import { type HTMLChakraProps, type InferRecipeProps, type JsxStyleProps } from "../../styled-system"; declare const StyledGroup: import("../..").ChakraComponent<"div", { orientation?: import("../..").ConditionalValue<"horizontal" | "vertical" | undefined>; attached?: import("../..").ConditionalValue; grow?: import("../..").ConditionalValue; stacking?: import("../..").ConditionalValue<"first-on-top" | "last-on-top" | undefined>; }>; type VariantProps = InferRecipeProps; export interface GroupProps extends HTMLChakraProps<"div", VariantProps> { /** * The `alignItems` style property */ align?: JsxStyleProps["alignItems"]; /** * The `justifyContent` style property */ justify?: JsxStyleProps["justifyContent"]; /** * The `flexWrap` style property */ wrap?: JsxStyleProps["flexWrap"]; } export declare const Group: import("react").MemoExoticComponent>>; export {};