import { IAlert, AlertProps as BaseAlertProps } from "../Alert"; import { BoxProps } from "../Box"; import { Omit } from "../common-types"; import { Position } from "toasted-notes"; import * as React from "react"; export interface IToast extends IAlert { /** * The title of the toast. */ title?: string; /** * If `true` adds a close button to the toast. */ isClosable?: boolean; /** * Callback function to close the toast. */ onClose?: () => void; /** * The description of the toast */ description?: string; /** * Duration before dismiss in milliseconds, or `null` to never dismiss. */ duration?: number | null; /** * One of toasted-notes positions. */ position?: keyof typeof Position; } interface RenderOption { render?: (props: { onClose: () => void; id: string }) => React.ReactNode; } export type useToastOptions = IToast & RenderOption; declare const useToast: () => (props: useToastOptions) => void; export default useToast;