/** * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved. * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license */ /** * @module table/commands/inserttablecommand */ import { Command } from 'ckeditor5/src/core'; /** * The insert table command. * * The command is registered by {@link module:table/tableediting~TableEditing} as the `'insertTable'` editor command. * * To insert a table at the current selection, execute the command and specify the dimensions: * * ```ts * editor.execute( 'insertTable', { rows: 20, columns: 5 } ); * ``` */ export default class InsertTableCommand extends Command { /** * @inheritDoc */ refresh(): void; /** * Executes the command. * * Inserts a table with the given number of rows and columns into the editor. * * @param options.rows The number of rows to create in the inserted table. Default value is 2. * @param options.columns The number of columns to create in the inserted table. Default value is 2. * @param options.headingRows The number of heading rows. If not provided it will default to * {@link module:table/tableconfig~TableConfig#defaultHeadings `config.table.defaultHeadings.rows`} table config. * @param options.headingColumns The number of heading columns. If not provided it will default to * {@link module:table/tableconfig~TableConfig#defaultHeadings `config.table.defaultHeadings.columns`} table config. * @fires execute */ execute(options?: { rows?: number; columns?: number; headingRows?: number; headingColumns?: number; }): void; }