/** * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved. * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license */ /** * @module link/linkcommand */ import { Command } from 'ckeditor5/src/core'; import { Collection } from 'ckeditor5/src/utils'; import AutomaticDecorators from './utils/automaticdecorators'; import type ManualDecorator from './utils/manualdecorator'; /** * The link command. It is used by the {@link module:link/link~Link link feature}. */ export default class LinkCommand extends Command { /** * The value of the `'linkHref'` attribute if the start of the selection is located in a node with this attribute. * * @observable * @readonly */ value: string | undefined; /** * A collection of {@link module:link/utils/manualdecorator~ManualDecorator manual decorators} * corresponding to the {@link module:link/linkconfig~LinkConfig#decorators decorator configuration}. * * You can consider it a model with states of manual decorators added to the currently selected link. */ readonly manualDecorators: Collection; /** * An instance of the helper that ties together all {@link module:link/linkconfig~LinkDecoratorAutomaticDefinition} * that are used by the {@glink features/link link} and the {@glink features/images/images-linking linking images} features. */ readonly automaticDecorators: AutomaticDecorators; /** * Synchronizes the state of {@link #manualDecorators} with the currently present elements in the model. */ restoreManualDecoratorStates(): void; /** * @inheritDoc */ refresh(): void; /** * Executes the command. * * When the selection is non-collapsed, the `linkHref` attribute will be applied to nodes inside the selection, but only to * those nodes where the `linkHref` attribute is allowed (disallowed nodes will be omitted). * * When the selection is collapsed and is not inside the text with the `linkHref` attribute, a * new {@link module:engine/model/text~Text text node} with the `linkHref` attribute will be inserted in place of the caret, but * only if such element is allowed in this place. The `_data` of the inserted text will equal the `href` parameter. * The selection will be updated to wrap the just inserted text node. * * When the selection is collapsed and inside the text with the `linkHref` attribute, the attribute value will be updated. * * # Decorators and model attribute management * * There is an optional argument to this command that applies or removes model * {@glink framework/architecture/editing-engine#text-attributes text attributes} brought by * {@link module:link/utils/manualdecorator~ManualDecorator manual link decorators}. * * Text attribute names in the model correspond to the entries in the {@link module:link/linkconfig~LinkConfig#decorators * configuration}. * For every decorator configured, a model text attribute exists with the "link" prefix. For example, a `'linkMyDecorator'` attribute * corresponds to `'myDecorator'` in the configuration. * * To learn more about link decorators, check out the {@link module:link/linkconfig~LinkConfig#decorators `config.link.decorators`} * documentation. * * Here is how to manage decorator attributes with the link command: * * ```ts * const linkCommand = editor.commands.get( 'link' ); * * // Adding a new decorator attribute. * linkCommand.execute( 'http://example.com', { * linkIsExternal: true * } ); * * // Removing a decorator attribute from the selection. * linkCommand.execute( 'http://example.com', { * linkIsExternal: false * } ); * * // Adding multiple decorator attributes at the same time. * linkCommand.execute( 'http://example.com', { * linkIsExternal: true, * linkIsDownloadable: true, * } ); * * // Removing and adding decorator attributes at the same time. * linkCommand.execute( 'http://example.com', { * linkIsExternal: false, * linkFoo: true, * linkIsDownloadable: false, * } ); * ``` * * **Note**: If the decorator attribute name is not specified, its state remains untouched. * * **Note**: {@link module:link/unlinkcommand~UnlinkCommand#execute `UnlinkCommand#execute()`} removes all * decorator attributes. * * @fires execute * @param href Link destination. * @param manualDecoratorIds The information about manual decorator attributes to be applied or removed upon execution. */ execute(href: string, manualDecoratorIds?: Record): void; /** * Provides information whether a decorator with a given name is present in the currently processed selection. * * @param decoratorName The name of the manual decorator used in the model * @returns The information whether a given decorator is currently present in the selection. */ private _getDecoratorStateFromModel; /** * Checks whether specified `range` is inside an element that accepts the `linkHref` attribute. * * @param range A range to check. * @param allowedRanges An array of ranges created on elements where the attribute is accepted. */ private _isRangeToUpdate; /** * Updates selected link with a new value as its content and as its href attribute. * * @param model Model is need to insert content. * @param writer Writer is need to create text element in model. * @param range A range where should be inserted content. * @param href A link value which should be in the href attribute and in the content. */ private _updateLinkContent; }