/** * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved. * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license */ /** * @module image/imageinsert/imageinsertviaurlui */ import { Plugin } from 'ckeditor5/src/core.js'; import ImageInsertUI from './imageinsertui.js'; /** * The image insert via URL plugin (UI part). * * For a detailed overview, check the {@glink features/images/images-inserting * Insert images via source URL} documentation. * * This plugin registers the {@link module:image/imageinsert/imageinsertui~ImageInsertUI} integration for `url`. */ export default class ImageInsertViaUrlUI extends Plugin { private _imageInsertUI; /** * @inheritDoc */ static get pluginName(): "ImageInsertViaUrlUI"; /** * @inheritDoc */ static get requires(): readonly [typeof ImageInsertUI]; /** * @inheritDoc */ afterInit(): void; /** * Creates the view displayed in the dropdown. */ private _createInsertUrlView; /** * Creates the toolbar button. */ private _createInsertUrlButton; /** * Closes the dropdown. */ private _closePanel; }