import React, { memo, forwardRef, type ReactNode, type CSSProperties } from "react"; import { getLink } from "./link"; import type { RegisteredLinkProps } from "./link"; import { symToStr } from "tsafe/symToStr"; import { fr } from "./fr"; import { cx } from "./tools/cx"; import { assert } from "tsafe/assert"; import type { Equals } from "tsafe"; import { createComponentI18nApi } from "./i18n"; import type { FrIconClassName, RiIconClassName } from "./fr/generatedFromCss/classNames"; import { getBrandTopAndHomeLinkProps } from "./zz_internal/brandTopAndHomeLinkProps"; import { typeGuard } from "tsafe/typeGuard"; import { id } from "tsafe/id"; export type FooterProps = { id?: string; className?: string; accessibility: "non compliant" | "partially compliant" | "fully compliant"; contentDescription?: ReactNode; websiteMapLinkProps?: RegisteredLinkProps; accessibilityLinkProps?: RegisteredLinkProps; termsLinkProps?: RegisteredLinkProps; bottomItems?: (FooterProps.BottomItem | ReactNode)[]; partnersLogos?: FooterProps.PartnersLogos; operatorLogo?: { orientation: "horizontal" | "vertical"; /** * Expected ratio: * If "vertical": 9x16 * If "horizontal": 16x9 */ imgUrl: string; /** Textual alternative of the image, it MUST include the text present in the image*/ alt: string; }; license?: ReactNode; /** If not provided the brandTop from the Header will be used, * Be aware that if your Header is not used as a server component while the Footer is * you need to provide the brandTop to the Footer. */ brandTop?: ReactNode; /** If not provided the homeLinkProps from the Header will be used, * Be aware that if your Header is not used as a server component while the Footer is * you need to provide the homeLinkProps to the Footer. */ homeLinkProps?: RegisteredLinkProps & { title: string }; classes?: Partial< Record< | "root" | "body" | "brand" | "content" | "contentDesc" | "contentList" | "contentItem" | "contentLink" | "bottom" | "bottomList" | "bottomItem" | "bottomLink" | "bottomCopy" | "brandLink" | "logo" | "operatorLogo" | "partners" | "partnersTitle" | "partnersLogos" | "partnersMain" | "partnersLink" | "partnersSub", string > >; style?: CSSProperties; linkList?: FooterProps.LinkList.List; domains?: string[]; }; export namespace FooterProps { export type BottomItem = BottomItem.Link | BottomItem.Button; export namespace BottomItem { export type Common = { iconId?: FrIconClassName | RiIconClassName; text: ReactNode; }; export type Link = Common & { linkProps: RegisteredLinkProps; buttonProps?: never; }; export type Button = Common & { linkProps?: undefined; buttonProps: React.DetailedHTMLProps< React.ButtonHTMLAttributes, HTMLButtonElement >; }; } export namespace LinkList { export type List = [Column, Column?, Column?, Column?, Column?, Column?]; export type Links = [ LinkList.Link, LinkList.Link?, LinkList.Link?, LinkList.Link?, LinkList.Link?, LinkList.Link?, LinkList.Link?, LinkList.Link? ]; export interface Column { categoryName?: string; links: Links; } export interface Link { text: string; linkProps: RegisteredLinkProps; } } export type PartnersLogos = PartnersLogos.MainOnly | PartnersLogos.SubOnly; export namespace PartnersLogos { export type MainOnly = { main: Logo; sub?: Logo[]; }; export type SubOnly = { main?: Logo; sub: [Logo, ...Logo[]]; }; export type Logo = { alt: string; /** * @deprecated use linkProps instead */ href?: string; imgUrl: string; linkProps?: RegisteredLinkProps & { title: string }; }; } } /** @see */ export const Footer = memo( forwardRef((props, ref) => { const { id: id_props, className, classes = {}, contentDescription, websiteMapLinkProps, accessibilityLinkProps, accessibility, termsLinkProps, bottomItems = [], partnersLogos, operatorLogo, license, brandTop: brandTop_prop, homeLinkProps: homeLinkProps_prop, style, linkList, domains = [ "", "", "", "" ], } = props; assert>(); const rootId = id_props ?? "fr-footer"; const { brandTop, homeLinkProps } = (() => { const wrap = getBrandTopAndHomeLinkProps(); const brandTop = brandTop_prop ?? wrap?.brandTop; const homeLinkProps = homeLinkProps_prop ?? wrap?.homeLinkProps; const exceptionMessage = " hasn't been provided to the Footer and we cannot retrieve it from the Header (it's probably client side)"; if (brandTop === undefined) { throw new Error(symToStr({ brandTop }) + exceptionMessage); } if (homeLinkProps === undefined) { throw new Error(symToStr({ homeLinkProps }) + exceptionMessage); } return { brandTop, homeLinkProps }; })(); const { Link } = getLink(); const { t } = useTranslation(); const { main: mainPartnersLogo, sub: subPartnersLogos = [] } = partnersLogos ?? {}; return (
{linkList !== undefined && (
{ (column, columnIndex) => column !== undefined && (
{column?.categoryName && (


    {column? (linkItem, linkItemIndex) => (
  • {linkItem?.text}
  • ) )}
) )}
{(() => { const children = (


); return operatorLogo !== undefined ? ( children ) : ( {children} ); })()} {operatorLogo !== undefined && ( { switch (operatorLogo.orientation) { case "vertical": return { "width": "3.5rem" }; case "horizontal": return { "maxWidth": "9.0625rem" }; } })()} src={operatorLogo.imgUrl} alt={operatorLogo.alt} /> )}
{contentDescription !== undefined && (


{partnersLogos !== undefined && (

{t("our partners")}

{mainPartnersLogo !== undefined && (() => { const children = ( {mainPartnersLogo.alt} ); const hasLinkProps = mainPartnersLogo.linkProps !== undefined || mainPartnersLogo.href !== undefined; return hasLinkProps ? ( {children} ) : ( children ); })()}
{subPartnersLogos.length !== 0 && (
    {, i) => { const children = ( {logo.alt} ); const hasLinkProps = logo.linkProps !== undefined || logo.href !== undefined; return (
  • {hasLinkProps ? ( {children} ) : ( children )}
  • ); })}
    {[ ...(websiteMapLinkProps === undefined ? [] : [ id({ "text": t("website map"), "linkProps": websiteMapLinkProps }) ]), id({ "text": `${t("accessibility")} : ${t(accessibility)}`, "linkProps": accessibilityLinkProps ?? ({} as any) }), ...(termsLinkProps === undefined ? [] : [ id({ "text": t("terms"), "linkProps": termsLinkProps }) ]), ...bottomItems ].map((bottomItem, i) => (
  • {!typeGuard( bottomItem, bottomItem instanceof Object && "text" in bottomItem ) ? ( bottomItem ) : ( )}
  • ))}

{license === undefined ? t("license mention", { "licenseUrl": "" }) : license}

); }) ); Footer.displayName = symToStr({ Footer }); export default Footer; const { useTranslation, addFooterTranslations } = createComponentI18nApi({ "componentName": symToStr({ Footer }), "frMessages": { /* spell-checker: disable */ "hide message": "Masquer le message", "website map": "Plan du site", "accessibility": "Accessibilité", "non compliant": "non conforme", "partially compliant": "partiellement conforme", "fully compliant": "totalement conforme", "terms": "Mentions légales", "cookies management": "Gestion des cookies", "license mention": (p: { licenseUrl: string }) => ( <> Sauf mention explicite de propriété intellectuelle détenue par des tiers, les contenus de ce site sont proposés sous{" "} licence etalab-2.0 ), "our partners": "Nos partenaires", "open new window": "ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre" /* spell-checker: enable */ } }); addFooterTranslations({ "lang": "en", "messages": { "hide message": "Hide the message", "website map": "Website map", "accessibility": "Accessibility", "non compliant": "non compliant", "partially compliant": "partially compliant", "fully compliant": "fully compliant", "license mention": p => ( <> Unless stated otherwise, all content of this website is under the{" "} etalab-2.0 license ), "open new window": "open new window" } }); addFooterTranslations({ "lang": "es", "messages": { /* spell-checker: disable */ "hide message": "Occultar el mesage" /* spell-checker: enable */ } }); export { addFooterTranslations }; export type FooterBottomItemProps = { className?: string; bottomItem: FooterProps.BottomItem; classes?: Partial>; }; export function FooterBottomItem(props: FooterBottomItemProps): JSX.Element { const { className: className_props, bottomItem, classes = {} } = props; const { Link } = getLink(); const className = cx( "fr-footer__bottom-link", ...(bottomItem.iconId !== undefined ? ([bottomItem.iconId, "fr-link--icon-left"] as const) : []) ), classes.bottomLink, classes.root, className_props ); return bottomItem.linkProps !== undefined ? ( Object.keys(bottomItem.linkProps).length === 0 ? ( {bottomItem.text} ) : ( {bottomItem.text} ) ) : ( ); }