import { spawn } from 'child_process' import Graphcool from 'graphcool-lib' import { Endpoints, log, } from './config' import { ApolloClient, NormalizedCacheObject, makeApolloClient, } from './apollo' export interface ServerFixtures { ENDPOINTS: Endpoints, ROOT: { token: string, }, USER: { email: string, id: string, name: string, login: string, token: string, }, apollo: ApolloClient, } export class LocalServer { private graphcoolInfo?: string private graphcoolRootToken?: string private graphcoolLib?: Graphcool constructor() { log.verbose('LocalServer', 'constructor() __dirname=%s', __dirname) } /** * @deprecated not work. see issue #3 */ public async reset(): Promise { log.warn('LocalServer', 'reset() WIP...') /** * method 1: not support local docker */ const child = spawn('graphcool', [ 'reset', '-t', 'dev', ], { cwd: __dirname, }) await new Promise(r => child.once('exit', r)) await this.up() } public async createHostie( ownerId: string, name: string, token: string, ): Promise <{[key: string]: any}> { const lib = await this.graphcool() const api = lib.api('simple/v1') const mutationCreateHostie = ` mutation CreateHostie { createHostie( ownerId: "${ownerId}", name: "${name}", token: "${token}", ) { id } } ` const result = await api.request<{ createHostie: { id: string }, }>(mutationCreateHostie) const hostie = result.createHostie log.silly('LocalServer', 'createHostie() new id: %s', return hostie } public async deleteAll(model: string|boolean): Promise { log.verbose('LocalServer', 'deleteAll(model=%s)', model) if (typeof model === 'boolean') { // delete the list should in order... const MODEL_LIST = [ 'Giftie', 'Botie', 'Hostie', // keep User the latest 'User', ] let counter = 0 // delete all entries in the model in order for (const modelName of MODEL_LIST) { counter += await this.deleteAll(modelName) } return counter } const lib = await this.graphcool() const api = lib.api('simple/v1') const allItems = `all${model}s` const deleteItem = `delete${model}` const queryAllItems = ` query AllItems { ${allItems} { id } } ` const result = await api.request<{ [key: string]: [{ id: string }], }>(queryAllItems) const num = result[allItems].length log.silly('LocalServer', 'deleteAll() get %d items for %s', num, model) const futureList: any[] = [] for (const item of result[allItems]) { const id = const future = api.request<{ [key: string]: { id: string }, }>(` mutation DeleteItem { ${deleteItem}(id: "${id}") { id } } `) futureList.push(future) } await Promise.all(futureList) log.silly('LocalServer', 'deleteAll() deleted all items for %s', model) return num } public async up(): Promise { log.verbose('LocalServer', 'up()') const child = spawn('graphcool', [ 'local', 'up', ], { cwd: __dirname, }) // child.stdout.pipe(process.stdout) child.stderr.pipe(process.stderr) await new Promise(r => child.once('exit', r)) } public async info(): Promise { log.verbose('LocalServer', 'info()') if (this.graphcoolInfo) { return this.graphcoolInfo } const child = spawn('graphcool', [ 'info', '-t', 'dev', ], { cwd: __dirname, }) // child.stdout.pipe(process.stdout) const output = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let buffer = '' child.stdout.on('readable', () => { const data = if (data) { buffer += data } }) child.stdout.on('end', () => resolve(buffer.toString())) child.stdout.on('error', reject) }) await new Promise(r => child.once('exit', r)) if (!output) { throw new Error('info() got nothing!') } this.graphcoolInfo = output log.silly('LocalServer', 'info()=%s', output) return output } public async endpoints(info?: string): Promise { log.verbose('LocalServer', 'endpoints()') if (!info) { info = await } const REGEX = { relay: /^Relay\s+(http:\/\/localhost:\d+\/relay\/.+)$/m, simple: /^Simple\s+(http:\/\/localhost:\d+\/simple\/.+)$/m, subscriptions: /^Subscriptions\s+(wss?:\/\/localhost:\d+\/subscriptions\/.+)$/m, } const endpoints: Endpoints = { relay: '', simple: '', subscriptions: '', system: 'http://localhost:60000/system', // FIXME: get from graphcool } for (const k in REGEX) { const match = REGEX[k as keyof typeof REGEX].exec(info) if (match && match[1]) { endpoints[k as keyof typeof REGEX] = match[1] } } return endpoints } public async serviceId(info?: string): Promise { log.verbose('LocalServer', 'serviceId()') if (!info) { info = await } const REGEX = /\s+local\/([^\s]+)\s*$/m const match = REGEX.exec(info) if (!match || !match[1]) { throw new Error('no project id found!') } log.silly('LocalServer', 'serviceId() = %s', match[1]) return match[1] } public async rootToken(): Promise { log.verbose('LocalServer', 'rootToken()') if (!this.graphcoolRootToken) { const child = spawn('graphcool', [ 'root-token', 'local', '-t', 'dev', ], { cwd: __dirname, }) // child.stdout.pipe(process.stdout) const output = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let buffer = '' child.stdout.on('readable', () => { const data = if (data) { buffer += data } }) child.stdout.on('end', () => resolve(buffer.toString().trim())) child.stdout.on('error', reject) }) await new Promise(r => child.once('exit', r)) this.graphcoolRootToken = output } log.silly('LocalServer', 'rootToken() = %s', this.graphcoolRootToken) return this.graphcoolRootToken } public async graphcool() { log.verbose('LocalServer', 'graphcool()') if (!this.graphcoolLib) { const lib = new Graphcool( await this.serviceId(), { token: await this.rootToken(), endpoints: await this.endpoints(), }, ) this.graphcoolLib = lib } return this.graphcoolLib } public async generateUserToken( userId: string, expirationInSeconds?: number, ): Promise { log.verbose('LocalServer', 'generateUserToken(userId=%s, expirationInSeconds=%s)', userId, expirationInSeconds, ) const lib = await this.graphcool() const token = await lib.generateNodeToken( userId, 'User', expirationInSeconds, ) log.silly('LocalServer', 'generateUserToken() = %s', token) return token } public async createUser( email: string, login: string, name?: string, ): Promise { log.verbose('LocalServer', 'createUser(email=%s, login=%s, name=%s)', email, login, name, ) const lib = await this.graphcool() const api = lib.api('simple/v1') const query = ` mutation CreateUser { createUser( email: "${email}", login: "${login}", name: "${name}", ) { id } } ` const result = await api.request<{ createUser: { id: string }, }>(query) log.silly('LocalServer', 'createUser() = %s', return } public async* fixtures(): AsyncIterableIterator { const randomId = Math.random() .toString() .substr(2, 7) const USER = { email: `email-${randomId}`, login: `login-${randomId}`, name: `name-${randomId}`, id: '', token: '', } await this.deleteAll(true) = await this.createUser(, USER.login,, ) USER.token = await this.generateUserToken( const ENDPOINTS = await this.endpoints() const apollo = await makeApolloClient( USER.token, ENDPOINTS, ) const ROOT = { token: await this.rootToken(), } const serverFixtures: ServerFixtures = { ENDPOINTS, ROOT, USER, apollo, } yield serverFixtures await this.deleteAll(true) await apollo.resetStore() apollo['wsClose']() } }