/** * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved. * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license */ import type { Element, ElementCreatorFunction } from 'ckeditor5/src/engine'; import type TableUtils from '../tableutils'; import type { AdditionalSlot } from '../tableediting'; /** * Model table element to view table element conversion helper. */ export declare function downcastTable(tableUtils: TableUtils, options: DowncastTableOptions): ElementCreatorFunction; /** * Model table row element to view `` element conversion helper. * * @returns Element creator. */ export declare function downcastRow(): ElementCreatorFunction; /** * Model table cell element to view `` or `` element conversion helper. * * This conversion helper will create proper `` elements for table cells that are in the heading section (heading row or column) * and `` otherwise. * * @param options.asWidget If set to `true`, the downcast conversion will produce a widget. * @returns Element creator. */ export declare function downcastCell(options?: { asWidget?: boolean; }): ElementCreatorFunction; /** * Overrides paragraph inside table cell conversion. * * This converter: * * should be used to override default paragraph conversion. * * It will only convert `` placed directly inside ``. * * For a single paragraph without attributes it returns `` to simulate data table. * * For all other cases it returns `

` element. * * @param options.asWidget If set to `true`, the downcast conversion will produce a widget. * @returns Element creator. */ export declare function convertParagraphInTableCell(options?: { asWidget?: boolean; }): ElementCreatorFunction; /** * Checks if given model `` is an only child of a parent (``) and if it has any attribute set. * * The paragraph should be converted in the editing view to: * * * If returned `true` - to a `` * * If returned `false` - to a `

` */ export declare function isSingleParagraphWithoutAttributes(modelElement: Element): boolean; export interface DowncastTableOptions { /** * If set to `true`, the downcast conversion will produce a widget. */ asWidget?: boolean; /** * Array of additional slot handlers. */ additionalSlots: Array; }