import { storiesOf } from "@storybook/react"; import * as React from "react"; import {Card, message } from "../"; import {Timeline} from "../components/Timeline"; storiesOf("Timeline", module).add("Examples", () => (

Default Timeline

Create a services site 2015-09-01 Solve initial network problems 2015-09-01 Technical testing 2015-09-01 Network problems being solved 2015-09-01

Setting type="card" for timeline gives d4sd timeline

Best to use the Card component inside a Timeline.item

Prelim Submissions


Interactive timelime items and with pretext on left of item

The left side of the timeline is the left most point of all the circles

FEB 4 -
FEB 20}>

Prelim Submissions

More things in one item

MAR 1-
MAR 20}>

Hover over me!

MAR 20-
MAR 29}>

Hover over me as well!

extended bars to fill space

Prelim Submissions

More things in one item

Hover over me!

Hover over me as well!

)); // example of interactive timeline const MessageTimeline = (props: any) => { const handleHover = () => { message.success("Hovered"); } return {props.children} }