import { PseudoBoxProps } from "../PseudoBox"; import * as React from "react"; import { BoxProps } from "../Box"; import { Omit } from "../common-types"; interface ISlider { value?: number; defaultValue?: number; isDisabled?: boolean; max?: number; min?: number; step?: number; "aria-labelledby"?: React.AriaAttributes["aria-labelledby"]; "aria-label"?: React.AriaAttributes["aria-label"]; "aria-valuetext"?: React.AriaAttributes["aria-valuetext"]; orientation?: "horizontal" | "vertical"; getAriaValueText?: (value: number) => string; size?: "sm" | "md" | "lg"; /** * The color of the slider track * * 🚨Note: This should be one of the color keys in the theme that has `100` - `900` color values (e.g.`green`, `red`). * @see */ color?: string; name?: string; id?: string; onChange?: (newValue: number) => void; children?: React.ReactNode; } export const SliderThumb: React.FC; export const SliderTrack: React.FC; export const SliderFilledTrack: React.FC; export type SliderProps = ISlider & Omit; declare const Slider: React.FC; export default Slider;