const start = process.hrtime(); import chalk from 'chalk'; import * as commander from 'commander'; import * as debug from 'debug'; import * as leftpad from 'left-pad'; import generateJSON from './commands/generate-json'; const NS_PER_SEC = 1e9; const PROGRAM_NAME = 'code-to-json'; process.title = PROGRAM_NAME; const debugLog = debug('code-to-json:cli'); /** * Convert a hrtime into human-readable text * @param time proces.hrtime value * @param message description of time value * @internal */ export function timeString(time: [number, number], message: string): string { const msg = `(${message})`; return `${chalk.yellow( leftpad((Math.round((time[0] * NS_PER_SEC + time[1]) / 1e3) / 1e3).toFixed(3), 6), )} ms ${} `; } /** * Build the commander program * @internal */ export function buildProgram(): commander.Command { return commander .name(PROGRAM_NAME) .arguments('[entries...]') .description('a thing') .option('-p,--project [path]', 'path to tsconfig.json') .option('-o,--out ', 'output path') .option('--format [fmt]', 'data format', 'formatted'); } /** * Run a CLI action * @param prog commander program * @param runnable the action * @internal */ export function runAction( prog: commander.Command, runnable: ( opts: { [key: string]: any; }, project: string, entries: string[] | undefined, ) => Promise, log: (formatter: any, ...args: any[]) => void, ): (entries: string[] | undefined, cmd: commander.Command) => any { return async function runActionImpl( entries: string[] | undefined, command: commander.Command, ): Promise { const opts = command.opts(); const { project } = opts; const startupElapsed = process.hrtime(start); log(timeString(startupElapsed, 'boot time')); const beginTime = process.hrtime(); try { await runnable(opts, project, entries).then(() => { const timeElapsed = process.hrtime(beginTime); log(timeString(timeElapsed, 'extraction time')); }); } catch (er) { if (er.__invalid_arguments_error) { log('completing due to invalid arguments'); console.error(`\n[ERROR] - ${er.message}\n`)); console.error(`${}\n`); throw new Error('invalid arguments'); } else { throw er; } } }; } /** * Run the code-to-json cli command * @param args command-line arguments */ export function runCli(args: string[]): void { const prog = buildProgram(); prog .action( runAction( prog, (opts, project: string, entries: string[] | undefined) => generateJSON({ ...opts, project }, entries), debugLog, ), ) .parse(args); }