/** * C1 AST * * Aims to mostly-faithfully capture the the C1 Grammar as described in * http://c0.typesafety.net/doc/c0-reference.pdf * * Exceptions: * - Does not distinguish , , , and categories. These are used by the parser to * disambiguate syntactic forms (especially the unfortunate vs. distinction needed to parse the * statement `x * y;` as a binary expression or variable declaration). Within a full syntax tree * they are unambiguous and can all be represented with Identifier. * - The restrictions that a variable declaration not appear in the update of a ForStatement is expressed * (this is a property of static semantics in the spec, see C0.23, "The step statement in a for loop may * not be a declaration".). * - SimpleStatement does not include variable declarations, which facilitates the above exception. * - The placement restrictions on requires, ensures, loop_invariant, and assert contracts are * expressed. These are properties of static semantics in the spec, see C0.23, "@requires and @ensures can * only annotate functions," etc. * - Arbitrary pragmas are accepted (this matches the actual behavior of the C0 compiler, which only warns on * unknown pragmas) * * Loosely based on Esprima, with the notable and stubborn distinction of using "tag" instead of "type." * Esprima Spec: https://esprima.readthedocs.io/en/latest/syntax-tree-format.html * Esprima Demo: http://esprima.org/demo/parse.html */ export interface Syn { readonly tag: string; readonly range?: [number, number]; readonly loc?: SourceLocation; } export interface Position { readonly line: number; readonly column: number; } export interface SourceLocation { readonly start: Position; readonly end: Position; readonly source?: string | null; } export interface Identifier extends Syn { readonly tag: "Identifier"; readonly name: string; } export declare type Type = IntType | BoolType | StringType | CharType | VoidType | PointerType | ArrayType | StructType | Identifier; export interface IntType extends Syn { readonly tag: "IntType"; } export interface BoolType extends Syn { readonly tag: "BoolType"; } export interface StringType extends Syn { readonly tag: "StringType"; } export interface CharType extends Syn { readonly tag: "CharType"; } export interface VoidType extends Syn { readonly tag: "VoidType"; } export interface PointerType extends Syn { readonly tag: "PointerType"; readonly argument: Type; } export interface ArrayType extends Syn { readonly tag: "ArrayType"; readonly argument: Type; } export interface StructType extends Syn { readonly tag: "StructType"; readonly id: Identifier; } export declare type Expression = Identifier | IntLiteral | StringLiteral | CharLiteral | BoolLiteral | NullLiteral | ArrayMemberExpression | StructMemberExpression | CallExpression | IndirectCallExpression | CastExpression | UnaryExpression | BinaryExpression | LogicalExpression | ConditionalExpression | AllocExpression | AllocArrayExpression | ResultExpression | LengthExpression | HasTagExpression; export interface IntLiteral extends Syn { readonly tag: "IntLiteral"; readonly value: number; readonly raw: string; } export interface StringLiteral extends Syn { readonly tag: "StringLiteral"; readonly value: string; readonly raw: string; } export interface CharLiteral extends Syn { readonly tag: "CharLiteral"; readonly value: string; readonly raw: string; } export interface BoolLiteral extends Syn { readonly tag: "BoolLiteral"; readonly value: boolean; } export interface NullLiteral extends Syn { readonly tag: "NullLiteral"; } /** * Array access `e[e]` */ export interface ArrayMemberExpression extends Syn { readonly tag: "ArrayMemberExpression"; readonly object: Expression; readonly index: Expression; } /** * Struct field access: * - `e.f` (deref === false) * - `e->f` (deref === true) */ export interface StructMemberExpression extends Syn { readonly tag: "StructMemberExpression"; readonly deref: boolean; readonly object: Expression; readonly field: Identifier; } /** * Regular function calls `f(e1,e2,...,en)` */ export interface CallExpression extends Syn { readonly tag: "CallExpression"; readonly callee: Identifier; readonly arguments: Expression[]; } /** * Function pointer calls `(*e)(e1,e2,...,en)` */ export interface IndirectCallExpression extends Syn { readonly tag: "IndirectCallExpression"; readonly callee: Expression; readonly arguments: Expression[]; } /** * Prefix cast operation `(ty)e`. */ export interface CastExpression extends Syn { readonly tag: "CastExpression"; readonly kind: Type; readonly argument: Expression; } /** * Prefix unary operations `~e` and friends. */ export interface UnaryExpression extends Syn { readonly tag: "UnaryExpression"; readonly operator: "&" | "!" | "~" | "-" | "*"; readonly argument: Expression; } /** * Eager binary operations `e+e` and friends */ export interface BinaryExpression extends Syn { readonly tag: "BinaryExpression"; readonly operator: "*" | "/" | "%" | "+" | "-" | "<<" | ">>" | "<" | "<=" | ">=" | ">" | "==" | "!=" | "&" | "^" | "|"; readonly left: Expression; readonly right: Expression; } /** * Short-circuiting binary operations `e && e` and `e || e`. */ export interface LogicalExpression extends Syn { readonly tag: "LogicalExpression"; readonly operator: "||" | "&&"; readonly left: Expression; readonly right: Expression; } /** * `e ? e : e` */ export interface ConditionalExpression extends Syn { readonly tag: "ConditionalExpression"; readonly test: Expression; readonly consequent: Expression; readonly alternate: Expression; } /** * `alloc(ty)` */ export interface AllocExpression extends Syn { readonly tag: "AllocExpression"; readonly kind: Type; } /** * `alloc(ty)` */ export interface AllocArrayExpression extends Syn { readonly tag: "AllocArrayExpression"; readonly kind: Type; readonly size: Expression; } /** * `\result` */ export interface ResultExpression extends Syn { readonly tag: "ResultExpression"; } /** * `\length(e)` */ export interface LengthExpression extends Syn { readonly tag: "LengthExpression"; readonly argument: Expression; } /** * `\hastag(ty,e)` */ export interface HasTagExpression extends Syn { readonly tag: "HasTagExpression"; readonly kind: Type; readonly argument: Expression; } /** * LValues are a refinement of Expressions */ export declare type LValue = Identifier | StructMemberLValue | DereferenceLValue | ArrayMemberLValue; export interface StructMemberLValue extends StructMemberExpression { readonly object: LValue; } export interface DereferenceLValue extends UnaryExpression { readonly operator: "*"; readonly argument: LValue; } export interface ArrayMemberLValue extends ArrayMemberExpression { readonly object: LValue; } export declare type SimpleStatement = AssignmentStatement | UpdateStatement | ExpressionStatement; export declare type Statement = SimpleStatement | VariableDeclaration | IfStatement | WhileStatement | ForStatement | ReturnStatement | BlockStatement | AssertStatement | ErrorStatement | BreakStatement | ContinueStatement; export interface AssignmentStatement extends Syn { readonly tag: "AssignmentStatement"; readonly operator: "=" | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%=" | "<<=" | ">>=" | "&=" | "^=" | "|="; readonly left: LValue; readonly right: Expression; } export interface UpdateStatement extends Syn { readonly tag: "UpdateStatement"; readonly operator: "++" | "--"; readonly argument: Expression; } export interface ExpressionStatement extends Syn { readonly tag: "ExpressionStatement"; readonly expression: Expression; } export interface VariableDeclaration extends Syn { readonly tag: "VariableDeclaration"; readonly kind: Type; readonly id: Identifier; readonly init: Expression | null; } export interface IfStatement extends Syn { readonly tag: "IfStatement"; readonly test: Expression; readonly consequent: Statement; readonly alternate?: Statement; } export interface WhileStatement extends Syn { readonly tag: "WhileStatement"; readonly invariants: Expression[]; readonly test: Expression; readonly body: Statement; } export interface ForStatement extends Syn { readonly tag: "ForStatement"; readonly invariants: Expression[]; readonly init: SimpleStatement | VariableDeclaration | null; readonly test: Expression; readonly update: SimpleStatement | null; readonly body: Statement; } export interface ReturnStatement extends Syn { readonly tag: "ReturnStatement"; readonly argument: Expression | null; } export interface BlockStatement extends Syn { readonly tag: "BlockStatement"; readonly body: Statement[]; } export interface AssertStatement extends Syn { readonly tag: "AssertStatement"; readonly contract: boolean; readonly test: Expression; } export interface ErrorStatement extends Syn { readonly tag: "ErrorStatement"; readonly argument: Expression; } export interface BreakStatement extends Syn { readonly tag: "BreakStatement"; } export interface ContinueStatement extends Syn { readonly tag: "ContinueStatement"; } export declare type Declaration = StructDeclaration | FunctionDeclaration | TypeDefinition | FunctionTypeDefinition | Pragma; export interface StructDeclaration { readonly tag: "StructDeclaration"; readonly id: Identifier; readonly definitions: VariableDeclarationOnly[]; } export interface VariableDeclarationOnly extends Syn { readonly kind: Type; readonly id: Identifier; } export interface FunctionDeclaration { readonly tag: "FunctionDeclaration"; readonly returns: Type; readonly id: Identifier; readonly params: VariableDeclarationOnly[]; readonly preconditions: Expression[]; readonly postconditions: Expression[]; readonly body: null | BlockStatement; } export interface TypeDefinition { readonly tag: "TypeDefinition"; readonly definition: VariableDeclarationOnly; } export interface FunctionTypeDefinition { readonly tag: "FunctionTypeDefinition"; readonly definition: FunctionDeclaration; } export interface Pragma { readonly pragma: string; readonly contents: string; }