/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. */ import * as CLM from '@conversationlearner/models' import { CLDebug } from './CLDebug' import * as Request from 'request' import * as constants from './constants' import { IActionResult } from './CLRunner' type HTTP_METHOD = 'GET' | 'PUT' | 'POST' | 'DELETE' const requestMethodMap = new Map([ ['GET', Request.get], ['PUT', Request.put], ['POST', Request.post], ['DELETE', Request.delete] ]) export interface ICLClientOptions { CONVERSATION_LEARNER_SERVICE_URI: string // This should only set when directly targeting cognitive services ppe environment. APIM_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY: string | undefined LUIS_AUTHORING_KEY: string | undefined LUIS_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY?: string } export class CLClient { private options: ICLClientOptions constructor(options: ICLClientOptions) { this.options = options; if (options.APIM_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY === undefined) { options.APIM_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY = options.LUIS_AUTHORING_KEY; } } public ValidationError(): string | null { if (typeof this.options.CONVERSATION_LEARNER_SERVICE_URI !== 'string' || this.options.CONVERSATION_LEARNER_SERVICE_URI.length === 0) { return `CONVERSATION_LEARNER_SERVICE_URI must be a non-empty string. You passed: ${this.options.CONVERSATION_LEARNER_SERVICE_URI}` } if (typeof this.options.LUIS_AUTHORING_KEY !== 'string' || this.options.LUIS_AUTHORING_KEY.length === 0) { return `LUIS_AUTHORING_KEY must be a non-empty string. You passed: ${this.options.LUIS_AUTHORING_KEY}` } return null; } public LuisAuthoringKey(): string | undefined { return this.options.LUIS_AUTHORING_KEY; } private BuildURL(baseUri: string, apiPath: string, query?: string) { let uri = baseUri + (!baseUri.endsWith('/') ? '/' : '') + apiPath if (query) { uri += `?${query}` } return uri } private MakeURL(apiPath: string, query?: string) { return this.BuildURL(this.options.CONVERSATION_LEARNER_SERVICE_URI, apiPath, query) } private MakeSessionURL(apiPath: string, query?: string) { // check if request is bypassing cognitive services APIM if (!this.options.CONVERSATION_LEARNER_SERVICE_URI.includes('api.cognitive.microsoft.com')) { // In this case we are not chaning the serviceUrl and it stays the same, // for example: https://localhost:37936/api/v1/ -> https://localhost:37936/api/v1/ return this.MakeURL(apiPath, query) } // The base uri for session API in cognitive services APIM is in the form of '/conversationlearner/session/v1.0/' // Session API are the following api: // 1) POST /app//session // 2) PUT /app//session/extract // 3) PUT /app//session/score // 4) DELETE /app//session let baseUri = this.options.CONVERSATION_LEARNER_SERVICE_URI.endsWith('/') ? this.options.CONVERSATION_LEARNER_SERVICE_URI : `${this.options.CONVERSATION_LEARNER_SERVICE_URI}/` const apimVersionSuffix = '/v1.0/' if (baseUri.endsWith(apimVersionSuffix)) { // In this case, serviceurl has api version information in it; "session" will be inserted before /v1.0 // this means that https://westus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/conversationlearner/v1.0/ becomes // https://westus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/conversationlearner/session/v1.0/ baseUri = `${baseUri.substring(0, baseUri.lastIndexOf(apimVersionSuffix))}/session${apimVersionSuffix}` } else { // When api version information is not part of the serviceUrl, we simply add /session/ to end of the api // example: https://westus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/conversationlearner/ -> https://westus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/conversationlearner/session/ baseUri += 'session/' } return this.BuildURL(baseUri, apiPath, query) } private send(method: HTTP_METHOD, url: string, body?: any): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const requestData = { url, headers: { [constants.luisAuthoringKeyHeader]: this.options.LUIS_AUTHORING_KEY, [constants.luisSubscriptionKeyHeader]: this.options.LUIS_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY, // This is only used when directly targeting service. In future APIM will provide user/subscription id associated from LUIS key [constants.apimSubscriptionIdHeader]: this.options.LUIS_AUTHORING_KEY, [constants.apimSubscriptionKeyHeader]: this.options.APIM_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY }, json: true, body } CLDebug.LogRequest(method, url, requestData) const requestMethod = requestMethodMap.get(method) if (!requestMethod) { throw new Error(`Request method not found for http verb: ${method}`) } requestMethod(requestData, (error, response, responseBody) => { if (error) { reject(error) } else if (response.statusCode && response.statusCode >= 300) { reject(response) } else { resolve(responseBody) } }) }) } //============================================================================== // App //============================================================================= /** * Retrieve information about a specific application * If the app ID isn't found in the set of (non-archived) apps, * returns 404 error ("not found") */ public GetApp(appId: string): Promise { let apiPath = `app/${appId}` return this.send('GET', this.MakeURL(apiPath)) } public GetAppSource(appId: string, packageId: string): Promise { let apiPath = `app/${appId}/source?package=${packageId}` return this.send('GET', this.MakeURL(apiPath)) } public async PostAppSource(appId: string, appDefinition: CLM.AppDefinition): Promise { let apiPath = `app/${appId}/source` await this.send('POST', this.MakeURL(apiPath), appDefinition); } /** Retrieve a list of (active) applications */ public GetApps(query: string): Promise { let apiPath = `apps` return this.send('GET', this.MakeURL(apiPath, query)) } /** Create a new application */ public CopyApps(srcUserId: string, destUserId: string, appId: string, luisSubscriptionKey: string): Promise { const apiPath = `apps/copy?srcUserId=${srcUserId}&destUserId=${destUserId}&appId=${appId}&luisSubscriptionKey=${luisSubscriptionKey}` return this.send('POST', this.MakeURL(apiPath)) } /** * Archive an existing application * Note: "deleting" an application doesn't destroy it, but rather archives * it for a period (eg 30 days). During the archive period, the application * can be restored with the next API call. At the end of the archive period, * the application is destroyed. */ public ArchiveApp(appId: string): Promise { let apiPath = `app/${appId}` return this.send('DELETE', this.MakeURL(apiPath)) } /** * Create a new application */ // TODO: Fix API to return full object public async AddApp(app: CLM.AppBase, query: string): Promise { const apiPath = `app` // Note: This isn't an actual AppBase, but just { appId, packageId } const appResponse = await this.send('POST', this.MakeURL(apiPath, query), app) return appResponse.appId } /** Creates a new package tag */ public PublishApp(appId: string, tagName: string): Promise { let apiPath = `app/${appId}/publish?version=${tagName}` return this.send('PUT', this.MakeURL(apiPath)) } /** Sets a package tags as the live version */ public PublishProdPackage(appId: string, packageId: string): Promise { let apiPath = `app/${appId}/publish/${packageId}` return this.send('POST', this.MakeURL(apiPath)) } //============================================================================== // Entity //============================================================================= /** * Retrieves definitions of ALL entities in the latest package * (or the specified package, if provided). To retrieve just the IDs * of all entities, see the GetEntityIds method */ public GetEntities(appId: string, query?: string): Promise { let apiPath = `app/${appId}/entities` return this.send('GET', this.MakeURL(apiPath, query)) } //============================================================================= // Log Dialogs //============================================================================= /** * Retrieves the contents of many/all logDialogs. * To retrieve just a list of IDs of all logDialogs, * see the GET GetLogDialogIds method. */ public GetLogDialogs(appId: string, packageIds: string[]): Promise { const packages = packageIds.map(p => `package=${p}`).join("&") const apiPath = `app/${appId}/logdialogs?includeDefinitions=false&${packages}` return this.send('GET', this.MakeURL(apiPath)) } /** Runs entity extraction (prediction). */ public LogDialogExtract( appId: string, logDialogId: string, turnIndex: string, userInput: CLM.UserInput ): Promise { let apiPath = `app/${appId}/logdialog/${logDialogId}/extractor/${turnIndex}` // Always retrieve entity list let query = 'includeDefinitions=true' return this.send('PUT', this.MakeURL(apiPath, query), userInput) } //============================================================================= // Train Dialogs //============================================================================= /** * Retrieves information about a specific trainDialog in the current package * (or the specified package, if provided) */ public GetTrainDialog(appId: string, trainDialogId: string, includeDefinitions: boolean = false): Promise { let query = `includeDefinitions=${includeDefinitions}` let apiPath = `app/${appId}/traindialog/${trainDialogId}` return this.send('GET', this.MakeURL(apiPath, query)) } /** Runs entity extraction (prediction). */ public TrainDialogExtract( appId: string, trainDialogId: string, turnIndex: string, userInput: CLM.UserInput ): Promise { let apiPath = `app/${appId}/traindialog/${trainDialogId}/extractor/${turnIndex}` // Always retrieve entity list let query = 'includeDefinitions=true' return this.send('PUT', this.MakeURL(apiPath, query), userInput) } /** * Returns a 409 if text variation conflicts with existing labels, otherwise 200 * filteredDialog is dialog to ignore when checking for conflicts */ public TrainDialogValidateTextVariation(appId: string, trainDialogId: string, textVariation: CLM.TextVariation, filteredDialog: string): Promise { let apiPath = `app/${appId}/traindialog/${trainDialogId}/extractor/textvariation` // Note: service can take a list of filteredDialogs, but we just use one for now let query = filteredDialog ? `filteredDialogs=${filteredDialog}` : undefined return this.send('POST', this.MakeURL(apiPath, query), textVariation) } //============================================================================= // Session //============================================================================= /** Creates a new session and a corresponding logDialog */ public StartSession(appId: string, sessionCreateParams: CLM.SessionCreateParams): Promise { let apiPath = `app/${appId}/session` return this.send('POST', this.MakeSessionURL(apiPath), sessionCreateParams) } /** Gets information about a session */ // TODO: move this to session API path next time that the API definition gets updated public GetSession(appId: string, sessionId: string): Promise { let apiPath = `app/${appId}/session/${sessionId}` return this.send('GET', this.MakeURL(apiPath)) } /** Runs entity extraction (prediction). */ public SessionExtract(appId: string, sessionId: string, userInput: CLM.UserInput): Promise { let apiPath = `app/${appId}/session/${sessionId}/extractor` // Always retrieve entity list let query = 'includeDefinitions=true' return this.send('PUT', this.MakeSessionURL(apiPath, query), userInput) } /** Take a turn and returns chosen action */ public SessionScore(appId: string, sessionId: string, scorerInput: CLM.ScoreInput): Promise { let apiPath = `app/${appId}/session/${sessionId}/scorer` return this.send('PUT', this.MakeSessionURL(apiPath), scorerInput) } public SessionLogicResult(appId: string, sessionId: string, actionId: string, actionResult: IActionResult) { let apiPath = `app/${appId}/session/${sessionId}/scorerSteps/action/${actionId}/logicResult` return this.send('PUT', this.MakeSessionURL(apiPath), { logicResult: actionResult.logicResult }) } /** End a session. */ public EndSession(appId: string, sessionId: string): Promise { let apiPath = `app/${appId}/session/${sessionId}` //TODO: remove this when redundant query parameter is removed let query = 'saveDialog=false' return this.send('DELETE', this.MakeSessionURL(apiPath, query)) } //============================================================================= // Teach //============================================================================= /** Creates a new teaching session and a corresponding trainDialog */ public StartTeach(appId: string, createTeachParams: CLM.CreateTeachParams): Promise { let apiPath = `app/${appId}/teach` return this.send('POST', this.MakeURL(apiPath), createTeachParams) } /** * Runs entity extraction (prediction). * If a more recent version of the package is available on * the server, the session will first migrate to that newer version. This * doesn't affect the trainDialog maintained. */ public TeachExtract(appId: string, teachId: string, userInput: CLM.UserInput, filteredDialog: string | null): Promise { let apiPath = `app/${appId}/teach/${teachId}/extractor` // Note: service can take a list of filteredDialogs, but we just use one for now let query = `includeDefinitions=true` if (filteredDialog) { query += `&filteredDialogs[]=${filteredDialog}` } return this.send('PUT', this.MakeURL(apiPath, query), { text: userInput.text }) } /** * Uploads a labeled entity extraction instance * ie "commits" an entity extraction label, appending it to the teach session's * trainDialog, and advancing the dialog. This may yield produce a new package. */ public TeachExtractFeedback(appId: string, teachId: string, extractorStep: CLM.TrainExtractorStep): Promise { let apiPath = `app/${appId}/teach/${teachId}/extractor` return this.send('POST', this.MakeURL(apiPath), extractorStep) } /** * Takes a turn and return distribution over actions. * If a more recent version of the package is * available on the server, the session will first migrate to that newer version. * This doesn't affect the trainDialog maintained by the teaching session. */ public TeachScore(appId: string, teachId: string, scorerInput: CLM.ScoreInput): Promise { let apiPath = `app/${appId}/teach/${teachId}/scorer` return this.send('PUT', this.MakeURL(apiPath), scorerInput) } /** * Uploads a labeled scorer step instance * – ie "commits" a scorer label, appending it to the teach session's * trainDialog, and advancing the dialog. This may yield produce a new package. */ public TeachScoreFeedback(appId: string, teachId: string, scorerResponse: CLM.TrainScorerStep): Promise { let apiPath = `app/${appId}/teach/${teachId}/scorer` return this.send('POST', this.MakeURL(apiPath), scorerResponse) } /** * Ends a teach. * For Teach sessions, does NOT delete the associated trainDialog. * To delete the associated trainDialog, call DELETE on the trainDialog. */ public EndTeach(appId: string, teachId: string, save: boolean): Promise { const query = save ? `saveDialog=${save}` : '' let apiPath = `app/${appId}/teach/${teachId}` return this.send('DELETE', this.MakeURL(apiPath, query)) } }