import { InvalidArgumentsError } from '@code-to-json/utils'; import { createProgramFromEntries } from '@code-to-json/utils-ts'; import * as debug from 'debug'; import * as glob from 'glob'; import * as path from 'path'; import { Program } from 'typescript'; import { promisify } from 'util'; const debugLog = debug('code-to-json:cli'); const pGlob = promisify(glob); /** * Resolve some globs into discrete files, matching a set of extensions * @param globs Globs to search * @param extensions Extensions of paths to retain * @internal */ export async function globsToPaths( globs: string[], extensions: string[] = ['.js', '.ts'], ): Promise { const valueSet = new Set(); await Promise.all( g, // for each glob in the list ) => pGlob(g) // get the collection of files .then((files: string[]) => { files.forEach((f) => valueSet.add(f)); // add each file to the set }) .catch((er) => { throw new InvalidArgumentsError(`Invalid glob: ${g}\n${er}`); }), ), ); const allPaths = [...valueSet]; // Set -> string[] // If extensions are provided, only return those files that match return extensions ? allPaths.filter((f) => extensions.indexOf(path.extname(f).toLowerCase()) >= 0) : allPaths; } /** * Create a typescript program from globs that describe entry files * @param globs Globs that specify one or more entries * @internal */ export async function createProgramFromEntryGlobs(globs: string[]): Promise { const rootNames = await globsToPaths(globs); debugLog('globs are equivalent to files', rootNames); return createProgramFromEntries(rootNames); }