/** * Given a prop value and state value, the useControllableProp hook is used to determine whether a component is controlled or uncontrolled, and also returns the computed value. * * @see Docs https://chakra-ui.com/docs/hooks/use-controllable#usecontrollableprop */ export declare function useControllableProp(prop: T | undefined, state: T): [boolean, T]; export interface UseControllableStateProps { value?: T; defaultValue?: T | (() => T); onChange?: (value: T) => void; shouldUpdate?: (prev: T, next: T) => boolean; } /** * The `useControllableState` hook returns the state and function that updates the state, just like React.useState does. * * @see Docs https://chakra-ui.com/docs/hooks/use-controllable#usecontrollablestate */ export declare function useControllableState(props: UseControllableStateProps): [T, React.Dispatch>];