { chunk = match[2]; } else if ((match = srcCode.match(EXTRACT_SELF_IMPORT))) { const ref = 'QWIK-SELF'; const frames = new Error(ref).stack.split('\n'); const start = frames.findIndex((f) => f.includes(ref)); const frame = frames[start + 2]; match = frame.match(EXTRACT_FILE_NAME); if (!match) { chunk = 'main'; } else { chunk = match[1]; } } else { throw qError(QError_dynamicImportFailed, srcCode); } } else { throw qError(QError_unknownTypeArgument, chunkOrFn); } // Unwrap subscribers unwrapLexicalScope(lexicalScopeCapture); const qrl = new QRL(chunk, symbol, null, symbolFn, null, lexicalScopeCapture); const ctx = tryGetInvokeContext(); if (ctx && ctx.$element$) { qrl.setContainer(ctx.$element$); } return qrl; }; const runtimeQrl = (symbol, lexicalScopeCapture = EMPTY_ARRAY) => { return new QRL(RUNTIME_QRL, 's' + runtimeSymbolId++, symbol, null, null, lexicalScopeCapture); }; /** * @alpha */ const inlinedQrl = (symbol, symbolName, lexicalScopeCapture = EMPTY_ARRAY) => { // Unwrap subscribers return new QRL(INLINED_QRL, symbolName, symbol, null, null, unwrapLexicalScope(lexicalScopeCapture)); }; const unwrapLexicalScope = (lexicalScope) => { if (isArray(lexicalScope)) { for (let i = 0; i < lexicalScope.length; i++) { if (qDev) { verifySerializable(getProxyTarget(lexicalScope[i]) ?? lexicalScope[i]); } } } return lexicalScope; }; const stringifyQRL = (qrl, opts = {}) => { const qrl_ = qrl; let symbol = qrl_.$symbol$; let chunk = qrl_.$chunk$; const refSymbol = qrl_.$refSymbol$ ?? symbol; const platform = opts.$platform$; const element = opts.$element$; if (platform) { const result = platform.chunkForSymbol(refSymbol); if (result) { chunk = result[1]; if (!qrl_.$refSymbol$) { symbol = result[0]; } } } const parts = [chunk]; if (symbol && symbol !== 'default') { parts.push('#', symbol); } const capture = qrl_.$capture$; const captureRef = qrl_.$captureRef$; if (opts.$getObjId$) { if (captureRef && captureRef.length) { const capture = captureRef.map(opts.$getObjId$); parts.push(`[${capture.join(' ')}]`); } } else if (capture && capture.length > 0) { parts.push(`[${capture.join(' ')}]`); } const qrlString = parts.join(''); if (qrl_.$chunk$ === RUNTIME_QRL && element) { const qrls = element.__qrls__ || (element.__qrls__ = new Set()); qrls.add(qrl); } return qrlString; }; /** * `./chunk#symbol[captures] */ const parseQRL = (qrl, el) => { const endIdx = qrl.length; const hashIdx = indexOf(qrl, 0, '#'); const captureIdx = indexOf(qrl, hashIdx, '['); const chunkEndIdx = Math.min(hashIdx, captureIdx); const chunk = qrl.substring(0, chunkEndIdx); const symbolStartIdx = hashIdx == endIdx ? hashIdx : hashIdx + 1; const symbolEndIdx = captureIdx; const symbol = symbolStartIdx == symbolEndIdx ? 'default' : qrl.substring(symbolStartIdx, symbolEndIdx); const captureStartIdx = captureIdx; const captureEndIdx = endIdx; const capture = captureStartIdx === captureEndIdx ? EMPTY_ARRAY : qrl.substring(captureStartIdx + 1, captureEndIdx - 1).split(' '); if (chunk === RUNTIME_QRL) { logError(codeToText(QError_runtimeQrlNoElement), qrl); } const iQrl = new QRL(chunk, symbol, null, null, capture, null); if (el) { iQrl.setContainer(el); } return iQrl; }; const indexOf = (text, startIdx, char) => { const endIdx = text.length; const charIdx = text.indexOf(char, startIdx == endIdx ? 0 : startIdx); return charIdx == -1 ? endIdx : charIdx; }; const toQrlOrError = (symbolOrQrl) => { if (!isQrl(symbolOrQrl)) { if (typeof symbolOrQrl == 'function' || typeof symbolOrQrl == 'string') { symbolOrQrl = runtimeQrl(symbolOrQrl); } else { throw qError(QError_qrlOrError); } } return symbolOrQrl; }; // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#$ instead) /** * Qwik Optimizer marker function. * * Use `$(...)` to tell Qwik Optimizer to extract the expression in `$(...)` into a lazy-loadable * resource referenced by `QRL`. * * @see `implicit$FirstArg` for additional `____$(...)` rules. * * In this example `$(...)` is used to capture the callback function of `onmousemove` into * lazy-loadable reference. This allows the code to refer to the function without actually * loading the function. In this example, the callback function does not get loaded until * `mousemove` event fires. * * ```tsx * useOnDocument( * 'mousemove', * $(() => console.log('mousemove')) * ); * ``` * * In this code the Qwik Optimizer detects `$(...)` and transforms the code into: * * ```tsx * // FILE: * useOnDocument('mousemove', qrl('./chunk-abc.js', 'onMousemove')); * * // FILE: chunk-abc.js * export const onMousemove = () => console.log('mousemove'); * ``` * * ## Special Rules * * The Qwik Optimizer places special rules on functions that can be lazy-loaded. * * 1. The expression of the `$(expression)` function must be importable by the system. * (expression shows up in `import` or has `export`) * 2. If inlined function then all lexically captured values must be: * - importable (vars shows up in `import` or has `export`) * - const (The capturing process differs from JS capturing in that writing to captured * variables does not update them, and therefore writes are forbidden. The best practice is that * all captured variables are constants.) * - Must be runtime serializable. * * ```tsx * import { importedFn } from './import/example'; * * export const greet = () => console.log('greet'); * function topLevelFn() {} * * function myCode() { * const store = useStore({}); * function localFn() {} * // Valid Examples * $(greet); // greet is importable * $(importedFn); // importedFn is importable * $(() => greet()); // greet is importable; * $(() => importedFn()); // importedFn is importable * $(() => console.log(store)); // store is serializable. * * // Compile time errors * $(topLevelFn); // ERROR: `topLevelFn` not importable * $(() => topLevelFn()); // ERROR: `topLevelFn` not importable * * // Runtime errors * $(localFn); // ERROR: `localFn` fails serialization * $(() => localFn()); // ERROR: `localFn` fails serialization * } * * ``` * * @param expression - Expression which should be lazy loaded * @public */ // const $ = (expression) => { return runtimeQrl(expression); }; // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#component instead) /** * Declare a Qwik component that can be used to create UI. * * Use `component$` to declare a Qwik component. A Qwik component is a special kind of component * that allows the Qwik framework to lazy load and execute the component independently of other * Qwik components as well as lazy load the component's life-cycle hooks and event handlers. * * Side note: You can also declare regular (standard JSX) components that will have standard * synchronous behavior. * * Qwik component is a facade that describes how the component should be used without forcing the * implementation of the component to be eagerly loaded. A minimum Qwik definition consists of: * * ### Example: * * An example showing how to create a counter component: * * ```tsx * export interface CounterProps { * initialValue?: number; * step?: number; * } * export const Counter = component$((props: CounterProps) => { * const state = useStore({ count: props.initialValue || 0 }); * return ( *
* {state.count} * *
* ); * }); * ``` * * - `component$` is how a component gets declared. * - `{ value?: number; step?: number }` declares the public (props) interface of the component. * - `{ count: number }` declares the private (state) interface of the component. * * The above can then be used like so: * * ```tsx * export const OtherComponent = component$(() => { * return ; * }); * ``` * * See also: `component`, `useCleanup`, `onResume`, `onPause`, `useOn`, `useOnDocument`, * `useOnWindow`, `useStyles`, `useScopedStyles` * * @public */ //
const componentQrl = (onRenderQrl, options = {}) => { const tagName = options.tagName ?? 'div'; // Return a QComponent Factory function. return function QSimpleComponent(props, key) { const finalKey = onRenderQrl.getHash() + ':' + (key ? key : ''); return jsx(tagName, { [OnRenderProp]: onRenderQrl, ...props }, finalKey); }; }; // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#component instead) /** * Declare a Qwik component that can be used to create UI. * * Use `component$` to declare a Qwik component. A Qwik component is a special kind of component * that allows the Qwik framework to lazy load and execute the component independently of other * Qwik components as well as lazy load the component's life-cycle hooks and event handlers. * * Side note: You can also declare regular (standard JSX) components that will have standard * synchronous behavior. * * Qwik component is a facade that describes how the component should be used without forcing the * implementation of the component to be eagerly loaded. A minimum Qwik definition consists of: * * ### Example: * * An example showing how to create a counter component: * * ```tsx * export interface CounterProps { * initialValue?: number; * step?: number; * } * export const Counter = component$((props: CounterProps) => { * const state = useStore({ count: props.initialValue || 0 }); * return ( *
* {state.count} * *
* ); * }); * ``` * * - `component$` is how a component gets declared. * - `{ value?: number; step?: number }` declares the public (props) interface of the component. * - `{ count: number }` declares the private (state) interface of the component. * * The above can then be used like so: * * ```tsx * export const OtherComponent = component$(() => { * return ; * }); * ``` * * See also: `component`, `useCleanup`, `onResume`, `onPause`, `useOn`, `useOnDocument`, * `useOnWindow`, `useStyles`, `useScopedStyles` * * @public */ //
const component$ = (onMount, options) => { return componentQrl($(onMount), options); }; /* eslint-disable */ const flattenArray = (array, dst) => { // Yes this function is just Array.flat, but we need to run on old versions of Node. if (!dst) dst = []; for (const item of array) { if (isArray(item)) { flattenArray(item, dst); } else { dst.push(item); } } return dst; }; /** * @public */ function h(type, props, ...children) { // Using legacy h() jsx transform and morphing it // so it can use the modern vdom structure // https://reactjs.org/blog/2020/09/22/introducing-the-new-jsx-transform.html // https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#jsxImportSource const normalizedProps = { children: arguments.length > 2 ? flattenArray(children) : EMPTY_ARRAY, }; let key; let i; for (i in props) { if (i == 'key') key = props[i]; else normalizedProps[i] = props[i]; } return new JSXNodeImpl(type, normalizedProps, key); } /** * @public */ const Slot = (props) => { const hasChildren = props.children || (isArray(props.children) && props.children.length > 0); const newChildrem = !hasChildren ? [] : jsx('q:fallback', { children: props.children, }); return jsx('q:slot', { name: props.name, children: newChildrem, }, props.name); }; /** * QWIK_VERSION * @public */ const version = "0.0.26"; /** * Render JSX. * * Use this method to render JSX. This function does reconciling which means * it always tries to reuse what is already in the DOM (rather then destroy and * recreate content.) * * @param parent - Element which will act as a parent to `jsxNode`. When * possible the rendering will try to reuse existing nodes. * @param jsxNode - JSX to render * @alpha */ const render = async (parent, jsxNode) => { // If input is not JSX, convert it if (!isJSXNode(jsxNode)) { jsxNode = jsx(jsxNode, null); } const doc = getDocument(parent); const containerEl = getElement(parent); if (qDev && containerEl.hasAttribute(QContainerAttr)) { logError(codeToText(QError_cannotRenderOverExistingContainer)); return; } injectQContainer(containerEl); const containerState = getContainerState(containerEl); const ctx = createRenderContext(doc, containerState, containerEl); ctx.$roots$.push(parent); const processedNodes = await processData(jsxNode); await visitJsxNode(ctx, parent, processedNodes, false); executeContext(ctx); if (!qTest) { injectQwikSlotCSS(parent); } if (qDev) { appendQwikDevTools(containerEl); printRenderStats(ctx); } const promises = []; ctx.$hostElements$.forEach((host) => { const elCtx = getContext(host); elCtx.$watches$.forEach((watch) => { if (watch.f & WatchFlagsIsDirty) { promises.push(runWatch(watch, containerState)); } }); }); await Promise.all(promises); }; const injectQwikSlotCSS = (docOrElm) => { const doc = getDocument(docOrElm); const element = isDocument(docOrElm) ? docOrElm.head : docOrElm; const style = doc.createElement('style'); directSetAttribute(style, 'id', 'qwik/base-styles'); style.textContent = `q\\:slot{display:contents}q\\:fallback,q\\:template{display:none}q\\:fallback:last-child{display:contents}`; element.insertBefore(style, element.firstChild); }; const getElement = (docOrElm) => { return isDocument(docOrElm) ? docOrElm.documentElement : docOrElm; }; const injectQContainer = (containerEl) => { directSetAttribute(containerEl, 'q:version', version || ''); directSetAttribute(containerEl, QContainerAttr, 'resumed'); }; /** * @alpha */ const createContext = (name) => { return Object.freeze({ id: fromCamelToKebabCase(name), }); }; /** * @alpha */ const useContextProvider = (context, newValue) => { const [value, setValue] = useSequentialScope(); if (value) { return; } const invokeContext = getInvokeContext(); const hostElement = invokeContext.$hostElement$; const renderCtx = invokeContext.$renderCtx$; const ctx = getContext(hostElement); let contexts = ctx.$contexts$; if (!contexts) { ctx.$contexts$ = contexts = new Map(); } contexts.set(context.id, newValue); const serializedContexts = []; contexts.forEach((_, key) => { serializedContexts.push(`${key}`); }); setAttribute(renderCtx, hostElement, QCtxAttr, serializedContexts.join(' ')); setValue(true); }; /** * @alpha */ const useContext = (context) => { const [value, setValue] = useSequentialScope(); if (!value) { const invokeContext = getInvokeContext(); let hostElement = invokeContext.$hostElement$; const contexts = invokeContext.$renderCtx$.$contexts$; for (let i = contexts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const ctx = contexts[i]; hostElement = ctx.$element$; if (ctx.$contexts$) { const found = ctx.$contexts$.get(context.id); if (found) { setValue(found); return found; } } } const foundEl = hostElement.closest(`[q\\:ctx*="${context.id}"]`); if (foundEl) { const value = getContext(foundEl).$contexts$.get(context.id); if (value) { setValue(value); return value; } } throw qError(QError_notFoundContext, context.id); } return value; }; // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#useStyles instead) /** * A lazy-loadable reference to a component's styles. * * Component styles allow Qwik to lazy load the style information for the component only when * needed. (And avoid double loading it in case of SSR hydration.) * * ```tsx * import styles from './code-block.css?inline'; * * export const CmpStyles = component$(() => { * useStyles$(styles); * * return Some text; * }); * ``` * * @see `useScopedStyles`. * * @public */ // const useStylesQrl = (styles) => { _useStyles(styles, false); }; // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#useStyles instead) /** * A lazy-loadable reference to a component's styles. * * Component styles allow Qwik to lazy load the style information for the component only when * needed. (And avoid double loading it in case of SSR hydration.) * * ```tsx * import styles from './code-block.css?inline'; * * export const CmpStyles = component$(() => { * useStyles$(styles); * * return Some text; * }); * ``` * * @see `useScopedStyles`. * * @public */ // const useStyles$ = /*#__PURE__*/ implicit$FirstArg(useStylesQrl); // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#useScopedStyles instead) /** * @see `useStyles`. * * @alpha */ // const useScopedStylesQrl = (styles) => { _useStyles(styles, true); }; // // !!DO NOT EDIT THIS COMMENT DIRECTLY!!! // (edit ../readme.md#useScopedStyles instead) /** * @see `useStyles`. * * @alpha */ // const useScopedStyles$ = /*#__PURE__*/ implicit$FirstArg(useScopedStylesQrl); const _useStyles = (styles, scoped) => { const [style, setStyle, index] = useSequentialScope(); if (style === true) { return; } setStyle(true); const renderCtx = useRenderContext(); const styleQrl = toQrlOrError(styles); const styleId = styleKey(styleQrl, index); const hostElement = useHostElement(); if (scoped) { directSetAttribute(hostElement, ComponentScopedStyles, styleId); } if (!hasStyle(renderCtx, styleId)) { useWaitOn(styleQrl.resolve(hostElement).then((styleText) => { if (!hasStyle(renderCtx, styleId)) { appendStyle(renderCtx, hostElement, { type: 'style', styleId, content: scoped ? styleText.replace(/�/g, styleId) : styleText, }); } })); } }; exports.$ = $; exports.Fragment = Fragment; exports.Host = Host; exports.SkipRerender = SkipRerender; exports.Slot = Slot; exports.component$ = component$; exports.componentQrl = componentQrl; exports.createContext = createContext; exports.getPlatform = getPlatform; exports.h = h; exports.handleWatch = handleWatch; exports.immutable = immutable; exports.implicit$FirstArg = implicit$FirstArg; exports.inlinedQrl = inlinedQrl; exports.jsx = jsx; exports.jsxDEV = jsx; exports.jsxs = jsx; exports.mutable = mutable; exports.noSerialize = noSerialize; exports.pauseContainer = pauseContainer; exports.qrl = qrl; exports.render = render; exports.setPlatform = setPlatform; exports.useCleanup$ = useCleanup$; exports.useCleanupQrl = useCleanupQrl; exports.useClientEffect$ = useClientEffect$; exports.useClientEffectQrl = useClientEffectQrl; exports.useClientMount$ = useClientMount$; exports.useClientMountQrl = useClientMountQrl; exports.useContext = useContext; exports.useContextProvider = useContextProvider; exports.useDocument = useDocument; exports.useHostElement = useHostElement; exports.useLexicalScope = useLexicalScope; exports.useMount$ = useMount$; exports.useMountQrl = useMountQrl; exports.useOn = useOn; exports.useOnDocument = useOnDocument; exports.useOnWindow = useOnWindow; exports.useRef = useRef; exports.useResume$ = useResume$; exports.useResumeQrl = useResumeQrl; exports.useScopedStyles$ = useScopedStyles$; exports.useScopedStylesQrl = useScopedStylesQrl; exports.useSequentialScope = useSequentialScope; exports.useServerMount$ = useServerMount$; exports.useServerMountQrl = useServerMountQrl; exports.useStore = useStore; exports.useStyles$ = useStyles$; exports.useStylesQrl = useStylesQrl; exports.useWaitOn = useWaitOn; exports.useWatch$ = useWatch$; exports.useWatchQrl = useWatchQrl; exports.version = version; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); })); //# sourceMappingURL=core.cjs.map