import commander from 'commander' const fs = require('fs') import { promisify } from 'util' import { dirname } from 'path' const exists = promisify(fs.exists) const globby = require('globby') import { _queue } from '@ctx-core/queue' import { _a1__piped } from '@ctx-core/pipe' const exec = promisify(require('child_process').exec) const a1__pattern = [ `${_dir()}/**/*.ts`, `${_dir()}/**/rollup.config.js`, `${_dir()}/**/tsconfig.json`, `${_dir()}/**/package.json`, `${_dir()}/**/*.svelte`, ] let a1__piped export async function cli() { commander .option('-d --dir ', 'Root directory') .option('-b --build', 'rebuild the packages') .option('-c --compile', 'compile the packages') .option('-l --clean', 'clean the packages') .option('-p --parallel ', 'runs in parallel with threads') .option('-w --watch', 'Watch files') .parse(process.argv) a1__piped = await _a1__piped() if ( { await enueue__fn(script) } else if (commander.clean) { await enueue__fn(clean) } else if (commander.compile) { await enueue__fn(compile) } else if ( { await enueue__fn(compile) await watch() } else { await enueue__fn(compile) } } async function _a1__src() { return globby(a1__pattern, { gitignore: true }) } async function enueue__fn(fn) { const a1__path__package_json = await _a1__path__package_json() const parallel = parseInt(commander.parallel) if (parallel) { const queue = _queue(parallel) return Promise.all( path__package_json => queue.add(async () => { const ret = await fn(path__package_json) console.debug(path__package_json) return ret }))) } else { const a1__out = [] for (let i = 0; i < a1__path__package_json.length; i++) { const path__package_json = a1__path__package_json[i] console.debug(path__package_json) a1__out.push( await fn(path__package_json) ) } return a1__out } } async function script(path__package_json) { return await run(path__package_json, 'build') } async function clean(path__package_json) { return await run(path__package_json, 'clean') } async function compile(path__package_json) { return await run(path__package_json, 'compile') } async function _a1__path__package_json() { const a1__src = a1__piped ? a1__piped : await _a1__src() const set = new Set() await Promise.all( src => { const path__package_json = await _path__package_json(src) if (path__package_json) { set.add(path__package_json) } })) return Array.from(set) } async function run(path__package_json, script) { if (path__package_json && await exists(path__package_json)) { const { stdout, stderr } = await exec(`cd ${dirname(path__package_json)}; npm run ${script} --if-present`) if (stdout) if (stderr) console.error(stderr) } } async function watch() { const a1__dir = await globby(a1__pattern, { gitignore: true }) const watcher = require('chokidar').watch(a1__dir) watcher.on( 'change', async path => compile(await _path__package_json(path))) } async function _path__package_json(path) { const path__dirname = dirname(path) if (path === path__dirname) return const path__package_json = `${path}/package.json` const path__tsconfig = `${path}/tsconfig.json` if (await exists(path__package_json) && await exists(path__tsconfig)) { return path__package_json } return await _path__package_json(path__dirname) } function _dir() { return commander.dir || process.cwd() }