import * as assert from 'assert'; import * as sinon from 'sinon'; import {run} from '../src/index'; import {setAdapt} from '../src/adapt'; import xs, {Stream} from 'xstream'; describe('run', function() { it('should be a function', function() { assert.strictEqual(typeof run, 'function'); }); it('should throw if first argument is not a function', function() { assert.throws(() => { (run as any)('not a function'); }, /First argument given to Cycle must be the 'main' function/i); }); it('should throw if second argument is not an object', function() { assert.throws(() => { (run as any)(() => {}, 'not an object'); }, /Second argument given to Cycle must be an object with driver functions/i); }); it('should throw if second argument is an empty object', function() { assert.throws(() => { (run as any)(() => {}, {}); }, /Second argument given to Cycle must be an object with at least one/i); }); it('should return a dispose function', function() { const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); const spy = sandbox.spy(); type NiceSources = { other: Stream; }; type NiceSinks = { other: Stream; }; function app(sources: NiceSources): NiceSinks { return { other: sources.other.take(1).startWith('a'), }; } function driver() { return xs.of('b').debug(spy); } const dispose = run(app, {other: driver}); assert.strictEqual(typeof dispose, 'function'); sinon.assert.calledOnce(spy); dispose(); }); it('should support driver that asynchronously subscribes to sink', function(done) { function app(sources: any): any { return { foo: xs.of(10), }; } const expected = [10]; function driver(sink: Stream): Stream { const buffer: Array = []; sink.addListener({ next: x => { buffer.push(x); }, }); setTimeout(() => { while (buffer.length > 0) { const x = buffer.shift(); assert.strictEqual(x, expected.shift()); } sink.subscribe({ next(x) { assert.strictEqual(x, expected.shift()); }, error() {}, complete() {}, }); }); return xs.never(); } run(app, {foo: driver}); setTimeout(() => { assert.strictEqual(expected.length, 0); done(); }, 100); }); it('should forbid cross-driver synchronous races (#592)', function(done) { this.timeout(4000); function child(sources: any, num: number) { const vdom$ = sources.HTTP // .select('cat') // .flatten() .map((res: any) => .map((name: string) => 'My name is ' + name); const request$ = num === 1 ? xs.of({ category: 'cat', url: '', }) : xs.never(); return { HTTP: request$, DOM: vdom$, }; } function mainHTTPThenDOM(sources: any) { const sinks$ = xs .periodic(100) .take(6) .map(i => { if (i % 2 === 1) { return child(sources, i); } else { return { HTTP: xs.empty(), DOM: xs.of(''), }; } }); // order of sinks is important to reproduce the bug return { HTTP: sinks$.map(sinks => sinks.HTTP).flatten(), DOM: sinks$.map(sinks => sinks.DOM).flatten(), }; } function mainDOMThenHTTP(sources: any) { const sinks$ = xs .periodic(100) .take(6) .map(i => { if (i % 2 === 1) { return child(sources, i); } else { return { HTTP: xs.empty(), DOM: xs.of(''), }; } }); // order of sinks is important to reproduce the bug return { DOM: sinks$.map(sinks => sinks.DOM).flatten(), HTTP: sinks$.map(sinks => sinks.HTTP).flatten(), }; } let requestsSent = 0; const expectedDOMSinks = [ /* HTTP then DOM: */ '', 'My name is Louis', '', '', /* DOM then HTTP: */ '', 'My name is Louis', '', '', ]; function domDriver(sink: Stream) { sink.addListener({ next: s => { assert.strictEqual(s, expectedDOMSinks.shift()); }, error: (err: any) => {}, }); } function httpDriver(sink: Stream) { const source = => ({body: {name: 'Louis'}})); source.addListener({ next: x => {}, error: (err: any) => {}, }); return source.debug(x => { requestsSent += 1; }); } // HTTP then DOM: const dispose = run(mainHTTPThenDOM, { HTTP: httpDriver, DOM: domDriver, }); setTimeout(() => { assert.strictEqual(expectedDOMSinks.length, 4); assert.strictEqual(requestsSent, 1); dispose(); // DOM then HTTP: run(mainDOMThenHTTP, { HTTP: httpDriver, DOM: domDriver, }); setTimeout(() => { assert.strictEqual(expectedDOMSinks.length, 0); assert.strictEqual(requestsSent, 2); done(); }, 1000); }, 1000); }); it('should report errors from main() in the console', function(done) { const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); sandbox.stub(console, 'error'); function main(sources: any): any { return { other: sources.other .take(1) .startWith('a') .map(() => { throw new Error('malfunction'); }), }; } function driver(sink: Stream) { sink.addListener({ next: () => {}, error: (err: any) => {}, }); return xs.of('b'); } let caught = false; try { run(main, {other: driver}); } catch (e) { caught = true; } setTimeout(() => { sinon.assert.calledOnce(console.error as any); sinon.assert.calledWithExactly( console.error as any, sinon.match((err: any) => err.message === 'malfunction') ); // Should be false because the error was already reported in the console. // Otherwise we would have double reporting of the error. assert.strictEqual(caught, false); sandbox.restore(); done(); }, 80); }); it('should call DevTool internal function to pass sinks', function() { let window: any; if (typeof global === 'object') { (global as any).window = {}; window = (global as any).window; } const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); const spy = sandbox.spy(); window.CyclejsDevTool_startGraphSerializer = spy; function app(ext: any): any { return { other: ext.other.take(1).startWith('a'), }; } function driver() { return xs.of('b'); } run(app, {other: driver}); sinon.assert.calledOnce(spy); }); it('should adapt() a simple source (stream)', function(done) { let appCalled = false; function app(sources: any): any { assert.strictEqual(typeof sources.other, 'string'); assert.strictEqual(sources.other, 'this is adapted'); appCalled = true; return { other: xs.of(1, 2, 3), }; } function driver(sink: Stream) { return xs.of(10, 20, 30); } setAdapt(stream => 'this is adapted'); run(app, {other: driver}); setAdapt(x => x); assert.strictEqual(appCalled, true); done(); }); it('should support sink-only drivers', function(done) { function app(sources: any): any { return { other: xs.of(1, 2, 3), }; } let driverCalled = false; function driver(sink: Stream) { assert.strictEqual(typeof sink, 'object'); assert.strictEqual(typeof sink.fold, 'function'); driverCalled = true; } run(app, {other: driver}); assert.strictEqual(driverCalled, true); done(); }); it('should not adapt() sinks', function(done) { function app(sources: any): any { return { other: xs.of(1, 2, 3), }; } let driverCalled = false; function driver(sink: Stream) { assert.strictEqual(typeof sink, 'object'); assert.strictEqual(typeof sink.fold, 'function'); driverCalled = true; return xs.of(10, 20, 30); } setAdapt(stream => 'this not a stream'); run(app, {other: driver}); setAdapt(x => x); assert.strictEqual(driverCalled, true); done(); }); });