/** * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved. * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license */ /** * @module table/converters/tableproperties */ import type { Conversion, ViewElement } from 'ckeditor5/src/engine'; /** * Conversion helper for upcasting attributes using normalized styles. * * @param options.modelAttribute The attribute to set. * @param options.styleName The style name to convert. * @param options.viewElement The view element name that should be converted. * @param options.defaultValue The default value for the specified `modelAttribute`. * @param options.shouldUpcast The function which returns `true` if style should be upcasted from this element. */ export declare function upcastStyleToAttribute(conversion: Conversion, options: { modelAttribute: string; styleName: string; viewElement: string | RegExp; defaultValue: string; reduceBoxSides?: boolean; shouldUpcast?: (viewElement: ViewElement) => boolean; }): void; export interface StyleValues { color: string; style: string; width: string; } /** * Conversion helper for upcasting border styles for view elements. * * @param defaultBorder The default border values. * @param defaultBorder.color The default `borderColor` value. * @param defaultBorder.style The default `borderStyle` value. * @param defaultBorder.width The default `borderWidth` value. */ export declare function upcastBorderStyles(conversion: Conversion, viewElementName: string, modelAttributes: StyleValues, defaultBorder: StyleValues): void; /** * Conversion helper for downcasting an attribute to a style. */ export declare function downcastAttributeToStyle(conversion: Conversion, options: { modelElement: string; modelAttribute: string; styleName: string; }): void; /** * Conversion helper for downcasting attributes from the model table to a view table (not to `
`). */ export declare function downcastTableAttribute(conversion: Conversion, options: { modelAttribute: string; styleName: string; }): void;