/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. */ import * as BB from 'botbuilder' import { CLMemory } from './CLMemory' import { BotMemory } from './Memory/BotMemory' import { CLDebug } from './CLDebug' import { CLClient } from './CLClient' import { CLStrings } from './CLStrings' import { TemplateProvider } from './TemplateProvider' import * as CLM from '@conversationlearner/models' import * as Utils from './Utils' import { ReadOnlyClientMemoryManager, ClientMemoryManager } from './Memory/ClientMemoryManager' import { CLRecognizerResult } from './CLRecognizeResult' import { ConversationLearner } from './ConversationLearner' import { InputQueue } from './Memory/InputQueue' import * as util from 'util' import { UIMode } from './Memory/BotState'; interface RunnerLookup { [appId: string]: CLRunner } const delay = util.promisify(setTimeout) export enum SessionStartFlags { NONE = 0, /* Start a teaching session */ IN_TEACH = 1 << 0, /* Session is an edit and continue with existing turns */ IS_EDIT_CONTINUE = 1 << 1 } export interface InternalCallback extends CLM.Callback, ICallback { } /** * Processes messages received from the user. Called by the dialog system. */ export type EntityDetectionCallback = (text: string, memoryManager: ClientMemoryManager) => Promise /** * Called at session start. * Allows bot to set initial entities before conversation begins */ export type OnSessionStartCallback = (context: BB.TurnContext, memoryManager: ClientMemoryManager) => Promise /** * Called when Session ends. * If not implemented all entity values will be cleared. * If implemented, developer may return a list of entities to preserve for the next session * as well as store them in the Bot State */ export type OnSessionEndCallback = (context: BB.TurnContext, memoryManager: ClientMemoryManager, sessionEndState: CLM.SessionEndState, data: string | undefined) => Promise /** * Called when the associated action in your bot is sent. * Common use cases are to call external APIs to gather data and save into entities for usage later. */ export type LogicCallback = (memoryManager: ClientMemoryManager, ...args: string[]) => Promise // tslint:disable-next-line:no-empty export const defaultLogicCallback = async () => { } /** * Called when the associated action in your bot is sent AND during dialog replay. * Common use cases are to construct text or card messages based on current entity values. */ export type RenderCallback = (logicResult: T, memoryManager: ReadOnlyClientMemoryManager, ...args: string[]) => Promise | string> export interface ICallbackInput { name: string logic?: LogicCallback render?: RenderCallback } interface ICallback { name: string logic: LogicCallback render: RenderCallback | undefined } enum ActionInputType { LOGIC_ONLY = "LOGIC_ONLY", RENDER_ONLY = "RENDER_ONLY", LOGIC_AND_RENDER = "LOGIC_AND_RENDER" } interface IActionInputLogic { type: ActionInputType.RENDER_ONLY logicResult: CLM.LogicResult | undefined } interface IActionInputRenderOnly { type: ActionInputType } type IActionInput = IActionInputRenderOnly | IActionInputLogic export interface IActionResult { logicResult: CLM.LogicResult | undefined response: Partial | string | null replayError?: CLM.ReplayError } export type CallbackMap = { [name: string]: InternalCallback } export class CLRunner { /* Lookup table for CLRunners. One CLRunner per CL Model */ private static Runners: RunnerLookup = {} private static UIRunner: CLRunner public clClient: CLClient public adapter: BB.BotAdapter | undefined // Used to detect changes in API callbacks / Templates when bot reloaded and UI running private checksum: string | null = null /* Model Id passed in from configuration. Used when not running in Conversation Learner UI */ private configModelId: string | undefined; private maxTimeout: number | undefined; // TODO: Move timeout to app settings /* Mapping between user defined API names and functions */ public callbacks: CallbackMap = {} public static Create(configModelId: string | undefined, maxTimeout: number | undefined, client: CLClient): CLRunner { // Ok to not provide modelId when just running in training UI. // If not, Use UI_RUNNER_APPID const as lookup value let newRunner = new CLRunner(configModelId, maxTimeout, client); CLRunner.Runners[configModelId || Utils.UI_RUNNER_APPID] = newRunner; // Bot can define multiple CLs. Always run UI on first CL defined in the bot if (!CLRunner.UIRunner) { CLRunner.UIRunner = newRunner; } return newRunner; } // Get CLRunner for the UI public static GetRunnerForUI(appId?: string): CLRunner { // Runner with the appId may not exist if running training UI, if so use the UI Runner if (!appId || !CLRunner.Runners[appId]) { if (CLRunner.UIRunner) { return CLRunner.UIRunner; } else { throw new Error(`Not in UI and requested CLRunner that doesn't exist: ${appId}`) } } return CLRunner.Runners[appId]; } private constructor(configModelId: string | undefined, maxTimeout: number | undefined, client: CLClient) { this.configModelId = configModelId this.maxTimeout = maxTimeout this.clClient = client } public botChecksum(): string { // Create bot checksum is doesn't already exist if (!this.checksum) { const callbacks = Object.values(this.callbacks).map(this.convertInternalCallbackToCallback) const templates = TemplateProvider.GetTemplates() this.checksum = Utils.botChecksum(callbacks, templates) } return this.checksum } public convertInternalCallbackToCallback = (c: InternalCallback): CLM.Callback => { const { logic, render, ...callback } = c return callback } public async onTurn(turnContext: BB.TurnContext, next: (result: CLRecognizerResult | null) => Promise): Promise { const recognizerResult = await this.recognize(turnContext, true); return next(recognizerResult) } public async recognize(turnContext: BB.TurnContext, force?: boolean): Promise { // Add input to queue const res = await this.AddInput(turnContext); return res } public async InTrainingUI(turnContext: BB.TurnContext): Promise { if (turnContext.activity.from && turnContext.activity.from.name === Utils.CL_DEVELOPER) { let clMemory = await CLMemory.InitMemory(turnContext) let app = await clMemory.BotState.GetApp() // If no app selected in UI or no app set in config, or they don't match return true if (!app || !this.configModelId || app.appId !== this.configModelId) { return true } } return false } // Allows Bot developer to start a new Session with initial parameters (never in Teach) public async BotStartSession(turnContext: BB.TurnContext): Promise { // Set adapter / conversation reference even if from field not set let conversationReference = BB.TurnContext.getConversationReference(turnContext.activity); this.SetAdapter(turnContext.adapter, conversationReference); const activity = turnContext.activity if (activity.from === undefined || activity.id == undefined) { return; } try { let app = await this.GetRunningApp(turnContext, false); let clMemory = await CLMemory.InitMemory(turnContext) if (app) { let packageId = (app.livePackageId || app.devPackageId) if (packageId) { const sessionCreateParams: CLM.SessionCreateParams = { saveToLog: app.metadata.isLoggingOn !== false, packageId: packageId, initialFilledEntities: [] } await this.StartSessionAsync(clMemory, activity.conversation.id, app.appId, SessionStartFlags.NONE, sessionCreateParams) } } } catch (error) { CLDebug.Error(error) } } public SetAdapter(adapter: BB.BotAdapter, conversationReference: Partial) { this.adapter = adapter CLDebug.InitLogger(adapter, conversationReference) } // Add input to queue. Allows CL to handle out-of-order messages private async AddInput(turnContext: BB.TurnContext): Promise { // Set adapter / conversation reference even if from field not set let conversationReference = BB.TurnContext.getConversationReference(turnContext.activity); this.SetAdapter(turnContext.adapter, conversationReference); // ConversationUpdate messages are not processed by ConversationLearner // They should be handled in the general bot code if (turnContext.activity.type == "conversationUpdate") { CLDebug.Verbose(`Ignoring Conversation update... +${JSON.stringify(turnContext.activity.membersAdded)} -${JSON.stringify(turnContext.activity.membersRemoved)}`); return null } if (turnContext.activity.from === undefined || turnContext.activity.id == undefined) { return null; } let clMemory = await CLMemory.InitMemory(turnContext) let botState = clMemory.BotState; // If I'm in teach or edit mode process message right away let uiMode = await botState.getUIMode(); if (uiMode !== UIMode.NONE) { return await this.ProcessInput(turnContext); } // Otherwise I have to queue up messages as user may input them faster than bot responds else { let addInputPromise = util.promisify(InputQueue.AddInput); let isReady = await addInputPromise(botState, turnContext.activity, conversationReference); if (isReady) { let intents = await this.ProcessInput(turnContext); return intents; } // Message has expired return null; } } public async StartSessionAsync(clMemory: CLMemory, conversationId: string | null, appId: string, sessionStartFlags: SessionStartFlags, createParams: CLM.SessionCreateParams | CLM.CreateTeachParams): Promise { const inTeach = ((sessionStartFlags & SessionStartFlags.IN_TEACH) > 0) let entityList = await this.clClient.GetEntities(appId) // If not continuing an edited session, call endSession if (!(sessionStartFlags && SessionStartFlags.IS_EDIT_CONTINUE)) { // Default callback will clear the bot memory. // END_SESSION action was never triggered, so SessionEndState.OPEN await this.CheckSessionEndCallback(clMemory, entityList.entities, CLM.SessionEndState.OPEN); } // check that this works = should it be inside edit continue above // Check if StartSession call is required await this.CheckSessionStartCallback(clMemory, entityList.entities); let startSessionEntities = await clMemory.BotMemory.FilledEntitiesAsync() startSessionEntities = [...createParams.initialFilledEntities || [], ...startSessionEntities] const filledEntityMap = CLM.FilledEntityMap.FromFilledEntities(startSessionEntities, entityList.entities) await clMemory.BotMemory.RestoreFromMapAsync(filledEntityMap) // Start the new session let sessionId: string let logDialogId: string | null let startResponse: CLM.Teach | CLM.Session if (inTeach) { const teachResponse = await this.clClient.StartTeach(appId, createParams as CLM.CreateTeachParams) startResponse = CLM.ModelUtils.ToTeach(teachResponse) sessionId = teachResponse.teachId logDialogId = null } else { startResponse = await this.clClient.StartSession(appId, createParams as CLM.SessionCreateParams) sessionId = startResponse.sessionId logDialogId = startResponse.logDialogId } // Initizize Bot State await clMemory.BotState.InitSessionAsync(sessionId, logDialogId, conversationId, sessionStartFlags) CLDebug.Verbose(`Started Session: ${sessionId} - ${conversationId}`) return startResponse } // Get the currently running app private async GetRunningApp(turnContext: BB.TurnContext, inEditingUI: boolean): Promise { let clMemory = await CLMemory.InitMemory(turnContext) let app = await clMemory.BotState.GetApp() if (app) { // If I'm not in the editing UI, always use app specified by options if (!inEditingUI && this.configModelId && this.configModelId != app.appId) { // Use config value CLDebug.Log(`Switching to app specified in config: ${this.configModelId}`) app = await this.clClient.GetApp(this.configModelId) await clMemory.SetAppAsync(app) } } // If I don't have an app, attempt to use one set in config else if (this.configModelId) { CLDebug.Log(`Selecting app specified in config: ${this.configModelId}`) app = await this.clClient.GetApp(this.configModelId) await clMemory.SetAppAsync(app) } return app; } // End a teach or log session public async EndSessionAsync(memory: CLMemory, sessionEndState: CLM.SessionEndState, data?: string): Promise { let app = await memory.BotState.GetApp() if (app) { let entityList = await this.clClient.GetEntities(app.appId) // Default callback will clear the bot memory await this.CheckSessionEndCallback(memory, entityList.entities, sessionEndState, data); await memory.BotState.EndSessionAsync(); } } // Process user input private async ProcessInput(turnContext: BB.TurnContext): Promise { let errComponent = 'ProcessInput' const activity = turnContext.activity const conversationReference = BB.TurnContext.getConversationReference(activity) // Validate request if (!activity.from || !activity.from.id) { throw new Error(`Attempted to get current session for user, but user was not defined on bot request.`) } try { let inEditingUI = conversationReference.user && conversationReference.user.name === Utils.CL_DEVELOPER || false; // Validate setup if (!inEditingUI && !this.configModelId) { let msg = 'Must specify modelId in ConversationLearner constructor when not running bot in Editing UI\n\n' CLDebug.Error(msg) return null } if (!ConversationLearner.options || !ConversationLearner.options.LUIS_AUTHORING_KEY) { let msg = 'Options must specify luisAuthoringKey. Set the LUIS_AUTHORING_KEY.\n\n' CLDebug.Error(msg) return null } let app = await this.GetRunningApp(turnContext, inEditingUI); let clMemory = await CLMemory.InitMemory(turnContext) let uiMode = await clMemory.BotState.getUIMode() if (!app) { let error = "ERROR: AppId not specified. When running in a channel (i.e. Skype) or the Bot Framework Emulator, CONVERSATION_LEARNER_MODEL_ID must be specified in your Bot's .env file or Application Settings on the server" await this.SendMessage(clMemory, error, activity.id) return null; } let sessionId = await clMemory.BotState.GetSessionIdAndSetConversationId(activity.conversation.id) // When UI is active inputs are handled via API calls from the Conversation Learner UI if (uiMode !== UIMode.NONE) { return null } // Check for expired session if (sessionId) { const currentTicks = new Date().getTime(); let lastActive = await clMemory.BotState.GetLastActive() let passedTicks = currentTicks - lastActive; if (passedTicks > this.maxTimeout!) { // Parameters for new session const sessionCreateParams: CLM.SessionCreateParams = { saveToLog: app.metadata.isLoggingOn, initialFilledEntities: [] } // If I'm running in the editing UI I need to retreive the packageId as // may not be running live package if (inEditingUI) { const result = await this.clClient.GetSession(app.appId, sessionId) sessionCreateParams.packageId = result.packageId } // End the current session await this.clClient.EndSession(app.appId, sessionId) await this.EndSessionAsync(clMemory, CLM.SessionEndState.OPEN) // If I'm not in the UI, reload the App to get any changes (live package version may have been updated) if (!inEditingUI) { if (!this.configModelId) { let error = "ERROR: ModelId not specified. When running in a channel (i.e. Skype) or the Bot Framework Emulator, CONVERSATION_LEARNER_MODEL_ID must be specified in your Bot's .env file or Application Settings on the server" await this.SendMessage(clMemory, error, activity.id) return null } app = await this.clClient.GetApp(this.configModelId) await clMemory.SetAppAsync(app) if (!app) { let error = "ERROR: Failed to find Model specified by CONVERSATION_LEARNER_MODEL_ID" await this.SendMessage(clMemory, error, activity.id) return null } // Update logging state sessionCreateParams.saveToLog = app.metadata.isLoggingOn } let conversationId = await clMemory.BotState.GetConversationId() // Start a new session let session = await this.StartSessionAsync(clMemory, conversationId, app.appId, SessionStartFlags.NONE, sessionCreateParams) as CLM.Session sessionId = session.sessionId } // Otherwise update last access time else { await clMemory.BotState.SetLastActive(currentTicks); } } // Handle any other non-message input if (activity.type !== "message") { await InputQueue.MessageHandled(clMemory.BotState, activity.id); return null; } // PackageId: Use live package id if not in editing UI, default to devPackage if no active package set let packageId = (inEditingUI ? await clMemory.BotState.GetEditingPackageForApp(app.appId) : app.livePackageId) || app.devPackageId if (!packageId) { await this.SendMessage(clMemory, "ERROR: No PackageId has been set", activity.id) return null; } // If no session for this conversation, create a new one if (!sessionId) { const sessionCreateParams: CLM.SessionCreateParams = { saveToLog: app.metadata.isLoggingOn !== false, packageId: packageId, initialFilledEntities: [] } let session = await this.StartSessionAsync(clMemory, activity.conversation.id, app.appId, SessionStartFlags.NONE, sessionCreateParams) as CLM.Session sessionId = session.sessionId } // Process any form data let buttonResponse = await this.ProcessFormData(activity, clMemory, app.appId) let entities: CLM.EntityBase[] = [] // Generate result errComponent = 'Extract Entities' let userInput: CLM.UserInput = { text: buttonResponse || activity.text || ' ' } let extractResponse = await this.clClient.SessionExtract(app.appId, sessionId, userInput) entities = extractResponse.definitions.entities errComponent = 'Score Actions' const scoredAction = await this.Score( app.appId, sessionId, clMemory, extractResponse.text, extractResponse.predictedEntities, entities, false ) return { scoredAction: scoredAction, clEntities: entities, memory: clMemory, inTeach: false, activity: activity } as CLRecognizerResult } catch (error) { // Try to end the session, so use can potentially recover try { const clMemory = await CLMemory.InitMemory(turnContext) await this.EndSessionAsync(clMemory, CLM.SessionEndState.OPEN) } catch { CLDebug.Log(`Failed to End Session`) } CLDebug.Error(error, errComponent) return null } } private async ProcessFormData(request: BB.Activity, clMemory: CLMemory, appId: string): Promise { const data = request.value as FormData if (data) { // Get list of all entities let entityList = await this.clClient.GetEntities(appId) // For each form entry for (let entityName of Object.keys(data)) { // Reserved parameter if (entityName == 'submit') { continue } // Find the entity let entity = entityList.entities.find((e: CLM.EntityBase) => e.entityName == entityName) // If it exists, set it if (entity) { await clMemory.BotMemory.RememberEntity(entity.entityName, entity.entityId, data[entityName], entity.isMultivalue) } } // If submit type return as a response if (data['submit']) { return data['submit'] } } return null } private async Score( appId: string, sessionId: string, memory: CLMemory, text: string, predictedEntities: CLM.PredictedEntity[], allEntities: CLM.EntityBase[], inTeach: boolean, skipEntityDetectionCallBack: boolean = false ): Promise { // Call LUIS callback let scoreInput = await this.CallEntityDetectionCallback(text, predictedEntities, memory, allEntities, skipEntityDetectionCallBack) // Call the scorer let scoreResponse = null if (inTeach) { scoreResponse = await this.clClient.TeachScore(appId, sessionId, scoreInput) } else { scoreResponse = await this.clClient.SessionScore(appId, sessionId, scoreInput) } // Get best action let bestAction = scoreResponse.scoredActions[0] // Return the action return bestAction } //------------------------------------------- // Optional callback than runs after LUIS but before Conversation Learner. Allows Bot to substitute entities public entityDetectionCallback: EntityDetectionCallback | undefined // Optional callback than runs before a new chat session starts. Allows Bot to set initial entities public onSessionStartCallback: OnSessionStartCallback | undefined // Optional callback than runs when a session ends. Allows Bot set and/or preserve memories after session end public onSessionEndCallback: OnSessionEndCallback | undefined public AddCallback( callbackInput: ICallbackInput ) { if (typeof callbackInput.name !== "string" || callbackInput.name.trim().length === 0) { throw new Error(`You attempted to add callback but did not provide a valid name. Name must be non-empty string.`) } if (!callbackInput.logic && !callbackInput.render) { throw new Error(`You attempted to add callback by name: ${callbackInput.name} but did not provide a logic or render function. You must provide at least one of them.`) } const callback: InternalCallback = { name: callbackInput.name, logic: defaultLogicCallback, logicArguments: [], isLogicFunctionProvided: false, render: undefined, renderArguments: [], isRenderFunctionProvided: false } if (callbackInput.logic) { callback.logic = callbackInput.logic callback.logicArguments = this.GetArguments(callbackInput.logic, 1) callback.isLogicFunctionProvided = true } if (callbackInput.render) { callback.render = callbackInput.render callback.renderArguments = this.GetArguments(callbackInput.render, 2) callback.isRenderFunctionProvided = true } this.callbacks[callbackInput.name] = callback } private GetArguments(func: Function, skip: number = 0): string[] { const STRIP_COMMENTS = /(\/\/.*$)|(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/)|(\s*=[^,\)]*(('(?:\\'|[^'\r\n])*')|("(?:\\"|[^"\r\n])*"))|(\s*=[^,\)]*))/gm const ARGUMENT_NAMES = /([^\s,]+)/g const fnStr = func.toString().replace(STRIP_COMMENTS, '') const argumentNames = fnStr.slice(fnStr.indexOf('(') + 1, fnStr.indexOf(')')).match(ARGUMENT_NAMES) || [] return argumentNames.filter((_, i) => i >= skip) } private async ProcessPredictedEntities(text: string, memory: BotMemory, predictedEntities: CLM.PredictedEntity[], allEntities: CLM.EntityBase[]): Promise { const predictedEntitiesWithType = predictedEntities.map(pe => { let entity = allEntities.find(e => e.entityId == pe.entityId) if (entity) { return { entityType: entity.entityType, ...pe } } else { return { entityType: null, ...pe } } }) // Update entities in my memory for (let predictedEntity of predictedEntities) { let entity = allEntities.find(e => e.entityId == predictedEntity.entityId) if (!entity) { CLDebug.Error(`Could not find entity by id: ${predictedEntity.entityId}`) return; } // Update resolution for entities with resolver type if (entity.resolverType !== undefined && entity.resolverType !== null && (predictedEntity.resolution === undefined || Object.keys(predictedEntity.resolution).length === 0)) { const builtInEntity = predictedEntitiesWithType.find(pe => pe.startCharIndex >= predictedEntity.startCharIndex && pe.endCharIndex <= predictedEntity.endCharIndex && pe.entityType === (entity).resolverType) if (builtInEntity) { predictedEntity.resolution = builtInEntity.resolution predictedEntity.builtinType = builtInEntity.builtinType } } // If negative entity will have a positive counter entity if (entity.positiveId) { await memory.ForgetEntity(entity.entityName, predictedEntity.entityText, entity.isMultivalue) } else if (!entity.doNotMemorize) { await memory.RememberEntity( entity.entityName, entity.entityId, predictedEntity.entityText, entity.isMultivalue, predictedEntity.builtinType, predictedEntity.resolution ) } } } public async CallEntityDetectionCallback(text: string, predictedEntities: CLM.PredictedEntity[], clMemory: CLMemory, allEntities: CLM.EntityBase[], skipEntityDetectionCallBack: boolean = false): Promise { // Entities before processing let prevMemories = new CLM.FilledEntityMap(await clMemory.BotMemory.FilledEntityMap()); // Update memory with predicted entities await this.ProcessPredictedEntities(text, clMemory.BotMemory, predictedEntities, allEntities) // If bot has callback and callback should not be skipped, call it if (this.entityDetectionCallback && !skipEntityDetectionCallBack) { let memoryManager = await this.CreateMemoryManagerAsync(clMemory, allEntities, prevMemories) await this.entityDetectionCallback(text, memoryManager) // Update Memory await clMemory.BotMemory.RestoreFromMemoryManagerAsync(memoryManager) } // Get entities from my memory const filledEntities = await clMemory.BotMemory.FilledEntitiesAsync() let scoreInput: CLM.ScoreInput = { filledEntities, context: {}, maskedActions: [] } return scoreInput } private async CreateMemoryManagerAsync(clMemory: CLMemory, allEntities: CLM.EntityBase[], prevMemories?: CLM.FilledEntityMap): Promise { let sessionInfo = await clMemory.BotState.SessionInfoAsync() let curMemories = new CLM.FilledEntityMap(await clMemory.BotMemory.FilledEntityMap()); if (!prevMemories) { prevMemories = curMemories; } return new ClientMemoryManager(prevMemories, curMemories, allEntities, sessionInfo); } private async CreateReadOnlyMemoryManagerAsync(clMemory: CLMemory, allEntities: CLM.EntityBase[], prevMemories?: CLM.FilledEntityMap): Promise { let sessionInfo = await clMemory.BotState.SessionInfoAsync() let curMemories = new CLM.FilledEntityMap(await clMemory.BotMemory.FilledEntityMap()); if (!prevMemories) { prevMemories = curMemories; } return new ReadOnlyClientMemoryManager(prevMemories, curMemories, allEntities, sessionInfo); } private async GetTurnContext(clMemory: CLMemory): Promise { const getTurnContextForConversationReference = (conversationRef: Partial, activity?: Partial): BB.TurnContext => { if (!this.adapter) { CLDebug.Error('Missing Adapter') throw new Error('Adapter is missing!') } if (!activity) { activity = { type: BB.ActivityTypes.Message } } const incomingActivity = BB.TurnContext.applyConversationReference(activity, conversationRef, true) return new BB.TurnContext(this.adapter, incomingActivity) } // Get conversation ref, so I can generate context and send it back to bot dev let conversationReference = await clMemory.BotState.GetConversationReverence() if (!conversationReference) { throw new Error('Missing ConversationReference') } let context = clMemory.TurnContext if (context === undefined) { context = getTurnContextForConversationReference(conversationReference) } return context } // Call session start callback, set memory and return list of filled entities coming from callback protected async CheckSessionStartCallback(clMemory: CLMemory, entities: CLM.EntityBase[]): Promise { // If bot has callback, call it if (this.onSessionStartCallback && this.adapter) { let memoryManager = await this.CreateMemoryManagerAsync(clMemory, entities) // Get conversation ref, so I can generate context and send it back to bot dev let conversationReference = await clMemory.BotState.GetConversationReverence() if (!conversationReference) { CLDebug.Error('Missing ConversationReference') return } const context = await this.GetTurnContext(clMemory) if (this.onSessionStartCallback) { try { await this.onSessionStartCallback(context, memoryManager) await clMemory.BotMemory.RestoreFromMemoryManagerAsync(memoryManager) } catch (err) { const text = "Exception hit in Bot's OnSessionStartCallback" const message = BB.MessageFactory.text(text) const replayError = new CLM.ReplayErrorAPIException() message.channelData = { clData: { replayError } } await this.SendMessage(clMemory, message) CLDebug.Log(err); } } } } protected async CheckSessionEndCallback(clMemory: CLMemory, entities: CLM.EntityBase[], sessionEndState: CLM.SessionEndState, data?: string): Promise { // If onEndSession hasn't been called yet, call it let needEndSession = await clMemory.BotState.GetNeedSessionEndCall(); if (needEndSession) { // If bot has callback, call it to determine which entities to clear / edit if (this.onSessionEndCallback && this.adapter) { let memoryManager = await this.CreateMemoryManagerAsync(clMemory, entities) // Get conversation ref, so I can generate context and send it back to bot dev let conversationReference = await clMemory.BotState.GetConversationReverence() if (!conversationReference) { CLDebug.Error('Missing ConversationReference') return } const context = await this.GetTurnContext(clMemory) try { let saveEntities = this.onSessionEndCallback ? await this.onSessionEndCallback(context, memoryManager, sessionEndState, data) : undefined await clMemory.BotMemory.ClearAsync(saveEntities) } catch (err) { const text = "Exception hit in Bot's OnSessionEndCallback" const message = BB.MessageFactory.text(text) const replayError = new CLM.ReplayErrorAPIException() message.channelData = { clData: { replayError } } await this.SendMessage(clMemory, message) CLDebug.Log(err); } } // Otherwise just clear the memory else { await clMemory.BotMemory.ClearAsync() } await clMemory.BotState.SetNeedSessionEndCall(false); } } public async TakeActionAsync(conversationReference: Partial, clRecognizeResult: CLRecognizerResult, clData: CLM.CLChannelData | null): Promise { // Get filled entities from memory let filledEntityMap = await clRecognizeResult.memory.BotMemory.FilledEntityMap() filledEntityMap = Utils.addEntitiesById(filledEntityMap) // If the action was terminal, free up the mutex allowing queued messages to be processed // Activity won't be present if running in training as messages aren't queued if (clRecognizeResult.scoredAction.isTerminal && clRecognizeResult.activity) { await InputQueue.MessageHandled(clRecognizeResult.memory.BotState, clRecognizeResult.activity.id); } if (!conversationReference.conversation) { throw new Error(`ConversationReference contains no conversation`) } let actionResult: IActionResult let app: CLM.AppBase | null = null let sessionId: string | null = null let replayError: CLM.ReplayError | null = null const inTeach = clData !== null switch (clRecognizeResult.scoredAction.actionType) { case CLM.ActionTypes.TEXT: { // This is hack to allow ScoredAction to be accepted as ActionBase // TODO: Remove extra properties from ScoredAction so it only had actionId and up service to return actions definitions of scored/unscored actions // so UI can link the two together instead of having "partial" actions being incorrectly treated as full actions const textAction = new CLM.TextAction(clRecognizeResult.scoredAction as any) const response = await this.TakeTextAction(textAction, filledEntityMap) actionResult = { logicResult: undefined, response } break } case CLM.ActionTypes.API_LOCAL: { const apiAction = new CLM.ApiAction(clRecognizeResult.scoredAction as any) actionResult = await this.TakeAPIAction( apiAction, filledEntityMap, clRecognizeResult.memory, clRecognizeResult.clEntities, inTeach, { type: ActionInputType.LOGIC_AND_RENDER } ) if (inTeach) { if (actionResult.replayError) { replayError = actionResult.replayError } } else { app = await clRecognizeResult.memory.BotState.GetApp() if (!app) { throw new Error(`Attempted to get current app before app was set.`) } if (app.metadata.isLoggingOn !== false && actionResult && actionResult.logicResult !== undefined) { if (!conversationReference.conversation) { throw new Error(`Attempted to get session by conversation id, but user was not defined on current conversation`) } sessionId = await clRecognizeResult.memory.BotState.GetSessionIdAndSetConversationId(conversationReference.conversation.id) if (!sessionId) { throw new Error(`Attempted to get session by conversation id: ${conversationReference.conversation.id} but session was not found`) } await this.clClient.SessionLogicResult(app.appId, sessionId, apiAction.actionId, actionResult); } } break } case CLM.ActionTypes.CARD: { const cardAction = new CLM.CardAction(clRecognizeResult.scoredAction as any) const response = await this.TakeCardAction(cardAction, filledEntityMap) actionResult = { logicResult: undefined, response } break } case CLM.ActionTypes.END_SESSION: { app = await clRecognizeResult.memory.BotState.GetApp() const sessionAction = new CLM.SessionAction(clRecognizeResult.scoredAction as any) sessionId = await clRecognizeResult.memory.BotState.GetSessionIdAndSetConversationId(conversationReference.conversation.id) const response = await this.TakeSessionAction(sessionAction, filledEntityMap, inTeach, clRecognizeResult.memory, sessionId, app); actionResult = { logicResult: undefined, response } break } default: throw new Error(`Could not find matching renderer for action type: ${clRecognizeResult.scoredAction.actionType}`) } // Convert string actions to activities if (typeof actionResult.response === 'string') { actionResult.response = BB.MessageFactory.text(actionResult.response) } if (actionResult.response && typeof actionResult.response !== 'string' && clData) { actionResult.response.channelData = { ...actionResult.response.channelData, clData: { ...clData, replayError: replayError || undefined } } } // If action wasn't terminal loop through Conversation Learner again after a short delay if (!clRecognizeResult.inTeach && !clRecognizeResult.scoredAction.isTerminal) { if (app === null) { app = await clRecognizeResult.memory.BotState.GetApp() } if (!app) { throw new Error(`Attempted to get current app before app was set.`) } if (!conversationReference.conversation) { throw new Error(`Attempted to get session by conversation id, but user was not defined on current conversation`) } if (sessionId == null) { sessionId = await clRecognizeResult.memory.BotState.GetSessionIdAndSetConversationId(conversationReference.conversation.id) } if (!sessionId) { throw new Error(`Attempted to get session by conversation id: ${conversationReference.conversation.id} but session was not found`) } // send the current response to user before score for the next turn if (actionResult.response != null) { await this.SendMessage(clRecognizeResult.memory, actionResult.response) } await delay(100) let bestAction = await this.Score( app.appId, sessionId, clRecognizeResult.memory, '', [], clRecognizeResult.clEntities, clRecognizeResult.inTeach, true ) clRecognizeResult.scoredAction = bestAction actionResult = await this.TakeActionAsync(conversationReference, clRecognizeResult, clData) } return actionResult } public async SendIntent(intent: CLRecognizerResult, clData: CLM.CLChannelData | null = null): Promise { let conversationReference = await intent.memory.BotState.GetConversationReverence(); if (!conversationReference) { CLDebug.Error('Missing ConversationReference') return } if (!this.adapter) { CLDebug.Error('Missing Adapter') return } const actionResult = await this.TakeActionAsync(conversationReference, intent, clData) if (actionResult.response != null) { const context = await this.GetTurnContext(intent.memory) await context.sendActivity(actionResult.response) } return actionResult } private async SendMessage(memory: CLMemory, message: string | Partial, incomingActivityId?: string | undefined): Promise { // If requested, pop incoming activity from message queue if (incomingActivityId) { await InputQueue.MessageHandled(memory.BotState, incomingActivityId); } let conversationReference = await memory.BotState.GetConversationReverence() if (!conversationReference) { CLDebug.Error('Missing ConversationReference') return } if (!this.adapter) { CLDebug.Error(`Attempted to send message before adapter was assigned`) return } const context = await this.GetTurnContext(memory) await context.sendActivity(message) } // TODO: This issue arises because we only save non-null non-empty argument values on the actions // which means callback may accept more arguments than is actually available on the action.arguments // To me, it seems it would make more sense to always have these be same length, but perhaps there is // dependency on action not being defined somewhere else in the application like ActionCreatorEditor private GetRenderedArguments(fnArgs: string[], actionArgs: CLM.ActionArgument[], filledEntityMap: CLM.FilledEntityMap): string[] { const missingEntityNames: string[] = [] const renderedArgumentValues = fnArgs.map(param => { const argument = actionArgs.find(arg => arg.parameter === param) if (!argument) { return '' } try { return argument.renderValue(CLM.getEntityDisplayValueMap(filledEntityMap)) } catch (error) { missingEntityNames.push(param) return '' } }, missingEntityNames) if (missingEntityNames.length > 0) { throw new Error(`Missing Entity value(s) for ${missingEntityNames.join(', ')}`) } return renderedArgumentValues } public async TakeAPIAction(apiAction: CLM.ApiAction, filledEntityMap: CLM.FilledEntityMap, clMemory: CLMemory, allEntities: CLM.EntityBase[], inTeach: boolean, actionInput: IActionInput): Promise { // Extract API name and args const callback = this.callbacks[apiAction.name] if (!callback) { return { logicResult: undefined, response: `ERROR: API callback with name "${apiAction.name}" is not defined` } } try { // Invoke Logic part of callback const renderedLogicArgumentValues = this.GetRenderedArguments(callback.logicArguments, apiAction.logicArguments, filledEntityMap) const memoryManager = await this.CreateMemoryManagerAsync(clMemory, allEntities) let replayError: CLM.ReplayError | null = null // If we're only doing the render part, used stored values // This happens when replaying dialog to recreated action outputs let logicResult: CLM.LogicResult = { logicValue: undefined, changedFilledEntities: [] } if (actionInput.type === ActionInputType.RENDER_ONLY) { let storedResult = (actionInput as IActionInputLogic).logicResult logicResult = storedResult || logicResult // Logic result holds delta from before after logic callback, use it to update memory memoryManager.curMemories.UpdateFilledEntities(logicResult.changedFilledEntities, allEntities) // Update memory with changes from logic callback await clMemory.BotMemory.RestoreFromMemoryManagerAsync(memoryManager) } else { try { // create a copy of the map before calling into logic api // the copy of map is created because the passed infilledEntityMap contains "filledEntities by Id" too // and this causes issues when calculating changedFilledEntities. const entityMapBeforeCall = new CLM.FilledEntityMap(await clMemory.BotMemory.FilledEntityMap()) // Store logic callback value const logicObject = await callback.logic(memoryManager, ...renderedLogicArgumentValues) logicResult.logicValue = JSON.stringify(logicObject) // Update memory with changes from logic callback await clMemory.BotMemory.RestoreFromMemoryManagerAsync(memoryManager) // Store changes to filled entities logicResult.changedFilledEntities = CLM.ModelUtils.changedFilledEntities(entityMapBeforeCall, memoryManager.curMemories) } catch (error) { let botAPIError: CLM.LogicAPIError = { APIError: error.stack || error.message || error } logicResult.logicValue = JSON.stringify(botAPIError) replayError = new CLM.ReplayErrorAPIException() } } // Render the action unless only doing logic part if (actionInput.type === ActionInputType.LOGIC_ONLY) { return { logicResult, response: null, replayError: replayError || undefined } } else { let response: Partial | string | null = null let logicAPIError = Utils.GetLogicAPIError(logicResult) // If there was an api Error show card to user if (logicAPIError) { const title = `Exception hit in Bot's API Callback: '${apiAction.name}'` response = this.RenderErrorCard(title, logicAPIError.APIError) } else if (logicResult.logicValue && !callback.render) { const title = `Malformed API Callback: '${apiAction.name}'` response = this.RenderErrorCard(title, "Logic portion of callback returns a value, but no Render portion defined") replayError = new CLM.ReplayErrorAPIMalformed() } else { // Invoke Render part of callback const renderedRenderArgumentValues = this.GetRenderedArguments(callback.renderArguments, apiAction.renderArguments, filledEntityMap) const readOnlyMemoryManager = await this.CreateReadOnlyMemoryManagerAsync(clMemory, allEntities) let logicObject = logicResult.logicValue ? JSON.parse(logicResult.logicValue) : undefined if (callback.render) { response = await callback.render(logicObject, readOnlyMemoryManager, ...renderedRenderArgumentValues) } if (response && !Utils.IsCardValid(response)) { const title = `Malformed API Callback '${apiAction.name}'` const error = `Return value in Render function must be a string or BotBuilder Activity` response = this.RenderErrorCard(title, error) replayError = new CLM.ReplayErrorAPIBadCard() } // If response is empty, but we're in teach session return a placeholder card in WebChat so they can click it to edit // Otherwise return the response as is. if (!response && inTeach) { response = this.RenderAPICard(callback, renderedLogicArgumentValues) } } return { logicResult, response, replayError: replayError || undefined } } } catch (err) { const title = `Exception hit in Bot's API Callback: '${apiAction.name}'` const message = this.RenderErrorCard(title, err.stack || err.message || "") const replayError = new CLM.ReplayErrorAPIException() return { logicResult: undefined, response: message, replayError } } } public async TakeTextAction(textAction: CLM.TextAction, filledEntityMap: CLM.FilledEntityMap): Promise | string> { return Promise.resolve(textAction.renderValue(CLM.getEntityDisplayValueMap(filledEntityMap))) } public async TakeCardAction(cardAction: CLM.CardAction, filledEntityMap: CLM.FilledEntityMap): Promise | string> { try { const entityDisplayValues = CLM.getEntityDisplayValueMap(filledEntityMap) const renderedArguments = cardAction.renderArguments(entityDisplayValues) const missingEntities = renderedArguments.filter(ra => ra.value === null); if (missingEntities.length > 0) { return `ERROR: Missing Entity value(s) for ${missingEntities.map(me => me.parameter).join(', ')}`; } const form = await TemplateProvider.RenderTemplate(cardAction.templateName, renderedArguments) if (form == null) { return CLDebug.Error(`Missing Template: ${cardAction.templateName}`) } const attachment = BB.CardFactory.adaptiveCard(form) const message = BB.MessageFactory.attachment(attachment) message.text = undefined return message } catch (error) { let msg = CLDebug.Error(error, 'Failed to Render Template') return msg } } private async TakeSessionAction(sessionAction: CLM.SessionAction, filledEntityMap: CLM.FilledEntityMap, inTeach: boolean, clMemory: CLMemory, sessionId: string | null, app: CLM.AppBase | null): Promise | null> { // Get any context from the action let content = sessionAction.renderValue(CLM.getEntityDisplayValueMap(filledEntityMap)) // If inTeach, show something to user in WebChat so they can edit if (inTeach) { let payload = sessionAction.renderValue(CLM.getEntityDisplayValueMap(filledEntityMap)) let card = { type: "AdaptiveCard", version: "1.0", body: [ { type: "TextBlock", text: `EndSession: *${payload}*` } ] } const attachment = BB.CardFactory.adaptiveCard(card) const message = BB.MessageFactory.attachment(attachment) return message } // If I'm not in Teach end session. // (In Teach EndSession is handled in ScoreFeedback to keep session alive for TeachScoreFeedback) else { // End the current session (if in replay will be no sessionId or app) if (app && sessionId) { await this.clClient.EndSession(app.appId, sessionId) await this.EndSessionAsync(clMemory, CLM.SessionEndState.COMPLETED, content); } } return null } // Returns true if Action is available given Entities in Memory public isActionAvailable(action: CLM.ActionBase, filledEntities: CLM.FilledEntity[]): boolean { for (let entityId of action.requiredEntities) { let found = filledEntities.find(e => e.entityId == entityId); if (!found || found.values.length === 0) { return false; } } for (let entityId of action.negativeEntities) { let found = filledEntities.find(e => e.entityId == entityId); if (found && found.values.length > 0) { return false; } } return true; } // Convert list of filled entities into a filled entity map lookup table private CreateFilledEntityMap(filledEntities: CLM.FilledEntity[], entityList: CLM.EntityList): CLM.FilledEntityMap { let filledEntityMap = new CLM.FilledEntityMap() for (let filledEntity of filledEntities) { let entity = entityList.entities.find(e => e.entityId == filledEntity.entityId) if (entity) { filledEntityMap.map[entity.entityName] = filledEntity filledEntityMap.map[entity.entityId] = filledEntity } } return filledEntityMap } /** * Identify any validation issues * Missing Entities * Missing Actions * Unavailable Actions */ public DialogValidationErrors(trainDialog: CLM.TrainDialog, entities: CLM.EntityBase[], actions: CLM.ActionBase[]): string[] { let validationErrors: string[] = []; for (let round of trainDialog.rounds) { let userText = round.extractorStep.textVariations[0].text; let filledEntities = round.scorerSteps[0] && round.scorerSteps[0].input ? round.scorerSteps[0].input.filledEntities : [] // Check that entities exist for (let filledEntity of filledEntities) { if (!entities.find(e => e.entityId == filledEntity.entityId)) { validationErrors.push(`Missing Entity for "${CLM.filledEntityValueAsString(filledEntity)}"`); } } for (let scorerStep of round.scorerSteps) { let labelAction = scorerStep.labelAction // Check that action exists let selectedAction = actions.find(a => a.actionId == labelAction) if (!selectedAction) { validationErrors.push(`Missing Action response for "${userText}"`); } else { // Check action availability if (!this.isActionAvailable(selectedAction, scorerStep.input.filledEntities)) { validationErrors.push(`Selected Action in unavailable in response to "${userText}"`); } } } } // Make errors unique using Set operator validationErrors = [...new Set(validationErrors)] return validationErrors; } /** Return a list of trainDialogs that are invalid for the given set of entities and actions */ public validateTrainDialogs(appDefinition: CLM.AppDefinition): string[] { let invalidTrainDialogIds = []; for (let trainDialog of appDefinition.trainDialogs) { // Ignore train dialogs that are already invalid if (trainDialog.validity !== CLM.Validity.INVALID) { let validationErrors = this.DialogValidationErrors(trainDialog, appDefinition.entities, appDefinition.actions); if (validationErrors.length > 0) { invalidTrainDialogIds.push(trainDialog.trainDialogId); } } } return invalidTrainDialogIds; } /** Populate prebuilt information in predicted entities given filled entity array */ private PopulatePrebuilts(predictedEntities: CLM.PredictedEntity[], filledEntities: CLM.FilledEntity[]) { for (let pe of predictedEntities) { let filledEnt = filledEntities.find(fe => fe.entityId === pe.entityId); if (filledEnt) { let value = filledEnt.values.find(v => v.userText === pe.entityText) if (value) { pe.resolution = value.resolution; if (value.builtinType) { pe.builtinType = value.builtinType; } } } } } /** * Provide empty FilledEntity for any missing entities so they can still be rendered */ private PopulateMissingFilledEntities(action: CLM.ActionBase, filledEntityMap: CLM.FilledEntityMap, allEntities: CLM.EntityBase[], bidirectional: boolean): string[] { // For backwards compatibiliity need to check requieredEntities too. In new version all in requiredEntitiesFromPayload const allRequiredEntities = [...action.requiredEntities, ...action.requiredEntitiesFromPayload] let missingEntities: string[] = [] allRequiredEntities.forEach((entityId: string) => { let entity = allEntities.find(e => e.entityId === entityId) if (entity) { if (!filledEntityMap.map[entity.entityName]) { // Add an empty filledEntity if requried and has no values let filledEntity = { entityId: entityId, values: [] } as CLM.FilledEntity filledEntityMap.map[entity.entityId] = filledEntity if (bidirectional) { filledEntityMap.map[entity.entityName] = filledEntity } missingEntities.push(entity.entityName) } else { const filledEntity = filledEntityMap.map[entity.entityName] if (filledEntity && filledEntity.values.length == 0) { missingEntities.push(entity.entityName) } } } else { throw new Error(`ENTITY ${entityId} DOES NOT EXIST`) } }) return missingEntities } /** * Initialize memory for replay */ private async InitReplayMemory(clMemory: CLMemory, trainDialog: CLM.TrainDialog, allEntities: CLM.EntityBase[]) { // Reset the memory await clMemory.BotMemory.ClearAsync() // Call start sesssion for initial entities await this.CheckSessionStartCallback(clMemory, allEntities); let startSessionEntities = await clMemory.BotMemory.FilledEntitiesAsync() startSessionEntities = [...trainDialog.initialFilledEntities || [], ...startSessionEntities] let map = CLM.FilledEntityMap.FromFilledEntities(startSessionEntities, allEntities) await clMemory.BotMemory.RestoreFromMapAsync(map) } /** * Replay a TrainDialog, calling EntityDetection callback and API Logic, * recalculating FilledEntities along the way */ public async ReplayTrainDialogLogic(trainDialog: CLM.TrainDialog, clMemory: CLMemory, cleanse: boolean): Promise { if (!trainDialog || !trainDialog.rounds) { return trainDialog } // Copy train dialog let newTrainDialog: CLM.TrainDialog = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(trainDialog)) let entities: CLM.EntityBase[] = trainDialog.definitions ? trainDialog.definitions.entities : [] let actions: CLM.ActionBase[] = trainDialog.definitions ? trainDialog.definitions.actions : [] let entityList: CLM.EntityList = { entities } await this.InitReplayMemory(clMemory, newTrainDialog, entities) for (let round of newTrainDialog.rounds) { // Call entity detection callback with first text Variation let textVariation = round.extractorStep.textVariations[0] let predictedEntities = CLM.ModelUtils.ToPredictedEntities(textVariation.labelEntities) // Call EntityDetectionCallback and populate filledEntities with the result let scoreInput: CLM.ScoreInput let botAPIError: CLM.LogicAPIError | null = null try { scoreInput = await this.CallEntityDetectionCallback(textVariation.text, predictedEntities, clMemory, entities) } catch (err) { // Hit exception in Bot's Entity Detection Callback // Use existing memory before callback const filledEntities = await clMemory.BotMemory.FilledEntitiesAsync() scoreInput = { filledEntities, context: {}, maskedActions: [] } // Create error to show to user let errMessage = `${CLStrings.ENTITYCALLBACK_EXCEPTION} ${err.message}` botAPIError = { APIError: errMessage } } // Use scorer step to populate pre-built data (when) if (round.scorerSteps && round.scorerSteps.length > 0) { this.PopulatePrebuilts(predictedEntities, scoreInput.filledEntities) round.scorerSteps[0].input.filledEntities = scoreInput.filledEntities // Go through each scorer step for (let [scoreIndex, scorerStep] of round.scorerSteps.entries()) { let curAction = actions.filter((a: CLM.ActionBase) => a.actionId === scorerStep.labelAction)[0] if (curAction) { let filledEntityMap = await clMemory.BotMemory.FilledEntityMap() // Provide empty FilledEntity for missing entities if (!cleanse) { this.PopulateMissingFilledEntities(curAction, filledEntityMap, entities, false) } round.scorerSteps[scoreIndex].input.filledEntities = filledEntityMap.FilledEntities() // Run logic part of APIAction to update the FilledEntities if (curAction.actionType === CLM.ActionTypes.API_LOCAL) { const apiAction = new CLM.ApiAction(curAction) const actionInput: IActionInput = { type: ActionInputType.LOGIC_ONLY } // Calculate and store new logic result const filledIdMap = filledEntityMap.EntityMapToIdMap() let actionResult = await this.TakeAPIAction(apiAction, filledIdMap, clMemory, entityList.entities, true, actionInput) round.scorerSteps[scoreIndex].logicResult = actionResult.logicResult } else if (curAction.actionType === CLM.ActionTypes.END_SESSION) { const sessionAction = new CLM.SessionAction(curAction) await this.TakeSessionAction(sessionAction, filledEntityMap, true, clMemory, null, null) } } // If ran into API error inject into first scorer step so it gets displayed to the user if (botAPIError && scoreIndex === 0) { round.scorerSteps[scoreIndex].logicResult = { logicValue: JSON.stringify(botAPIError), changedFilledEntities: [] } } } } else { // Otherwise create a dummy scorer step with the filled entities const scorerStep: CLM.TrainScorerStep = { input: { filledEntities: await clMemory.BotMemory.FilledEntitiesAsync(), context: {}, maskedActions: [] }, labelAction: undefined, logicResult: undefined, scoredAction: undefined } if (!round.scorerSteps) { round.scorerSteps = [] } round.scorerSteps.push(scorerStep) } } // When editing, may need to run Scorer or Extrator on TrainDialog with invalid rounds //This cleans up the TrainDialog removing bad data so the extractor can run if (cleanse) { // Remove rounds with two user inputs in a row (they'll have a dummy scorer round) newTrainDialog.rounds = newTrainDialog.rounds.filter(r => { return !r.scorerSteps[0] || r.scorerSteps[0].labelAction != undefined }) } return newTrainDialog } /** * Get Activities generated by trainDialog. * Return any errors in TrainDialog * NOTE: Will set bot memory to state at end of history */ public async GetHistory(trainDialog: CLM.TrainDialog, userName: string, userId: string, clMemory: CLMemory): Promise { let entities: CLM.EntityBase[] = trainDialog.definitions ? trainDialog.definitions.entities : [] let actions: CLM.ActionBase[] = trainDialog.definitions ? trainDialog.definitions.actions : [] let entityList: CLM.EntityList = { entities } let prevMemories: CLM.Memory[] = [] if (!trainDialog || !trainDialog.rounds) { return null } await this.InitReplayMemory(clMemory, trainDialog, entities) let excludedEntities = entities.filter(e => e.doNotMemorize).map(e => e.entityId) let activities: Partial[] = [] let replayError: CLM.ReplayError | null = null let replayErrors: CLM.ReplayError[] = []; let curAction = null for (let [roundNum, round] of trainDialog.rounds.entries()) { let filledEntities = round.scorerSteps[0] && round.scorerSteps[0].input ? round.scorerSteps[0].input.filledEntities : [] // VALIDATION replayError = null // Check that non-multivalue isn't labelled twice for (let tv of round.extractorStep.textVariations) { let usedEntities: string[] = [] for (let labelEntity of tv.labelEntities) { // If already used, make sure it's multi-value if (usedEntities.find(e => e === labelEntity.entityId)) { let entity = entities.find(e => e.entityId == labelEntity.entityId) if (entity && !entity.isMultivalue && (entity.entityType === CLM.EntityType.LUIS || entity.entityType === CLM.EntityType.LOCAL)) { replayError = replayError || new CLM.EntityUnexpectedMultivalue(entity.entityName) replayErrors.push(replayError); } } // Otherwise add to list of used entities else { usedEntities.push(labelEntity.entityId) } } } // Check that entities exist in text variations for (let tv of round.extractorStep.textVariations) { for (let labelEntity of tv.labelEntities) { if (!entities.find(e => e.entityId == labelEntity.entityId)) { replayError = new CLM.ReplayErrorEntityUndefined(labelEntity.entityId) replayErrors.push() } } } // Check that entities exist in filled entities for (let filledEntity of filledEntities) { if (!entities.find(e => e.entityId == filledEntity.entityId)) { replayError = new CLM.ReplayErrorEntityUndefined(CLM.filledEntityValueAsString(filledEntity)) replayErrors.push() } } // Check for double user inputs if (roundNum != trainDialog.rounds.length - 1 && (round.scorerSteps.length === 0 || !round.scorerSteps[0].labelAction)) { replayError = new CLM.ReplayErrorTwoUserInputs() replayErrors.push(replayError) } // Check for user input when previous action wasn't wait if (curAction && !curAction.isTerminal) { replayError = new CLM.ReplayErrorInputAfterNonWait() replayErrors.push(replayError) } // Generate activity. Add markdown to highlight labelled entities let userText = CLM.ModelUtils.textVariationToMarkdown(round.extractorStep.textVariations[0], excludedEntities) let userActivity: Partial = CLM.ModelUtils.InputToActivity(userText, userName, userId, roundNum) userActivity.channelData.clData.replayError = replayError userActivity.channelData.clData.activityIndex = activities.length userActivity.textFormat = 'markdown' activities.push(userActivity) // Save memory before this step (used to show changes in UI) prevMemories = await clMemory.BotMemory.DumpMemory() let textVariation = round.extractorStep.textVariations[0] let predictedEntities = CLM.ModelUtils.ToPredictedEntities(textVariation.labelEntities) // Use scorer step to populate pre-built data (when) if (round.scorerSteps.length > 0) { this.PopulatePrebuilts(predictedEntities, round.scorerSteps[0].input.filledEntities) } for (let [scoreIndex, scorerStep] of round.scorerSteps.entries()) { let labelAction = scorerStep.labelAction // Scorer rounds w/o labelActions may exist to store extraction result for rendering if (labelAction) { let scoreFilledEntities = scorerStep.input.filledEntities // VALIDATION replayError = null // Check that action exists let selectedAction = actions.find(a => a.actionId == labelAction) if (!selectedAction) { replayError = new CLM.ReplayErrorActionUndefined(userText) replayErrors.push(replayError); } else { // Check action availability if (!this.isActionAvailable(selectedAction, scoreFilledEntities)) { replayError = new CLM.ReplayErrorActionUnavailable(userText) replayErrors.push(replayError); } } // Check that action (if not first) is after a wait action if (scoreIndex > 0) { const lastScoredAction = round.scorerSteps[scoreIndex - 1].labelAction let lastAction = actions.find(a => a.actionId == lastScoredAction) if (lastAction && lastAction.isTerminal) { replayError = new CLM.ReplayErrorActionAfterWait() replayErrors.push(replayError); } } // Generate bot response curAction = actions.filter((a: CLM.ActionBase) => a.actionId === labelAction)[0] let botResponse: IActionResult // Check for exceptions on API call (specificaly EntityDetectionCallback) let logicAPIError = Utils.GetLogicAPIError(scorerStep.logicResult) if (logicAPIError) { replayError = new CLM.ReplayErrorAPIException() replayErrors.push(replayError); let actionName = "" if (curAction.actionType === CLM.ActionTypes.API_LOCAL) { const apiAction = new CLM.ApiAction(curAction) actionName = `${apiAction.name}` } const title = `Exception hit in Bot's API Callback:${actionName}`; const response = this.RenderErrorCard(title, logicAPIError.APIError); botResponse = { logicResult: undefined, response } } else if (!curAction) { botResponse = { logicResult: undefined, response: CLDebug.Error(`Can't find Action Id ${labelAction}`) } } else { // Create map with names and ids let filledEntityMap = this.CreateFilledEntityMap(scoreFilledEntities, entityList) // Fill in missing entities with a warning const missingEntities = this.PopulateMissingFilledEntities(curAction, filledEntityMap, entities, true) // Entity required for Action isn't filled in if (missingEntities.length > 0) { replayError = replayError || new CLM.ReplayErrorEntityEmpty(missingEntities) replayErrors.push(replayError); } // Set memory from map with names only (since not calling APIs) let memoryMap = CLM.FilledEntityMap.FromFilledEntities(scoreFilledEntities, entities) await clMemory.BotMemory.RestoreFromMapAsync(memoryMap) if (curAction.actionType === CLM.ActionTypes.CARD) { const cardAction = new CLM.CardAction(curAction) botResponse = { logicResult: undefined, response: await this.TakeCardAction(cardAction, filledEntityMap) } } else if (curAction.actionType === CLM.ActionTypes.API_LOCAL) { const apiAction = new CLM.ApiAction(curAction) const actionInput: IActionInput = { type: ActionInputType.RENDER_ONLY, logicResult: scorerStep.logicResult } botResponse = await this.TakeAPIAction(apiAction, filledEntityMap, clMemory, entityList.entities, true, actionInput) if (!this.callbacks[apiAction.name]) { replayError = new CLM.ReplayErrorAPIUndefined(apiAction.name) replayErrors.push(replayError) } else if (botResponse.replayError) { replayError = botResponse.replayError replayErrors.push(botResponse.replayError) } } else if (curAction.actionType === CLM.ActionTypes.TEXT) { const textAction = new CLM.TextAction(curAction) try { botResponse = { logicResult: undefined, response: await this.TakeTextAction(textAction, filledEntityMap) } } catch (error) { // Payload is invalid replayError = new CLM.ReplayErrorEntityUndefined("") replayErrors.push(replayError); botResponse = { logicResult: undefined, response: JSON.parse(textAction.payload).text // Show raw text } } } else if (curAction.actionType === CLM.ActionTypes.END_SESSION) { const sessionAction = new CLM.SessionAction(curAction) botResponse = { logicResult: undefined, response: await this.TakeSessionAction(sessionAction, filledEntityMap, true, clMemory, null, null) } } else { throw new Error(`Cannot construct bot response for unknown action type: ${curAction.actionType}`) } } let validWaitAction if (curAction && !curAction.isTerminal) { if (round.scorerSteps.length === scoreIndex + 1) { validWaitAction = false } else { validWaitAction = true } } let clBotData: CLM.CLChannelData = { senderType: CLM.SenderType.Bot, roundIndex: roundNum, scoreIndex, validWaitAction: validWaitAction, replayError, activityIndex: activities.length } let botActivity: Partial | null = null let botAccount = { id: `BOT-${userId}`, name: CLM.CL_USER_NAME_ID, role: BB.RoleTypes.Bot, aadObjectId: '' } if (typeof botResponse.response == 'string') { botActivity = { id: CLM.ModelUtils.generateGUID(), from: botAccount, type: 'message', text: botResponse.response, channelData: { clData: clBotData } } } else if (botResponse) { botActivity = botResponse.response as BB.Activity botActivity.id = CLM.ModelUtils.generateGUID() botActivity.from = botAccount botActivity.channelData = { clData: clBotData } } if (botActivity) { activities.push(botActivity) } } } } let memories = await clMemory.BotMemory.DumpMemory() let hasRounds = trainDialog.rounds.length > 0; let hasScorerRound = (hasRounds && trainDialog.rounds[trainDialog.rounds.length - 1].scorerSteps.length > 0) let dialogMode = CLM.DialogMode.Scorer; // If I have no rounds, I'm waiting for input if (!hasRounds) { dialogMode = CLM.DialogMode.Wait; } else if (curAction) { // If last action is session end if (curAction.actionType === CLM.ActionTypes.END_SESSION) { dialogMode = CLM.DialogMode.EndSession; } // If I have a scorer round, wait else if (curAction.isTerminal && hasScorerRound) { dialogMode = CLM.DialogMode.Wait; } } // Calculate last extract response from text variations let uiScoreInput: CLM.UIScoreInput | undefined; if (hasRounds) { // Note: Could potentially just send back extractorStep and calculate extractResponse on other end let textVariations = trainDialog.rounds[trainDialog.rounds.length - 1].extractorStep.textVariations; let extractResponses = CLM.ModelUtils.ToExtractResponses(textVariations); let trainExtractorStep = trainDialog.rounds[trainDialog.rounds.length - 1].extractorStep; uiScoreInput = { trainExtractorStep: trainExtractorStep, extractResponse: extractResponses[0] } as CLM.UIScoreInput } // Make errors unique using Set operator replayErrors = [...new Set(replayErrors)] let teachWithHistory: CLM.TeachWithHistory = { teach: undefined, scoreInput: undefined, scoreResponse: undefined, uiScoreInput: uiScoreInput, extractResponse: undefined, lastAction: curAction, history: activities, memories: memories, prevMemories: prevMemories, dialogMode: dialogMode, replayErrors: replayErrors } return teachWithHistory } // Generate a card to show for an API action w/o output private RenderAPICard(callback: CLM.Callback, args: string[]): Partial { let card = { type: "AdaptiveCard", version: "1.0", body: [ { type: "Container", items: [ { type: "TextBlock", text: `${callback.name}(${args.join(',')})`, wrap: true } ] }] } const attachment = BB.CardFactory.adaptiveCard(card) const message = BB.MessageFactory.attachment(attachment) message.text = "API Call:" return message; } // Generate a card to show for an API action w/o output private RenderErrorCard(title: string, error: string): Partial { let card = { type: "AdaptiveCard", version: "1.0", body: [ { type: "Container", items: [ { type: "TextBlock", text: error, wrap: true } ] }] } const attachment = BB.CardFactory.adaptiveCard(card) const message = BB.MessageFactory.attachment(attachment) message.text = title return message; } }