/** * The logger only has two severities: * - info * - error * * Either a log line is innocent enough and only provides debug information if needed, or * someone should be paged because something goes wrong. For example handled 500 errors * don't need any ones attention, but unhandled 500 errors do. * * The log functions {@ee Logger#info} only accepts a single parameter. This prevents magic * outputs like automatic concatenating strings in to a single message, or always having a top * level array as a message. */ export interface Logger { /** * Check if this logger is using the pretty * printer or NDJSON printer */ isProduction(): boolean; info(arg: any): void; error(arg: any): void; } /** * Context that should be logged in all log lines. e.g * a common request id. */ interface LoggerContext { type?: string; } export interface LoggerOptions { /** * Replaces log.info with a 'noop'.Defaults to 'false'. */ disableInfoLogger?: true | undefined; /** * Replaces log.error with a 'noop'.Defaults to 'false'. */ disableErrorLogger?: true | undefined; /** * Set the printer to be used. Defaults to "pretty" when 'NODE_ENV===development', * "github-actions" when 'GITHUB_ACTIONS===true' and "ndjson" by default. */ printer?: "pretty" | "ndjson" | "github-actions" | undefined; /** * The stream to write the logs to */ stream?: NodeJS.WriteStream; /** * Context that should be logged in all log lines. e.g * a common request id. */ ctx?: T; } /** * Create a new logger * */ export function newLogger( options?: LoggerOptions, ): Logger; /** * Format bytes, with up to 2 digits after the decimal point, in a more human readable way * Support up to a pebibyte */ export function bytesToHumanReadable(bytes?: number): string; /** * Prints the memory usage of the current process to the provided logger * For more info on the printed properties see: * https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v13.x/docs/api/process.html#process_process_memoryusage */ export function printProcessMemoryUsage(logger: Logger): void; /** * Basic timing and call information */ export type InsightEventCall = | { type: "start" | "stop"; name: string; /** * Time in milliseconds since some kind of epoch, this may be unix epoch or process start */ time: number; } | InsightEventCall[]; /** * Encapsulate the base information needed to dispatch events */ export interface InsightEvent { log: Logger; signal?: AbortSignal; /** * If event is first event dispatched in chain */ root: boolean; name?: string; callStack: InsightEventCall[]; } /** * Create a new event from a single logger */ export function newEvent(logger: Logger, signal?: AbortSignal): InsightEvent; /** * Create a 'child' event, reuses the logger, adds callstack to the passed event */ export function newEventFromEvent(event: InsightEvent): InsightEvent; /** * Track event start times and set a name */ export function eventStart(event: InsightEvent, name: string): void; /** * Rename event, can only be done if `eventStop` is not called yet. */ export function eventRename(event: InsightEvent, name: string): void; /** * Track event stop, and log callStack if event#root === true */ export function eventStop(event: InsightEvent): void; /** * Get the disk size (in bytes) and estimated row count for all tables and views. * To improve accuracy, run sql`ANALYZE` before this query, however make sure to read the * Postgres documentation for implications. * * Accepts the @compas/store based sql instance, but not strongly typed so we don't have the * dependency */ export function postgresTableSizes( sql: any, ): Promise>;