import * as React from "react"; import { IModal, ModalContentProps } from "../Modal"; import { BoxProps } from "../Box"; import { CloseButtonProps } from "../CloseButton"; interface IDrawer extends IModal { /** * The size of the drawer when placement is `left` or `right`. */ size?: "xs" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "full"; /** * If `true`, the drawer fills the height of the viewport by default. */ isFullHeight?: boolean; /** * Set the position of the drawer should slide from. */ placement?: "top" | "left" | "bottom" | "right"; /** * The element to receive focus when the drawer closes. * You could point it to the element that triggered the drawer */ finalFocusRef?: IModal["finalFocusRef"]; } export const Drawer: React.FC; export const DrawerBody: React.FC; export const DrawerHeader: React.FC; export const DrawerContent: React.FC; export const DrawerFooter: React.FC; export const DrawerOverlay: React.FC; export const DrawerCloseButton: React.FC;