FROM node:alpine LABEL name="Mike Erickson" LABEL maintainer="" COPY ./docker/.profile /root/.profile COPY ./docker/ /root/ # create directory in container RUN mkdir -p /usr/code/app WORKDIR /usr/code/app # copy any files necessary for including modules COPY package.json /usr/code/app/ COPY yarn.lock /usr/code/app/ # install node modules, this should be done with yarn instead RUN yarn install # copy over files to container (node_modules should be ignored as deifned in .dockerignore) COPY . /usr/code/app # this is not required as the container is not hosting any network resoruces # ENV PORT 3000 # EXPOSE ${PORT} # kick off the tests CMD [ "yarn","run", "test" ] # run container as follows # make sure to use the -l so it will load profile # docker run --name debug-ci -v$(pwd):/usr/code/app --rm -it dev-node ash -l