/* @flow */ import * as React from 'react'; const REACT_METHODS = [ 'autobind', 'childContextTypes', 'componentDidMount', 'componentDidUpdate', 'componentWillMount', 'componentWillReceiveProps', 'componentWillUnmount', 'componentWillUpdate', 'contextTypes', 'displayName', 'getChildContext', 'getDefaultProps', 'getDOMNode', 'getInitialState', 'mixins', 'propTypes', 'render', 'replaceProps', 'setProps', 'shouldComponentUpdate', 'statics', 'updateComponent', ]; export function copyRefs( TargetComponent: React.ComponentType, SourceComponent: React.ComponentType ): React.ComponentType { if (!SourceComponent.prototype) { return TargetComponent; } // $FlowFixMe Object.getOwnPropertyNames(SourceComponent.prototype) .filter( prop => !( REACT_METHODS.includes(prop) || // React specific methods and properties prop in React.Component.prototype || // Properties from React's prototype such as `setState` // $FlowFixMe prop in TargetComponent.prototype || // Properties from enhanced component's prototype // Private methods prop.startsWith('_') ) ) .forEach(prop => { // $FlowFixMe if (typeof SourceComponent.prototype[prop] === 'function') { /* eslint-disable func-names, no-param-reassign */ // $FlowFixMe TargetComponent.prototype[prop] = function(...args) { // Make sure the function is called with correct context // $FlowFixMe return SourceComponent.prototype[prop].apply( this.getWrappedInstance(), args ); }; } else { // Copy properties as getters and setters // This make sure dynamic properties always stay up-to-date // $FlowFixMe Object.defineProperty(TargetComponent.prototype, prop, { get() { return this.getWrappedInstance()[prop]; }, set(value) { this.getWrappedInstance()[prop] = value; }, }); } }); return TargetComponent; }