import { Analyzer, BlockCompiler, StyleMapping } from "@css-blocks/core"; import { TemplateTypes } from "@opticss/template-api"; import * as debugGenerator from "debug"; import * as fs from "fs"; import * as FSTree from "fs-tree-diff"; import * as glob from "glob"; import * as minimatch from "minimatch"; import { OptiCSSOptions, Optimizer, postcss } from "opticss"; import * as path from "path"; import * as walkSync from "walk-sync"; import { Transport } from "./Transport"; import { BroccoliPlugin } from "./utils"; const debug = debugGenerator("css-blocks:broccoli"); export interface BroccoliOptions { entry: string[]; output: string; root: string; analyzer: Analyzer; optimization?: Partial; } /** * Runs analysis on an `inputNode` that represents the entire * application. `options.transport` will be populated with * analysis results. Output is the same application tree * with all Block files removed. */ export class CSSBlocksAnalyze extends BroccoliPlugin { private analyzer: Analyzer; private entries: string[]; private outputFileName: string; private transport: Transport; private optimizationOptions: Partial; private previousInput: FSTree = new FSTree(); /** * Initialize this new instance with the app tree, transport, and analysis options. * @param inputNode Single Broccoli tree node containing *entire* app. * @param transport Magical shared-memory Transport object shared with the aggregator and Template transformer. * @param options Analysis options. */ // tslint:disable-next-line:prefer-unknown-to-any constructor(inputNode: any, transport: Transport, options: BroccoliOptions) { super([inputNode], { name: "broccoli-css-blocks-analyze", persistentOutput: true, }); this.transport = transport; this.entries = options.entry.slice(0); this.outputFileName = options.output || "css-blocks.css"; this.optimizationOptions = options.optimization || {}; this.analyzer = options.analyzer; this.transport.css = this.transport.css ? this.transport.css : ""; } /** * Re-run the broccoli build over supplied inputs. */ async build() { // We currently rely on the fact that the input path is a source directory // and not a temp directory from a previous build step. // When the input directory is a temp directory, the block guid // becomes unstable across brocolli build processes which can cause // persistent cache incoherence within the templates. let input = path.resolve(this.inputPaths[0]); let output = this.outputPath; let options = this.analyzer.cssBlocksOptions; let blockCompiler = new BlockCompiler(postcss, options); let optimizer = new Optimizer(this.optimizationOptions, this.analyzer.optimizationOptions); let isBlockFile = minimatch.makeRe("**/{*.block.*,stylesheet.*}"); // Test if anything has changed since last time. If not, skip all analysis work. let newFsTree = FSTree.fromEntries(walkSync.entries(input)); let diff = this.previousInput.calculatePatch(newFsTree); this.previousInput = newFsTree; if (!diff.length) { return; } // Get all the operations for files that aren't related to CSS Block files // So they can be performed on the output directory. let nonBlockFileChanges = new Array(); for (let op of diff) { let entry = op[2]; if (entry && entry.relativePath.match(isBlockFile)) { continue; } nonBlockFileChanges.push(op); } FSTree.applyPatch(input, output, nonBlockFileChanges); // When no entry points are passed, we treat *every* template as an entry point. let entries = this.entries.length ? this.entries : glob.sync("**/*.hbs", { cwd: input }); // Oh hey look, we're analyzing. this.analyzer.reset(); this.transport.reset(); await this.analyzer.analyze(input, entries); // Compile all Blocks and add them as sources to the Optimizer. // TODO: handle a sourcemap from compiling the block file via a preprocessor. let blocks = this.analyzer.transitiveBlockDependencies(); for (let block of blocks) { if (block.stylesheet) { let root = blockCompiler.compile(block, block.stylesheet, this.analyzer.reservedClassNames()); let result = root.toResult({ to: this.outputFileName, map: { inline: false, annotation: false } }); let filesystemPath = options.importer.filesystemPath(block.identifier, options); let filename = filesystemPath || options.importer.debugIdentifier(block.identifier, options); if (filesystemPath && filesystemPath.startsWith(input)) { let relativePath = path.relative(input, filesystemPath); let outputPath = path.resolve(output, relativePath); try { fs.unlinkSync(outputPath); } catch (e) { // ignore } } // Add the compiled Block file to the optimizer. optimizer.addSource({ content: result.css, filename, sourceMap:, }); } } // Add each Analysis to the Optimizer. this.analyzer.eachAnalysis((a) => optimizer.addAnalysis(a.forOptimizer(options))); // Run optimization and compute StyleMapping. let optimized = await optimizer.optimize(this.outputFileName); let styleMapping = new StyleMapping(optimized.styleMapping, blocks, options, this.analyzer.analyses()); // Attach all computed data to our magic shared memory transport object... this.transport.mapping = styleMapping; this.transport.blocks = blocks; this.transport.analyzer = this.analyzer; this.transport.css += optimized.output.content.toString(); debug(`Compilation Finished: ${}`); } }