import { MatSidenav, MatDrawerToggleResult } from '@angular/material/sidenav'; import { ILayoutTogglable } from './layout-toggle.class'; import * as i0 from "@angular/core"; export declare class TdLayoutComponent implements ILayoutTogglable { sidenav: MatSidenav; /** * mode?: 'side', 'push' or 'over' * * The mode or styling of the sidenav. * Defaults to "over". * See "MatSidenav" documentation for more info. * * */ mode: 'side' | 'push' | 'over'; /** * opened?: boolean * * Whether or not the sidenav is opened. Use this binding to open/close the sidenav. * Defaults to "false". * * See "MatSidenav" documentation for more info. * * */ opened: boolean; /** * sidenavWidth?: string * * Sets the "width" of the sidenav in either "px" or "%" * Defaults to "320px". * * */ sidenavWidth: string; /** * containerAutosize?: boolean * * Sets "autosize" of the sidenav-container. * Defaults to "false". * * See documentation for more info and potential performance risks. * * */ containerAutosize: boolean; /** * Checks if `ESC` should close the sidenav * Should only close it for `push` and `over` modes */ get disableClose(): boolean; /** * Proxy toggle method to access sidenav from outside (from td-layout template). */ toggle(): Promise; /** * Proxy open method to access sidenav from outside (from td-layout template). */ open(): Promise; /** * Proxy close method to access sidenav from outside (from td-layout template). */ close(): Promise; static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration; static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration; }