/// import { ExecutionContext } from 'ava'; export { readJsonFile as readJsonFixture } from './FileUtils'; export declare const inTestMode: (env?: NodeJS.ProcessEnv) => boolean; /** * Helper function to throw error for unit test exports * @throws {Error} */ export declare const throwTestError: () => never; /** * Generate a [40 character] random string * * @param {number} numBytes - number of bytes to use in creating a random string * defaults to 20 to produce a 40 character string * @returns {string} - a random string */ export declare const randomString: (numBytes?: number) => string; /** * Postpend a [10-character] random string to input identifier. * * @param {string} id - identifer to return * @param {number} numBytes - number of bytes to use to compute random * extension. Default 5 to produce 10 characters.. * @returns {string} - a random string */ export declare const randomId: (id: string, numBytes?: number) => string; /** * Generate a random for the given scale. * * Defaults to a number between 1 and 10. * * @param {number} scale - scale for the random number. Defaults to 10. * @returns {number} - a random number */ export declare const randomNumber: (scale?: number) => number; /** * Create a random granule id from the regular expression * * @param {string} regex - regular expression string * @returns {string} - random granule id */ export declare const randomStringFromRegex: (regex: string) => string; /** * Validate a task input object using json-schema * * Issues a test failure if there were validation errors * * @param {Object} t - an ava test * @param {Object} data - the object to be validated * @returns {Promise} */ export declare function validateInput(t: ExecutionContext, data: unknown): Promise; /** * Validate a task config object using json-schema * * Issues a test failure if there were validation errors * * @param {Object} t - an ava test * @param {Object} data - the object to be validated * @returns {Promise} */ export declare function validateConfig(t: ExecutionContext, data: unknown): Promise; /** * Validate a task output object using json-schema * * Issues a test failure if there were validation errors * * @param {Object} t - an ava test * @param {Object} data - the object to be validated * @returns {Promise} */ export declare function validateOutput(t: ExecutionContext, data: unknown): Promise; /** * Determine the path of the current git repo * * @param {string} dirname - the directory that you're trying to find the git * root for * @returns {Promise.} - the filesystem path of the current git repo */ export declare function findGitRepoRootDirectory(dirname: string): Promise; /** * Determine the path of the packages/test-data directory * * @returns {Promise.} - the filesystem path of the packages/test-data * directory */ export declare function findTestDataDirectory(): Promise; /** * Prettify and display something to the console. * * This is only intended to be used during debugging. * * @param {Object|Array} object - an object or array to be stringifyed * @returns {undefined} - no return value */ export declare function jlog(object: unknown): void; //# sourceMappingURL=test-utils.d.ts.map